sutta » an » an1 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 1

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 1.616–627

31. Amatavagga
The Chapter on Freedom From Death


“Amataṁ te, bhikkhave, na paribhuñjanti ye kāyagatāsatiṁ na paribhuñjanti.
“Mendicants, those who don’t enjoy mindfulness of the body don’t enjoy freedom from death.

Amataṁ te, bhikkhave, paribhuñjanti ye kāyagatāsatiṁ paribhuñjantī”ti.
Those who enjoy mindfulness of the body enjoy freedom from death.”


“Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, aparibhuttaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati aparibhuttā.
“Mendicants, those who haven’t enjoyed mindfulness of the body haven’t enjoyed freedom from death.

Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, paribhuttaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati paribhuttā”ti.
Those who have enjoyed mindfulness of the body have enjoyed freedom from death.”


“Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, parihīnaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati parihīnā.
“Mendicants, those who have lost mindfulness of the body have lost freedom from death.

Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, aparihīnaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati aparihīnā”ti.
Those who haven’t lost mindfulness of the body haven’t lost freedom from death.”


“Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, viraddhaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati viraddhā.
“Mendicants, those who have missed out on mindfulness of the body have missed out on freedom from death.

Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, āraddhaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati āraddhā”ti.
Those who have undertaken mindfulness of the body have not missed out on freedom from death.”


“Amataṁ te, bhikkhave, pamādiṁsu ye kāyagatāsatiṁ pamādiṁsu.
“Mendicants, those who have neglected mindfulness of the body have neglected freedom from death.

Amataṁ te, bhikkhave, na pamādiṁsu ye kāyagatāsatiṁ na pamādiṁsu”.
Those who have not neglected mindfulness of the body have not neglected freedom from death.”


“Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, pamuṭṭhaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati pamuṭṭhā.
“Mendicants, those who have forgotten mindfulness of the body have forgotten freedom from death.

Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, appamuṭṭhaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati appamuṭṭhā”ti.
Those who haven’t forgotten mindfulness of the body haven’t forgotten freedom from death.”


“Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, anāsevitaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati anāsevitā.
“Mendicants, those who haven’t cultivated mindfulness of the body haven’t cultivated freedom from death.

Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, āsevitaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati āsevitā”ti.
Those who have cultivated mindfulness of the body have cultivated freedom from death.”


“Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, abhāvitaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati abhāvitā.
“Mendicants, those who haven’t developed mindfulness of the body haven’t developed freedom from death.

Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, bhāvitaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati bhāvitā”ti.
Those who have developed mindfulness of the body have developed freedom from death.”


“Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, abahulīkataṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati abahulīkatā.
“Mendicants, those who haven’t practiced mindfulness of the body haven’t practiced freedom from death.

Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, bahulīkataṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati bahulīkatā”ti.
Those who have practiced mindfulness of the body have practiced freedom from death.”


“Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, anabhiññātaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati anabhiññātā.
“Mendicants, those who haven’t had insight into mindfulness of the body haven’t had insight into freedom from death.

Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, abhiññātaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati abhiññātā”ti.
Those who have had insight into mindfulness of the body have had insight into freedom from death.”


“Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, apariññātaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati apariññātā.
“Mendicants, those who haven’t completely understood mindfulness of the body haven’t completely understood freedom from death.

Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, pariññātaṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati pariññātā”ti.
Those who have completely understood mindfulness of the body have completely understood freedom from death.”


“Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, asacchikataṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati asacchikatā.
“Mendicants, those who haven’t realized mindfulness of the body haven’t realized freedom from death.

Amataṁ tesaṁ, bhikkhave, sacchikataṁ yesaṁ kāyagatāsati sacchikatā”ti.
Those who have realized mindfulness of the body have realized freedom from death.”

The thousand discourses of the Ones are completed.

Idamavoca bhagavā.
That is what the Buddha said.

Attamanā te bhikkhū bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinandunti.
Satisfied, the mendicants approved what the Buddha said.


Ekakanipātapāḷi niṭṭhitā.
The Book of the Ones is finished.