sutta » an » an3 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 3.114

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 3.114

12. Āpāyikavagga
12. Bound for Loss



“Tiṇṇaṁ, bhikkhave, pātubhāvo dullabho lokasmiṁ.
“Mendicants, the appearance of three people is rare in the world.

Katamesaṁ tiṇṇaṁ?
What three?

Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pātubhāvo dullabho lokasmiṁ, tathāgatappaveditassa dhammavinayassa desetā puggalo dullabho lokasmiṁ, kataññū katavedī puggalo dullabho lokasmiṁ.
A Realized One, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha. A person who teaches the teaching and training proclaimed by a Realized One. A person who is grateful and thankful.

Imesaṁ kho, bhikkhave, tiṇṇaṁ pātubhāvo dullabho lokasmin”ti.
The appearance of these three people is rare in the world.”
