sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 13.1

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 13.1

The Chapter of the Twenties
The Book of the Twenties


Verses of the Elder Ambapālī Ambapālī

“Kāḷakā bhamaravaṇṇasādisā,
“Curly hair, black like the color of bees,
My hair was as black as bees,

Vellitaggā mama muddhajā ahuṁ;
sprang from this head of mine.
graced with curly tips;

Te jarāya sāṇavākasādisā,
Because of old age it is now like hemp-bark—
now old, it has become like hemp bark—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Vāsitova surabhī karaṇḍako,
A fragrance like a sweet-scented chest full of flowers,
Crowned with flowers,

Pupphapūra mama uttamaṅgajo;
sprang from this head of mine.
my head was as fragrant as a perfume box;

Taṁ jarāyatha salomagandhikaṁ,
Because of old age now it just smells like fur—
now old, it smells like dog fur—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Kānanaṁva sahitaṁ suropitaṁ,
Hair growing thick like a forest grove,
My hair was as thick as a well-planted forest,

made resplendent, and gathered at the top with comb and hairpins.
it shone, parted with brush and pins;

Taṁ jarāya viralaṁ tahiṁ tahiṁ,
Because of old age, it is now thinning here and there—
now old, it’s patchy and sparse—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Shining hair, adorned with plaits of black and gold,
With plaits of black and ribbons of gold,

Sobhate suveṇīhilaṅkataṁ;
arranged in beautiful braids.
it was so pretty, adorned with braids;

Taṁ jarāya khalitaṁ siraṁ kataṁ,
Because of old age my head has gone bald—
now old, my head’s gone bald—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Cittakārasukatāva lekhikā,
My eyebrows were such a splendor,
My eyebrows used to look so nice,

Sobhare su bhamukā pure mama;
so well done, as if drawn by a painter.
like crescents painted by an artist;

Tā jarāya valibhippalambitā,
Because of old age they are sagging and wrinkly—
now old, they droop with wrinkles—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Bhassarā surucirā yathā maṇī,
My large eyes were the best shade of blue,
My eyes shone brilliant as gems,

as radiant and splendid as gemstones.
wide and indigo;

Te jarāyabhihatā na sobhare,
Because of old age, they shine no more—
ruined by age, they shine no more—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Saṇhatuṅgasadisī ca nāsikā,
Smooth prominent incomparable nose,
My nose was like a perfect peak,

Sobhate su abhiyobbanaṁ pati;
shining at the peak of youth—
lovely in my bloom of youth;

Sā jarāya upakūlitā viya,
Because of old age it has withered,
now old, it’s shriveled like a pepper;

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Kaṅkaṇaṁva sukataṁ suniṭṭhitaṁ,
My earlobes were such a splendor,
My ear-lobes were so pretty,

Sobhare su mama kaṇṇapāḷiyo;
like bracelets well made from start to finish.
like lovingly crafted bracelets;

Tā jarāya valibhippalambitā,
Because of old age they are sagging and wrinkly—
now old, they droop with wrinkles—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

The color of a jasmine bud,
My teeth used to be so pretty,

Sobhare su dantā pure mama;
my teeth were so splendid.
bright as a jasmine flower;

Te jarāya khaṇḍitā cāsitā,
Because of old age they are broken and blackened—
now old, they’re broken and yellow—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Kānanamhi vanasaṇḍacārinī,
I had a sweet hum like a cuckoo,
My singing was sweet as a cuckoo

Kokilāva madhuraṁ nikūjihaṁ;
chirping in the forests and jungles.
wandering in the forest groves;

Taṁ jarāya khalitaṁ tahiṁ tahiṁ,
Because of old age it falters at times—
now old, it’s patchy and croaking—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Saṇhakamburiva suppamajjitā,
My neck looked beautiful in the past,
My neck used to be so pretty,

Sobhate su gīvā pure mama;
as smooth as a well polished conch-shell.
like a polished shell of conch;

Sā jarāya bhaggā vināmitā,
Because of old age it is twisted and broken—
now old, it’s bowed and bent—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Vaṭṭapalighasadisopamā ubho,
My arms were of such splendor,
My arms used to be so pretty,

Sobhare su bāhā pure mama;
both similar to round crossbars.
like rounded cross-bars;

Tā jarāya yatha pāṭalibbalitā,
Because of old age they are now like withered branches—
with age, they wrinkle and sag as a patala tree—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

My hands were of such splendor,
My hands used to be so pretty,

Sobhare su hatthā pure mama;
smooth and adorned with gold rings.
adorned with lovely golden rings;

Te jarāya yathā mūlamūlikā,
Because of old age they are now like gnarled roots—
now old, they’re like red radishes—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Pīnavaṭṭasahituggatā ubho,
My little breasts were of such splendor,
My breasts used to be so pretty,

Sobhare su thanakā pure mama;
plump, round, close together, and perky.
swelling, round, close, and high;

Thevikīva lambanti nodakā,
Like drops of water they now droop—
now they droop like water bags—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Kañcanassa phalakaṁva sammaṭṭhaṁ,
My body was of such splendor,
My body used to be so pretty,

Sobhate su kāyo pure mama;
smooth like a golden panel.
like a polished slab of gold;

So valīhi sukhumāhi otato,
Now it’s covered with fine wrinkles—
now it’s covered with fine wrinkles—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Nāgabhogasadisopamā ubho,
My thighs were of such splendor,
Both my thighs used to be so pretty,

Sobhare su ūrū pure mama;
both like the torso of a snake.
like an elephant’s trunk;

Te jarāya yathā veḷunāḷiyo,
Because of old age they are now like stalks of bamboo—
now old, they’re like bamboo—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

My calves were of such splendor,
My calves used to be so pretty,

Sobhare su jaṅghā pure mama;
adorned with exquisite gold anklets.
adorned with cute golden anklets;

Tā jarāya tiladaṇḍakāriva,
Because of old age they are now like sesame twigs—
now old, they’re like sesame sticks—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Tūlapuṇṇasadisopamā ubho,
My feet were of such splendor,
Both my feet used to be so pretty,

Sobhare su pādā pure mama;
as soft as tufts of cotton.
plump as if with cotton-wool;

Te jarāya phuṭitā valīmatā,
Because of old age they are wrinkled and cracked—
now old, they’re cracked and wrinkly—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

Ediso ahu ayaṁ samussayo,
Such was this body,
This bag of bones once was such,

Jajjaro bahudukkhānamālayo;
now decrepit, an abode of much suffering,
but now it’s withered, home to so much pain;

Sopalepapatito jarāgharo,
a house of decrepitude fallen into disrepair—
like a house in decay with plaster crumbling—

Saccavādivacanaṁ anaññathā”.
the truth-speaker’s words are never wrong.”
the word of the truthful one is confirmed.

… Ambapālī therī ….
The Elder Ambapālī