sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 1.16

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 1.16

Chapter of the Ones
The Book of the Ones


Verses of the Elder Sumanā, Gone Forth in Old Age. Sumanā, Who Went Forth Late in Life

“Sukhaṁ tvaṁ vuḍḍhike sehi,
“Sleep comfortably, old one,
Sleep softly, old lady,

katvā coḷena pārutā;
wrapped in a rag.
wrapped in the cloth you sewed yourself;

Upasanto hi te rāgo,
Your passion has been appeased thus:
for your desire has been quelled,

sītibhūtāsi nibbutā”ti.
it has become cool and quenched.”
you’re cooled and quenched.

… Sumanā vuḍḍhapabbajitā therī ….
The Elder Sumanā, gone forth in old age.