sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 12.2

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 12.2

The Book of the Twelves

Chapter One



“Nīce kulamhi jātohaṁ,
I was born in a low-class family.

daliddo appabhojano;
We were poor, with little to eat.

Hīnakammaṁ mamaṁ āsi,
My job was lowly—

ahosiṁ pupphachaḍḍako.
I threw out the old flowers.

Jigucchito manussānaṁ,
Shunned by people,

paribhūto ca vambhito;
I was disregarded and held in contempt.

Nīcaṁ manaṁ karitvāna,
I humbled my heart

vandissaṁ bahukaṁ janaṁ.
and paid respects to many people.

Athaddasāsiṁ sambuddhaṁ,
Then I saw the Buddha

at the fore of the mendicant Saṅgha;

Pavisantaṁ mahāvīraṁ,
the great hero

magadhānaṁ puruttamaṁ.
was entering the capital city of Magadhā.

Nikkhipitvāna byābhaṅgiṁ,
I dropped my flail

vandituṁ upasaṅkamiṁ;
and approached to pay homage.

Mameva anukampāya,
Out of compassion for me,

aṭṭhāsi purisuttamo.
the supreme man stood still.

Vanditvā satthuno pāde,
When I had paid homage at the Teacher’s feet,

ekamantaṁ ṭhito tadā;
I stood to one side

Pabbajjaṁ ahamāyāciṁ,
and asked the supreme being

for the going-forth.

Tato kāruṇiko satthā,
Then the Teacher, being sympathetic,

and having compassion for the whole world,

‘Ehi bhikkhū’ti maṁ āha,
said to me, “Come, monk!”

sā me āsūpasampadā.
That was my ordination.

Sohaṁ eko araññasmiṁ,
Staying alone in the wilderness,

viharanto atandito;
meditating tirelessly,

Akāsiṁ satthu vacanaṁ,
I have completed what the Teacher taught,

yathā maṁ ovadī jino.
just as the victor advised me.

Rattiyā paṭhamaṁ yāmaṁ,
In the first watch of the night,

I recollected my past lives.

Rattiyā majjhimaṁ yāmaṁ,
In the middle watch of the night,

Dibbacakkhuṁ visodhayiṁ;
I purified my clairvoyance.

Rattiyā pacchime yāme,
In the last watch of the night,

Tamokhandhaṁ padālayiṁ.
I shattered the mass of darkness.

Tato ratyā vivasāne,
At the end of the night,

sūriyassuggamanaṁ pati;
as the sunrise drew near,

Indo brahmā ca āgantvā,
Indra and Brahmā came

maṁ namassiṁsu pañjalī.
and revered me with joined hands.

‘Namo te purisājañña,
“Homage to you, O thoroughbred!

namo te purisuttama;
Homage to you, supreme among men!

Yassa te āsavā khīṇā,
Since your defilements are ended,

dakkhiṇeyyosi mārisa’.
you, sir, are worthy of a religious donation.”

Tato disvāna maṁ satthā,
When he saw me honored

by the assembly of gods,

Sitaṁ pātukaritvāna,
the teacher smiled

imamatthaṁ abhāsatha.
and said the following:

‘Tapena brahmacariyena,
“By fervor and spiritual practice,

saṁyamena damena ca;
by restraint and by self-control:

Etena brāhmaṇo hoti,
that’s how to become a brahmin,

etaṁ brāhmaṇamuttaman’”ti.
this is the supreme brahmin.”

… Sunīto thero …

Dvādasakanipāto niṭṭhito.


Sīlavā ca sunīto ca,

therā dve te mahiddhikā;

Dvādasamhi nipātamhi,

gāthāyo catuvīsatīti.