sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 10.3

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 10.3

The Book of the Tens

Chapter One



“Anāgataṁ yo paṭikacca passati,
If you’re prepared for the future,

Hitañca atthaṁ ahitañca taṁ dvayaṁ;
both the good and the bad,

Viddesino tassa hitesino vā,
then those, whether enemies or well-wishers,

Randhaṁ na passanti samekkhamānā.
who examine you for weakness will see none.

Ānāpānasatī yassa,
One who has fulfilled, developed,

paripuṇṇā subhāvitā;
and gradually consolidated

Anupubbaṁ paricitā,
mindfulness of breathing

yathā buddhena desitā;
as it was taught by the Buddha:

Somaṁ lokaṁ pabhāseti,
they light up the world,

abbhā muttova candimā.
like the moon freed from a cloud.

Odātaṁ vata me cittaṁ,
Yes, my mind is clean,

appamāṇaṁ subhāvitaṁ;
limitless and well-developed;

Nibbiddhaṁ paggahītañca,
it has broken through and been uplifted—

sabbā obhāsate disā.
it radiates in every direction.

Jīvate vāpi sappañño,
A wise person lives on

api vittaparikkhayo;
even after loss of wealth;

Paññāya ca alābhena,
but without gaining wisdom,

vittavāpi na jīvati.
even a rich person doesn’t really live.

Paññā sutavinicchinī,
Wisdom questions what is learned;

Paññā kittisilokavaddhanī;
wisdom grows fame and reputation;

Paññāsahito naro idha,
a person who has wisdom

Api dukkhesu sukhāni vindati.
finds happiness even among sufferings.

Nāyaṁ ajjatano dhammo,
It’s not a teaching just for today;

nacchero napi abbhuto;
it isn’t incredible or amazing.

Yattha jāyetha mīyetha,
When you’re born, you die—

tattha kiṁ viya abbhutaṁ.
what’s amazing about that?

Anantaraṁ hi jātassa,
For anyone who is born,

jīvitā maraṇaṁ dhuvaṁ;
death always follows after life.

Jātā jātā marantīdha,
Everyone who is born here dies here;

evaṁdhammā hi pāṇino.
such is the nature of living creatures.

Na hetadatthāya matassa hoti,
The things that are useful for the living

Yaṁ jīvitatthaṁ paraporisānaṁ;
are of no use for the dead—not fame, not celebrity,

Matamhi ruṇṇaṁ na yaso na lokyaṁ,
not praise by ascetics and brahmins.

Na vaṇṇitaṁ samaṇabrāhmaṇehi.
For the dead, there is only weeping.

Cakkhuṁ sarīraṁ upahanti tena,
And weeping impairs the eye and the body;

Nihīyati vaṇṇabalaṁ matī ca;
complexion, health, and intelligence decline.

Ānandino tassa disā bhavanti,
Your enemies rejoice;

Hitesino nāssa sukhī bhavanti.
but your well-wishers are not happy.

Tasmā hi iccheyya kule vasante,
So you should wish that those who stay in your family

Medhāvino ceva bahussute ca;
have intelligence and learning,

Yesaṁ hi paññāvibhavena kiccaṁ,
and do their duty through the power of wisdom,

Taranti nāvāya nadiṁva puṇṇan”ti.
just as you’d cross a full river by boat.

… Mahākappino thero ….