sutta » an » an4 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.1

Translators: kovilo and sujato

The Numerical List Collection 4 Numbered Discourses 4.1

1. Bhaṇḍagāmavagga
1. The Chapter on Bhaṇḍa Village
1. At Wares Village


1. The Discourse on the Known Understood

Evaṁ me sutaṁ—
This is what I heard—
So I have heard.

ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā vajjīsu viharati bhaṇḍagāme.
Once, the Blessed One was dwelling among the Vajjis in Bhaṇḍa Village.
At one time the Buddha was staying in the land of the Vajjis at Wares Village.

Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi:
There the Blessed One addressed the monks:
There the Buddha addressed the mendicants,


“Bhadante”ti te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṁ.
Those monks responded to the Blessed One saying, “Venerable.”
“Venerable sir,” they replied.

Bhagavā etadavoca:
The Blessed One said this:
The Buddha said this:

“Catunnaṁ, bhikkhave, dhammānaṁ ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṁ dīghamaddhānaṁ sandhāvitaṁ saṁsaritaṁ mamañceva tumhākañca.
Monks, it is because of not knowing and not comprehending four things that you and I have roamed around and transmigrated like this for so long.
“Mendicants, due to not understanding and not penetrating four things, both you and I have wandered and transmigrated for such a very long time.

Katamesaṁ catunnaṁ?
What four?
What four?

Ariyassa, bhikkhave, sīlassa ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṁ dīghamaddhānaṁ sandhāvitaṁ saṁsaritaṁ mamañceva tumhākañca.
Monks, it is because of not knowing and not comprehending noble moral integrity that you and I have roamed around and transmigrated for so long in this way.
Noble ethics,

Ariyassa, bhikkhave, samādhissa ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṁ dīghamaddhānaṁ sandhāvitaṁ saṁsaritaṁ mamañceva tumhākañca.
Monks, it is because of not knowing and not comprehending noble collectedness that you and I have roamed around and transmigrated like this for so long.

Ariyāya, bhikkhave, paññāya ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṁ dīghamaddhānaṁ sandhāvitaṁ saṁsaritaṁ mamañceva tumhākañca.
Monks, it is because of not knowing and not comprehending noble discernment that you and I have roamed around and transmigrated like this for so long.

Ariyāya, bhikkhave, vimuttiyā ananubodhā appaṭivedhā evamidaṁ dīghamaddhānaṁ sandhāvitaṁ saṁsaritaṁ mamañceva tumhākañca.
Monks, it is because of not knowing and not comprehending noble freedom that you and I have roamed around and transmigrated like this for so long.
and freedom.

Tayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ariyaṁ sīlaṁ anubuddhaṁ paṭividdhaṁ, ariyo samādhi anubuddho paṭividdho, ariyā paññā anubuddhā paṭividdhā, ariyā vimutti anubuddhā paṭividdhā, ucchinnā bhavataṇhā, khīṇā bhavanetti, natthi dāni punabbhavo”ti.
Monks, this noble moral integrity has been known and comprehended. This noble collectedness has been known and comprehended. This noble discernment has been known and comprehended. This noble freedom has been known and comprehended. Craving for becoming is shattered. The nexus of becoming is destroyed. Now, there is no further rebirth.
These noble ethics, immersion, wisdom, and freedom have been understood and comprehended. Craving for continued existence has been cut off; the conduit to rebirth is ended; now there’ll be no more future lives.”

Idamavoca bhagavā.
That is what the Blessed One said.
That is what the Buddha said.

Idaṁ vatvāna sugato athāparaṁ etadavoca satthā:
Having spoken thus, the Well Gone One, the Teacher followed up saying:
Then the Holy One, the Teacher, went on to say:

“Sīlaṁ samādhi paññā ca,
“Moral integrity, collectedness, discernment,
“Ethics, immersion, and wisdom,

vimutti ca anuttarā;
And unsurpassed freedom;
and the supreme freedom:

Anubuddhā ime dhammā,
These mindstates are known
these things have been understood

gotamena yasassinā.
by the esteemed Gotama.
by Gotama the renowned.

Iti buddho abhiññāya,
Having fully known these things, the Buddha
And so the Buddha, having insight,

dhammamakkhāsi bhikkhunaṁ;
Proclaimed the Teaching to the monks;
explained this teaching to the mendicants.

Dukkhassantakaro satthā,
The Teacher who put an end to suffering,
The teacher made an end of suffering,

cakkhumā parinibbuto”ti.
Possessing vision, has attained Nibbāna.”
seeing clearly, he is extinguished.”

The first.