sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 16.9

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 16.9

The Book of the Twenties

Chapter One



“Pahāya mātāpitaro,
Leaving my mother and father behind,

bhaginī ñātibhātaro;
as well as sisters, kinsmen, and brothers;

Pañca kāmaguṇe hitvā,
having given up the five sensual titillations,

anuruddhova jhāyati.
Anuruddha practices absorption.

Sameto naccagītehi,
Surrounded by song and dance,

awakened by cymbals and gongs,

Na tena suddhimajjhagaṁ,
he did not find purification

mārassa visaye rato.
while delighting in Māra’s domain.

Etañca samatikkamma,
But he has gone beyond all that,

rato buddhassa sāsane;
and delights in the Buddha’s teaching.

Sabboghaṁ samatikkamma,
Having crossed over the entire flood,

anuruddhova jhāyati.
Anuruddha practices absorption.

Rūpā saddā rasā gandhā,
Sights, sounds, tastes, smells,

phoṭṭhabbā ca manoramā;
and touches so delightful:

Ete ca samatikkamma,
having crossed over these as well,

anuruddhova jhāyati.
Anuruddha practices absorption.

Returning from almsround,

eko adutiyo muni;
alone, without companion,

Esati paṁsukūlāni,
seeking rags from the dust heap,

anuruddho anāsavo.
Anuruddha is without defilements.

Vicinī aggahī dhovi,
The thoughtful sage

rajayī dhārayī muni;
selected rags from the dust heap;

Paṁsukūlāni matimā,
he picked them up, washed, dyed, and wore them;

anuruddho anāsavo.
Anuruddha is without defilements.

Mahiccho ca asantuṭṭho,
The principles of someone

saṁsaṭṭho yo ca uddhato;
who has many wishes and is not content,

Tassa dhammā ime honti,
who socializes and is conceited,

pāpakā saṅkilesikā.
are wicked and corrupting.

Sato ca hoti appiccho,
But someone who is mindful, few of wishes,

santuṭṭho avighātavā;
content and untroubled,

Pavivekarato vitto,
delighting in seclusion, joyful,

always resolute and energetic;

Tassa dhammā ime honti,
their principles are skillful,

kusalā bodhipakkhikā;
leading to awakening;

Anāsavo ca so hoti,
they are without defilements—

iti vuttaṁ mahesinā.
so said the great seer.

Mama saṅkappamaññāya,
“Knowing my thoughts,

satthā loke anuttaro;
the supreme Teacher in the world

Manomayena kāyena,
came to me in a mind-made body,

iddhiyā upasaṅkami.
using his psychic power.

Yadā me ahu saṅkappo,
He taught me more

tato uttari desayi;
than I had thought of.

Nippapañcarato buddho,
The Buddha who loves non-proliferation

taught me non-proliferation.

Tassāhaṁ dhammamaññāya,
Understanding that teaching,

vihāsiṁ sāsane rato;
I happily did his bidding.

Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
I’ve attained the three knowledges,

kataṁ buddhassa sāsanaṁ.
and have fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

For the last fifty-five years

yato nesajjiko ahaṁ;
I have not lain down to sleep.

Twenty-five years have passed

yato middhaṁ samūhataṁ.
since I eradicated drowsiness.”

Nāhu assāsapassāsā,
“There was no more breathing

ṭhitacittassa tādino;
for the poised one of steady heart.

Anejo santimārabbha,
Imperturbable, committed to peace,

cakkhumā parinibbuto.
the Clear-eyed One became fully extinguished.

Asallīnena cittena,
He put up with painful feelings

vedanaṁ ajjhavāsayi;
without flinching.

Pajjotasseva nibbānaṁ,
The liberation of his heart

vimokkho cetaso ahu.
was like the extinguishing of a lamp.”

Ete pacchimakā dāni,
“Now these touches and the other four

munino phassapañcamā;
are the last to be experienced by the sage;

Nāññe dhammā bhavissanti,
nor will there be other phenomena

sambuddhe parinibbute.
since the Buddha became fully extinguished.

Natthi dāni punāvāso,
Weaver of the web in the company of the gods,

devakāyasmi jālini;
now there are no future lives.

Vikkhīṇo jātisaṁsāro,
Transmigration through births is finished,

natthi dāni punabbhavo.
now there’ll be no more future lives.”

Yassa muhuttena sahassadhā,
“Knowing in an hour the galaxy,

Loko saṁvidito sabrahmakappo;
together with the Brahmā realm;

Vasī iddhiguṇe cutūpapāte,
that mendicant, a master of psychic powers,

Kāle passati devatā sa bhikkhu.
knowing the passing away and rebirth of beings, <j>sees even the gods at that time.”

Annabhāro pure āsiṁ,
“In the past I was Annabhāra,

daliddo ghāsahārako;
a poor carrier of fodder.

Samaṇaṁ paṭipādesiṁ,
I practiced as an ascetic,

upariṭṭhaṁ yasassinaṁ.
the renowned Upariṭṭha.

Somhi sakyakule jāto,
Then I was reborn in the Sakyan clan,

anuruddhoti maṁ vidū;
where I was known as ‘Anuruddha’.

Upeto naccagītehi,
Surrounded by song and dance,

I was awakened by cymbals and gongs.

Athaddasāsiṁ sambuddhaṁ,
Then I saw the Buddha,

satthāraṁ akutobhayaṁ;
the Teacher, fearing nothing from any quarter;

Tasmiṁ cittaṁ pasādetvā,
filling my mind with confidence in him,

pabbajiṁ anagāriyaṁ.
I went forth to homelessness.

Pubbenivāsaṁ jānāmi,
I know my past lives,

yattha me vusitaṁ pure;
the places I used to live.

Tāvatiṁsesu devesu,
I was born as Sakka,

aṭṭhāsiṁ sakkajātiyā.
and stayed among the Thirty-Three gods.

Sattakkhattuṁ manussindo,
Seven times I was a king of men

ahaṁ rajjamakārayiṁ;
ruling a kingdom,

Cāturanto vijitāvī,
victorious in the four quarters,

jambusaṇḍassa issaro;
lord of all India.

Adaṇḍena asatthena,
Without rod or sword,

dhammena anusāsayiṁ.
I governed by principle.

Ito satta tato satta,
Seven from here, seven from there—

saṁsārāni catuddasa;
fourteen transmigrations in all.

I remember my past lives;

devaloke ṭhito tadā.
at that time I stayed in the realm of the gods.

Pañcaṅgike samādhimhi,
I have gained complete tranquility

sante ekodibhāvite;
in immersion with five factors.

Peaceful, serene,

dibbacakkhu visujjhi me.
my clairvoyance is purified.

Cutūpapātaṁ jānāmi,
Steady in five-factored absorption,

sattānaṁ āgatiṁ gatiṁ;
I know the passing away and rebirth of beings,

their coming and going,

jhāne pañcaṅgike ṭhito.
their lives in this state and that.

Pariciṇṇo mayā satthā,
I’ve served the teacher

… pe
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

The heavy burden is laid down,

bhavanetti samūhatā.
the conduit to rebirth is eradicated.

Vajjīnaṁ veḷuvagāme,
In the Vajjian village of Veḷuva,

ahaṁ jīvitasaṅkhayā;
my life will come to an end.

Heṭṭhato veḷugumbasmiṁ,
Beneath a thicket of bamboos,

nibbāyissaṁ anāsavo”ti.
being undefiled, I will be fully extinguished.”

… Anuruddho thero ….