sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 10.7

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 10.7

The Book of the Tens

Chapter One

(Apara) Gotamattheragāthā

Another Gotama

“Vijāneyya sakaṁ atthaṁ,
You should understand your own purpose,

Avalokeyyātha pāvacanaṁ;
and consider the dispensation carefully,

Yañcettha assa patirūpaṁ,
as well as what’s appropriate

Sāmaññaṁ ajjhupagatassa.
for one who has entered the ascetic life.

Mittaṁ idha ca kalyāṇaṁ,
Good friendship in the community,

Sikkhā vipulaṁ samādānaṁ;
undertaking plenty of training,

Sussūsā ca garūnaṁ,
eagerness to learn from the teachers—

Etaṁ samaṇassa patirūpaṁ.
this is appropriate for an ascetic.

Buddhesu sagāravatā,
Respect for the Buddha,

Dhamme apaciti yathābhūtaṁ;
reverence for the Dhamma as it really is,

Saṅghe ca cittikāro,
esteem for the Saṅgha—

Etaṁ samaṇassa patirūpaṁ.
this is appropriate for an ascetic.

Ācāragocare yutto,
Commitment to good conduct and alms-resort,

Ājīvo sodhito agārayho;
a livelihood that is pure and blameless,

Cittassa ca saṇṭhapanaṁ,
and stilling the mind—

Etaṁ samaṇassa patirūpaṁ.
this is appropriate for an ascetic.

Cārittaṁ atha vārittaṁ,
An impressive deportment <j>in things that should be done,

Iriyāpathiyaṁ pasādaniyaṁ;
and in those better avoided;

Adhicitte ca āyogo,
commitment to the higher mind—

Etaṁ samaṇassa patirūpaṁ.
this is appropriate for an ascetic.

Āraññakāni senāsanāni,
Wilderness lodgings,

Pantāni appasaddāni;
remote and quiet,

Bhajitabbāni muninā,
fit for use by a sage—

Etaṁ samaṇassa patirūpaṁ.
this is appropriate for an ascetic.

Sīlañca bāhusaccañca,
Ethics, learning,

Dhammānaṁ pavicayo yathābhūtaṁ;
investigation of teachings in line with the truth,

Saccānaṁ abhisamayo,
and penetration of the truths—

Etaṁ samaṇassa patirūpaṁ.
this is appropriate for an ascetic.

Bhāveyya ca aniccanti,
Developing the perceptions

Anattasaññaṁ asubhasaññañca;
of impermanence, non-self, and unattractiveness,

Lokamhi ca anabhiratiṁ,
and dissatisfaction with the whole world—

Etaṁ samaṇassa patirūpaṁ.
this is appropriate for an ascetic.

Bhāveyya ca bojjhaṅge,
Developing the awakening factors,

Iddhipādāni indriyāni balāni;
the bases for psychic power, the faculties and powers,

and the noble eightfold path—

Etaṁ samaṇassa patirūpaṁ.
this is appropriate for an ascetic.

Taṇhaṁ pajaheyya muni,
A sage should abandon craving,

Samūlake āsave padāleyya;
defilements shattered, root and all,

Vihareyya vippamutto,
they should live liberated—

Etaṁ samaṇassa patirūpan”ti.
this is appropriate for an ascetic.

… Gotamo thero …

Dasakanipāto niṭṭhito.


Kāḷudāyī ca so thero,

ekavihārī ca kappino;

Cūḷapanthako kappo ca,

upaseno ca gotamo;

Sattime dasake therā,

gāthāyo cettha sattatīti.