sutta » an » an4 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.55

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 4.55

6. Puññābhisandavagga
6. Overflowing Merit


Equality (1st)

Evaṁ me sutaṁ—
So I have heard.

ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā bhaggesu viharati susumāragire bhesakaḷāvane migadāye.
At one time the Buddha was staying in the land of the Bhaggas at Crocodile Hill, in the deer park at Bhesakaḷā’s Wood.

Atha kho bhagavā pubbaṇhasamayaṁ nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya yena nakulapituno gahapatissa nivesanaṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā paññatte āsane nisīdi.
Then the Buddha robed up in the morning and, taking his bowl and robe, went to the home of the householder Nakula’s father, where he sat on the seat spread out.

Atha kho nakulapitā ca gahapati nakulamātā ca gahapatānī yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdiṁsu. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho nakulapitā gahapati bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
Then the householder Nakula’s father and the housewife Nakula’s mother went up to the Buddha, bowed, and sat down to one side. Nakula’s father said to the Buddha,

“Yato me, bhante, nakulamātā gahapatānī daharasseva daharā ānītā, nābhijānāmi nakulamātaraṁ gahapatāniṁ manasāpi aticaritā, kuto pana kāyena.
“Sir, ever since we were both young, and Nakula’s mother was given to me in marriage, I can’t recall betraying her even in thought, still less in deed.

Iccheyyāma mayaṁ, bhante, diṭṭhe ceva dhamme aññamaññaṁ passituṁ abhisamparāyañca aññamaññaṁ passitun”ti.
We want to see each other in both this life and the next.”

Nakulamātāpi kho gahapatānī bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
Then Nakula’s mother said to the Buddha,

“yatohaṁ, bhante, nakulapituno gahapatissa daharasseva daharā ānītā, nābhijānāmi nakulapitaraṁ gahapatiṁ manasāpi aticaritā, kuto pana kāyena.
“Sir, ever since we were both young, and I was given in marriage to Nakula’s father, I can’t recall betraying him even in thought, still less in deed.

Iccheyyāma mayaṁ, bhante, diṭṭhe ceva dhamme aññamaññaṁ passituṁ abhisamparāyañca aññamaññaṁ passitun”ti.
We want to see each other in both this life and the next.”

“Ākaṅkheyyuñce, gahapatayo, ubho jānipatayo diṭṭhe ceva dhamme aññamaññaṁ passituṁ abhisamparāyañca aññamaññaṁ passituṁ ubhova assu samasaddhā samasīlā samacāgā samapaññā, te diṭṭhe ceva dhamme aññamaññaṁ passanti abhisamparāyañca aññamaññaṁ passantīti.
“Householders, if wife and husband want to see each other in both this life and the next, they should be equals in faith, ethics, generosity, and wisdom.

Ubho saddhā vadaññū ca,
When both are faithful and bountiful,

saññatā dhammajīvino;
disciplined, living righteously,

Te honti jānipatayo,
then wife and husband

aññamaññaṁ piyaṁvadā.
say nice things to each other.

Atthāsaṁ pacurā honti,
They get all the things they need,

phāsukaṁ upajāyati;
so they live at ease.

Amittā dummanā honti,
Their enemies are downhearted,

ubhinnaṁ samasīlinaṁ.
when both are equal in ethics.

Idha dhammaṁ caritvāna,
Having practiced the teaching here,

samasīlabbatā ubho;
both equal in precepts and observances,

Nandino devalokasmiṁ,
they delight in the heavenly realm,

modanti kāmakāmino”ti.
enjoying all the pleasures they desire.”
