sutta » an » an5 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.148

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 5.148

15. Tikaṇḍakīvagga
15. At Tikaṇḍakī


Gifts of a True Person

“Pañcimāni, bhikkhave, sappurisadānāni.
“There are these five gifts of a true person.

Katamāni pañca?
What five?

Saddhāya dānaṁ deti, sakkaccaṁ dānaṁ deti, kālena dānaṁ deti, anuggahitacitto dānaṁ deti, attānañca parañca anupahacca dānaṁ deti.
They give a gift out of faith. They give a gift carefully. They give a gift at the right time. They give a gift with no strings attached. They give a gift without hurting themselves or others.

Saddhāya kho pana, bhikkhave, dānaṁ datvā yattha yattha tassa dānassa vipāko nibbattati, aḍḍho ca hoti mahaddhano mahābhogo, abhirūpo ca hoti dassanīyo pāsādiko paramāya vaṇṇapokkharatāya samannāgato.
Having given a gift out of faith, in whatever place the result of that gift manifests they become rich, affluent, and wealthy. And they’re attractive, good-looking, lovely, of surpassing beauty.

Sakkaccaṁ kho pana, bhikkhave, dānaṁ datvā yattha yattha tassa dānassa vipāko nibbattati, aḍḍho ca hoti mahaddhano mahābhogo.
Having given a gift carefully, in whatever place the result of that gift manifests they become rich, affluent, and wealthy.

Yepissa te honti puttāti vā dārāti vā dāsāti vā pessāti vā kammakarāti vā, tepi sussūsanti sotaṁ odahanti aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhapenti.
And their children, wives, bondservants, servants, and workers want to listen. They actively listen and try to understand.

Kālena kho pana, bhikkhave, dānaṁ datvā yattha yattha tassa dānassa vipāko nibbattati, aḍḍho ca hoti mahaddhano mahābhogo;
Having given a gift at the right time, in whatever place the result of that gift manifests they become rich, affluent, and wealthy.

kālāgatā cassa atthā pacurā honti.
And when the time is right, they get all that they need.

Anuggahitacitto kho pana, bhikkhave, dānaṁ datvā yattha yattha tassa dānassa vipāko nibbattati, aḍḍho ca hoti mahaddhano mahābhogo;
Having given a gift with no strings attached, in whatever place the result of that gift manifests they become rich, affluent, and wealthy.

uḷāresu ca pañcasu kāmaguṇesu bhogāya cittaṁ namati.
And their mind tends to enjoy the five refined kinds of sensual stimulation.

Attānañca parañca anupahacca kho pana, bhikkhave, dānaṁ datvā yattha yattha tassa dānassa vipāko nibbattati, aḍḍho ca hoti mahaddhano mahābhogo;
Having given a gift without hurting themselves or others, in whatever place the result of that gift manifests they become rich, affluent, and wealthy.

na cassa kutoci bhogānaṁ upaghāto āgacchati aggito vā udakato vā rājato vā corato vā appiyato vā dāyādato.
And no damage comes to their property from anywhere, whether fire, flood, rulers, bandits, or unloved heirs.

Imāni kho, bhikkhave, pañca sappurisadānānī”ti.
These are the five gifts of a true person.”
