sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 2.10

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 2.10

Chapter of the Twos
The Book of the Twos


Verses of the Elder Sāmā Sāmā

“Catukkhattuṁ pañcakkhattuṁ,
“Four times, five times,
Four or five times

vihārā upanikkhamiṁ;
I went outside.
I left my dwelling.

Aladdhā cetaso santiṁ,
I had not attained peace of mind
I had failed to find peace of heart,

citte avasavattinī;
and I had no power over the mind.
or any control over my mind.

Tassā me aṭṭhamī ratti,
Amidst so much suffering,
Now it is the eighth night

yato taṇhā samūhatā.
I devoted myself to heedfulness.
since craving was eradicated.

Bahūhi dukkhadhammehi,
It’s now been the eighth night
Though subject to so many painful things,

appamādaratāya me;
since craving has been uprooted.
I have, through my love of diligence,

Taṇhakkhayo anuppatto,
I have obtained the destruction of craving
reached the ending of craving,

kataṁ buddhassa sāsanan”ti.
and completed the teaching of the Buddha.”
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

… Sāmā therī ….
… The Elder Sāmā

Dukanipāto niṭṭhito.
The Chapter of the Twos is finished.