sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 1.18

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 1.18

Chapter of the Ones
The Book of the Ones


Verses of the Elder Saṅghā Saṅghā

“Hitvā ghare pabbajitvā,
“I left behind the house and went forth.
I gave up my home, my child, my cattle,

hitvā puttaṁ pasuṁ piyaṁ;
I left behind child, cattle, and all that is dear.
and all that I love, and went forth.

Hitvā rāgañca dosañca,
I left behind passion and aversion,
And now that I’ve given up desire and hate,

avijjañca virājiya;
and I left behind ignorance—by means of dispassion.
dispelled ignorance,

Samūlaṁ taṇhamabbuyha,
Having pulled out craving by the roots,
and plucked out craving, root and all,

upasantāmhi nibbutā”ti.
I am quenched and at peace.”
I’m at peace, I’m quenched.

… Saṅghā therī ….
… The Elder Saṅghā

Ekakanipāto niṭṭhito.
The Chapter of the Ones is finished.