sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 10.4

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 10.4

The Book of the Tens

Chapter One



“Dandhā mayhaṁ gatī āsi,
My progress was slow,

paribhūto pure ahaṁ;
I was despised in the past.

Bhātā ca maṁ paṇāmesi,
Even my brother turned me away,

‘gaccha dāni tuvaṁ gharaṁ’.
saying, “Go home now.”

Sohaṁ paṇāmito santo,
Turned away at the gate

saṅghārāmassa koṭṭhake;
of the Saṅgha’s monastery,

Dummano tattha aṭṭhāsiṁ,
I stood there sadly,

sāsanasmiṁ apekkhavā.
longing for the dispensation.

Bhagavā tattha āgacchi,
Then the Buddha came

sīsaṁ mayhaṁ parāmasi;
and touched my head.

Bāhāya maṁ gahetvāna,
Taking me by the arm,

saṅghārāmaṁ pavesayi.
he brought me into the Saṅgha’s monastery.

Anukampāya me satthā,
The Teacher, out of compassion,

pādāsi pādapuñchaniṁ;
gave me a foot-wiping cloth, saying:

‘Etaṁ suddhaṁ adhiṭṭhehi,
“Focus your awareness

ekamantaṁ svadhiṭṭhitaṁ’.
exclusively on this clean cloth.”

Tassāhaṁ vacanaṁ sutvā,
After hearing his words,

vihāsiṁ sāsane rato;
I happily did his bidding.

Samādhiṁ paṭipādesiṁ,
I practiced meditative immersion

uttamatthassa pattiyā.
for the attainment of the highest goal.

Pubbenivāsaṁ jānāmi,
I know my past lives,

dibbacakkhu visodhitaṁ;
my clairvoyance is clarified;

Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
I’ve attained the three knowledges,

kataṁ buddhassa sāsanaṁ.
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

I, Panthaka, created a thousand

nimminitvāna panthako;
images of myself,

Nisīdambavane ramme,
and sat in the delightful mango grove

yāva kālappavedanā.
until the time for the meal offering was announced.

Tato me satthā pāhesi,
Then the teacher sent to me

dūtaṁ kālappavedakaṁ;
a messenger to announce the time.

Paveditamhi kālamhi,
When the time was announced,

I flew to him through the air.

Vanditvā satthuno pāde,
I paid homage at the teacher’s feet,

ekamantaṁ nisīdahaṁ;
and sat to one side.

Nisinnaṁ maṁ viditvāna,
When he knew I was seated,

atha satthā paṭiggahi.
the teacher received the offering.

Āyāgo sabbalokassa,
Recipient of gifts from the whole world,

āhutīnaṁ paṭiggaho;
receiver of sacrifices,

Puññakkhettaṁ manussānaṁ,
field of merit for humanity,

paṭiggaṇhittha dakkhiṇan”ti.
he received the religious donation.

… Cūḷapanthako thero ….