sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 3.4

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 3.4

The Chapter of the Threes
The Book of the Threes


Verses of the Elder Dantikā Dantikā

“Divāvihārā nikkhamma,
“Having ventured out from my day’s abiding
Leaving my day’s meditation

gijjhakūṭamhi pabbate;
at Vulture’s Peak Mountain,
on Vulture’s Peak Mountain,

Nāgaṁ ogāhamuttiṇṇaṁ,
I saw an elephant going in and out
I saw an elephant on the riverbank

nadītīramhi addasaṁ.
the river by the shore.
having just come up from his bath.

Puriso aṅkusamādāya,
A man took a pole with a hook,
A man, taking a pole with a hook,

‘dehi pādan’ti yācati;
and said to him: ‘Hand me your foot.’
asked the elephant, “Give me your foot.”

Nāgo pasārayī pādaṁ,
The elephant held out his foot,
The elephant presented his foot,

puriso nāgamāruhi.
and the man mounted him.
and the man mounted him.

Disvā adantaṁ damitaṁ,
Once I saw the untamed tamed,
Seeing a wild beast so tamed,

manussānaṁ vasaṁ gataṁ;
brought under human control,
submitting to human control,

Tato cittaṁ samādhesiṁ,
from there I sought one-pointedness of mind—
my mind became serene:

khalu tāya vanaṁ gatā”ti.
this is why I went to the forest.”
<em>that</em> is why I’ve gone to the forest!

… Dantikā therī ….
The Elder Dantikā