sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 2.8

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 2.8

Chapter of the Twos
The Book of the Twos


Verses of the Elder Abhayā To Abhayā’s Mother From Her Daughter

“Uddhaṁ pādatalā amma,
“Mother, I contemplated the body
My dear mother, I examined this body,

adho ve kesamatthakā;
from the soles of the feet
up from the soles of the feet,

Paccavekkhassumaṁ kāyaṁ,
all the way to the top of the head,
and down from the tips of the hairs,

asuciṁ pūtigandhikaṁ.
seeing it as impure and fetid.
so impure and foul-smelling.

Evaṁ viharamānāya,
Dwelling in this way,
Meditating like this,

sabbo rāgo samūhato;
I uprooted all passion
all my lust is eradicated.

Pariḷāho samucchinno,
and extinguished all heat:
The fever of passion is cut off,

sītibhūtāmhi nibbutā”ti.
I have become cool and quenched.”
I’m cooled and quenched.

… Abhayamātā therī ….
The Elder Abhayā