sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 5.7

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 5.7

Chapter of the Fives
The Book of the Fives


Verses of the Elder Sakulā Sakulā

“Agārasmiṁ vasantīhaṁ,
“I was a householder
While staying at home

dhammaṁ sutvāna bhikkhuno;
when I heard the Dhamma from a bhikkhu.
I heard the teaching from a monk.

Addasaṁ virajaṁ dhammaṁ,
I saw the stainless Dhamma,
I saw the stainless Dhamma,

nibbānaṁ padamaccutaṁ.
the path to Nirvana, that which never dies.
extinguishment, the imperishable state.

Sāhaṁ puttaṁ dhītarañca,
I left behind daughter and son,
Leaving behind my son and my daughter,

dhanadhaññañca chaḍḍiya;
wealth and grain.
my riches and my grain,

Kese chedāpayitvāna,
I had my hair cut off,
I had my hair cut off,

pabbajiṁ anagāriyaṁ.
and went forth into homelessness.
and went forth to homelessness.

Sikkhamānā ahaṁ santī,
I trained myself peacefully,
As a trainee nun,

bhāventī maggamañjasaṁ;
cultivating the path forward.
I developed the direct path.

Pahāsiṁ rāgadosañca,
I discarded passion and aversion,
I gave up greed and hate,

tadekaṭṭhe ca āsave.
and all other influences.
along with associated defilements.

Bhikkhunī upasampajja,
As an ordained bhikkhunī
When I was fully ordained as a nun,

I have remembered my previous lives.
I recollected my past lives,

Dibbacakkhu visodhitaṁ,
My divine eye is purified,
and purified my clairvoyance,

vimalaṁ sādhubhāvitaṁ.
flawless, and well-developed.
immaculate and fully developed.

Saṅkhāre parato disvā,
I have seen formations as alien,
Conditions are born of causes, crumbling;

hetujāte palokite;
arisen due to conditions, and subject to decay.
having seen them as other,

Pahāsiṁ āsave sabbe,
I have eliminated all the influences,
I gave up all defilements,

sītibhūtāmhi nibbutā”ti.
I have become cool and quenched.”
I’m cooled and quenched.

… Sakulā therī ….
The Elder Sakulā