sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 3.6

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 3.6

Chapter of the Threes
The Book of the Threes


Verses of the Elder Sukkā Sukkā

“Kiṁme katā rājagahe manussā,
“What are these people in Rājagaha doing?
“What’s up with these people in Rājagaha?

Madhuṁ pītāva acchare;
They are like drunken nymphs,
They sprawl like they’ve been drinking mead!

Ye sukkaṁ na upāsanti,
not bothering to sit near Sukkā,
They don’t attend on Sukkā

Desentiṁ buddhasāsanaṁ.
as she explains the Buddha’s teachings.
as she teaches the Buddha’s instructions.

Tañca appaṭivānīyaṁ,
That which counters craving
But the wise—

is like nectar,
it’s as if they drink it up,

Pivanti maññe sappaññā,
which the wise allow to seep in,
so irresistible, delicious and nutritious,

like rain falling on travelers.
like travelers enjoying a cool cloud.”

Sukkā sukkehi dhammehi,
Sukkā has such bright qualities—
“She’s known as Sukkā because of her bright qualities,

vītarāgā samāhitā;
she is free from passion, and has a collected mind.
free of greed, serene.

Dhāreti antimaṁ dehaṁ,
She carries her last body,
She bears her final body,

jetvā māraṁ savāhinin”ti.
having conquered Māra and his army.”
having vanquished Māra and his mount.”

… Sukkā therī ….
The Elder Sukkā