sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 14.1

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 14.1

The Book of the Fourteens

Chapter One


Revata of the Acacia Wood

“Yadā ahaṁ pabbajito,
Since I’ve gone forth

from the lay life to homelessness,

Nābhijānāmi saṅkappaṁ,
I’m not aware of any intention

anariyaṁ dosasaṁhitaṁ.
that is ignoble and hateful.

‘Ime haññantu vajjhantu,
“May these beings be killed!

dukkhaṁ pappontu pāṇino’;
May they be slaughtered! May they suffer!”—

Saṅkappaṁ nābhijānāmi,
I’m not aware of having any such intentions

imasmiṁ dīghamantare.
in all this long while.

Mettañca abhijānāmi,
I have been aware of loving-kindness,

appamāṇaṁ subhāvitaṁ;
limitless and well-developed;

Anupubbaṁ paricitaṁ,
gradually consolidated

yathā buddhena desitaṁ.
as it was taught by the Buddha.

Sabbamitto sabbasakho,
I’m friend and comrade to all,

compassionate for all beings!

Mettacittañca bhāvemi,
I develop a mind of love,

abyāpajjarato sadā.
always delighting in harmlessness.

Asaṁhīraṁ asaṅkuppaṁ,
Unfaltering, unshakable,

cittaṁ āmodayāmahaṁ;
I gladden the mind.

Brahmavihāraṁ bhāvemi,
I develop a divine meditation,

which sinners do not cultivate.

Avitakkaṁ samāpanno,
When in a meditation free of placing the mind,

a disciple of the Buddha

Ariyena tuṇhībhāvena,
is at that moment blessed

upeto hoti tāvade.
with noble silence.

Yathāpi pabbato selo,
As a rocky mountain

acalo suppatiṭṭhito;
is unwavering and well grounded,

Evaṁ mohakkhayā bhikkhu,
so when delusion ends,

pabbatova na vedhati.
a monk, like a mountain, doesn’t tremble.

Anaṅgaṇassa posassa,
To the man who has not a blemish

niccaṁ sucigavesino;
who is always seeking purity,

Vālaggamattaṁ pāpassa,
even a hair-tip of evil

abbhamattaṁva khāyati.
seems as big as a cloud.

Nagaraṁ yathā paccantaṁ,
As a frontier city

guttaṁ santarabāhiraṁ;
is guarded inside and out,

Evaṁ gopetha attānaṁ,
so you should ward yourselves—

khaṇo vo mā upaccagā.
don’t let the moment pass you by.

Nābhinandāmi maraṇaṁ,
I don’t long for death;

nābhinandāmi jīvitaṁ;
I don’t long for life;

Kālañca paṭikaṅkhāmi,
I await my time,

nibbisaṁ bhatako yathā.
like a worker waiting for their wages.

Nābhinandāmi maraṇaṁ,
I don’t long for death;

… pe
I don’t long for life;

I await my time,

sampajāno patissato.
aware and mindful.

Pariciṇṇo mayā satthā,
I’ve served the teacher

kataṁ buddhassa sāsanaṁ;
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

Ohito garuko bhāro,
The heavy burden is laid down,

bhavanetti samūhatā.
the conduit to rebirth is eradicated.

Yassa catthāya pabbajito,
I’ve attained the goal

for the sake of which I went forth

So me attho anuppatto,
from the lay life to homelessness—

the ending of all fetters.

Persist with diligence:

esā me anusāsanī;
this is my instruction.

Handāhaṁ parinibbissaṁ,
Come, I’ll be fully extinguished—

vippamuttomhi sabbadhī”ti.
I’m liberated in every way.

… Khadiravaniyarevato thero ….