sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 16.7

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 16.7

The Book of the Twenties

Chapter One



“Yātaṁ me hatthigīvāya,
I rode on an elephant’s neck,

sukhumā vatthā padhāritā;
wearing luxurious clothes.

Sālīnaṁ odano bhutto,
I ate rice congee

with pure meat sauce.

Sojja bhaddo sātatiko,
Today I am fortunate, persistent,

uñchāpattāgate rato;
happy with the scraps in my bowl:

Jhāyati anupādāno,
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

putto godhāya bhaddiyo.
practices absorption without grasping.

Paṁsukūlī sātatiko,
Wearing rags, persistent,

uñchāpattāgate rato;
happy with the scraps in my bowl:

Jhāyati anupādāno,
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

putto godhāya bhaddiyo.
practices absorption without grasping.

Piṇḍapātī sātatiko,
Living on almsfood, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Tecīvarī sātatiko,
Possessing only three robes, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Sapadānacārī sātatiko,
Wandering for alms indiscriminately, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Ekāsanī sātatiko,
Sitting alone, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Pattapiṇḍī sātatiko,
Eating only what’s put in the alms-bowl, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Khalupacchābhattī sātatiko,
Never eating too late, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Āraññiko sātatiko,
Living in the wilderness, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Rukkhamūliko sātatiko,
Living at the foot of a tree, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Abbhokāsī sātatiko,
Living in the open, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Sosāniko sātatiko,
Living in a charnel ground, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Yathāsanthatiko sātatiko,
Accepting whatever seat is offered, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Nesajjiko sātatiko,
Not lying down to sleep, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Appiccho sātatiko,
Few in wishes, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Santuṭṭho sātatiko,
Content, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Pavivitto sātatiko,
Secluded, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Asaṁsaṭṭho sātatiko,
Aloof, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Āraddhavīriyo sātatiko,
Energetic, persistent,

happy with the scraps in my bowl:

pe …
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

practices absorption without grasping.

Hitvā satapalaṁ kaṁsaṁ,
Giving up a valuable bronze bowl,

sovaṇṇaṁ satarājikaṁ;
and a precious golden one, too,

Aggahiṁ mattikāpattaṁ,
I took a bowl made of clay:

idaṁ dutiyābhisecanaṁ.
this is my second initiation.

Ucce maṇḍalipākāre,
I used to live in a citadel with walls so high,

with battlements strong and gates,

Rakkhito khaggahatthehi,
all guarded by swordsmen—

uttasaṁ vihariṁ pure.
and yet I trembled with fear.

Sojja bhaddo anutrāsī,
Today I am fortunate, free of cowardice,

with fear and dread given up.

Jhāyati vanamoggayha,
Bhaddiya son of Godhā

putto godhāya bhaddiyo.
has plunged into the forest and practices absorption.

Sīlakkhandhe patiṭṭhāya,
Established in the entire spectrum of ethics,

satiṁ paññañca bhāvayaṁ;
developing the mind and wisdom,

Pāpuṇiṁ anupubbena,
gradually I attained

the ending of all fetters.

… Bhaddiyo kāḷigodhāya putto thero ….