sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 10.2

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 10.2

The Book of the Tens

Chapter One



“Purato pacchato vāpi,
If no-one else is found

aparo ce na vijjati;
in front or behind,

Atīva phāsu bhavati,
it’s extremely pleasant

ekassa vasato vane.
to be dwelling alone in a forest grove.

Handa eko gamissāmi,
Come now, I’ll go alone

araññaṁ buddhavaṇṇitaṁ;
to the wilderness praised by the Buddha.

Phāsu ekavihārissa,
It’s pleasant for a mendicant

pahitattassa bhikkhuno.
to be dwelling alone and resolute.

Yogi-pītikaraṁ rammaṁ,
Alone and self-disciplined,

I’ll quickly enter the delightful forest,

Eko attavasī khippaṁ,
which gives joy to meditators,

pavisissāmi kānanaṁ.
and is frequented by rutting elephants.

Supupphite sītavane,
In Sītavana, so full of flowers,

sītale girikandare;
in a cool mountain cave,

Gattāni parisiñcitvā,
I’ll bathe my limbs

caṅkamissāmi ekako.
and walk mindfully alone.

Ekākiyo adutiyo,
When will I dwell alone,

ramaṇīye mahāvane;
without a companion,

Kadāhaṁ viharissāmi,
in the great wood, so delightful,

katakicco anāsavo.
my task complete, free of defilements?

Evaṁ me kattukāmassa,
This is what I want to do:

adhippāyo samijjhatu;
may my wish succeed!

I’ll make it happen myself,

nāñño aññassa kārako.
for no-one can do another’s duty.

Esa bandhāmi sannāhaṁ,
Fastening my armor,

pavisissāmi kānanaṁ;
I’ll enter the forest.

Na tato nikkhamissāmi,
I won’t leave

appatto āsavakkhayaṁ.
without attaining the end of defilements.

Mālute upavāyante,
As the cool breeze blows

sīte surabhigandhike;
with fragrant scent,

Avijjaṁ dālayissāmi,
I’ll split ignorance apart,

nisinno nagamuddhani.
sitting on the mountain-peak.

Vane kusumasañchanne,
In a forest grove covered with blossoms,

pabbhāre nūna sītale;
in a cave so very cool,

Vimuttisukhena sukhito,
I take pleasure in the Mountainfold,

ramissāmi giribbaje.
happy with the happiness of freedom.

Sohaṁ paripuṇṇasaṅkappo,
I’ve got all I wished for

cando pannaraso yathā;
like the moon on the fifteenth day.

With the utter ending of all defilements,

natthi dāni punabbhavo”ti.
now there’ll be no more future lives.

… Ekavihāriyo thero ….