sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 12.1

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 12.1

The Book of the Twelves

Chapter One



“Sīlamevidha sikkhetha,
One should train just in ethical conduct,

asmiṁ loke susikkhitaṁ;
for in this world, when ethical conduct is

Sīlañhi sabbasampattiṁ,
cultivated and well-trained,

upanāmeti sevitaṁ.
it provides all success.

Sīlaṁ rakkheyya medhāvī,
Wishing for three kinds of happiness—

patthayāno tayo sukhe;
praise, prosperity,

Pasaṁsaṁ vittilābhañca,
and to delight in heaven after passing away—

pecca sagge pamodanaṁ.
the wise would take care of their ethics.

Sīlavā hi bahū mitte,
The well-behaved have many friends,

because of their self-restraint.

Dussīlo pana mittehi,
But one lacking ethics, of bad conduct,

dhaṁsate pāpamācaraṁ.
drives away their friends.

Avaṇṇañca akittiñca,
A person whose ethics are bad has

dussīlo labhate naro;
ill-repute and infamy.

Vaṇṇaṁ kittiṁ pasaṁsañca,
A person whose conduct is ethical always has

sadā labhati sīlavā.
a good reputation, fame, and praise.

Ādi sīlaṁ patiṭṭhā ca,
Ethical conduct is the starting point and foundation;

kalyāṇānañca mātukaṁ;
the mother at the head

Pamukhaṁ sabbadhammānaṁ,
of all good things:

tasmā sīlaṁ visodhaye.
that’s why you should purify your ethics.

Velā ca saṁvaraṁ sīlaṁ,
Ethics provide a boundary and a restraint,

cittassa abhihāsanaṁ;
an enjoyment for the mind;

Titthañca sabbabuddhānaṁ,
the ford where all the Buddhas cross over:

tasmā sīlaṁ visodhaye.
that’s why you should purify your ethics.

Sīlaṁ balaṁ appaṭimaṁ,
Ethics are the matchless power;

sīlaṁ āvudhamuttamaṁ;
ethics are the ultimate weapon;

Sīlamābharaṇaṁ seṭṭhaṁ,
ethics are the best ornament;

sīlaṁ kavacamabbhutaṁ.
ethics are a marvelous coat of armor.

Sīlaṁ setu mahesakkho,
Ethics are a mighty bridge;

sīlaṁ gandho anuttaro;
ethics are the unsurpassed scent;

Sīlaṁ vilepanaṁ seṭṭhaṁ,
ethics are the best perfume,

yena vāti disodisaṁ.
that float from place to place.

Sīlaṁ sambalamevaggaṁ,
Ethics are the best provision;

sīlaṁ pātheyyamuttamaṁ;
ethics are the unsurpassed supply for a journey;

Sīlaṁ seṭṭho ativāho,
ethics are the best vehicle

yena yāti disodisaṁ.
that take you from place to place.

Idheva nindaṁ labhati,
In this life they’re criticized;

peccāpāye ca dummano;
after departing they grieve in a lower realm;

Sabbattha dummano bālo,
a fool is unhappy everywhere,

sīlesu asamāhito.
because they are unsteady in ethics.

Idheva kittiṁ labhati,
In this life they’re renowned;

pecca sagge ca summano;
after departing they’re happy in heaven;

Sabbattha sumano dhīro,
a wise one is happy everywhere,

sīlesu susamāhito.
because they are steady in ethics.

Sīlameva idha aggaṁ,
Ethical conduct is best in this life,

paññavā pana uttamo;
but one with wisdom is supreme.

Manussesu ca devesu,
Someone with both virtue and wisdom

sīlapaññāṇato jayan”ti.
is victorious among men and gods.

… Sīlavo thero ….