sutta » an » an6 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 6.93

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 6.93

9. Sītivagga
9. Coolness


Things That Can’t Be Done (2nd)

“Chayimāni, bhikkhave, abhabbaṭṭhānāni.
“Mendicants, these six things can’t be done.

Katamāni cha?
What six?

Abhabbo diṭṭhisampanno puggalo kañci saṅkhāraṁ niccato upagantuṁ, abhabbo diṭṭhisampanno puggalo kañci saṅkhāraṁ sukhato upagantuṁ, abhabbo diṭṭhisampanno puggalo kañci dhammaṁ attato upagantuṁ, abhabbo diṭṭhisampanno puggalo ānantariyaṁ kammaṁ kātuṁ, abhabbo diṭṭhisampanno puggalo kotūhalamaṅgalena suddhiṁ paccāgantuṁ, abhabbo diṭṭhisampanno puggalo ito bahiddhā dakkhiṇeyyaṁ gavesituṁ.
A person accomplished in view can’t take conditions to be permanent, happiness, or self. They can’t do deeds with fixed result in the next life. They can’t fall back on purification through noisy, superstitious rites. They can’t seek outside of the Buddhist community for those worthy of religious donations.

Imāni kho, bhikkhave, cha abhabbaṭṭhānānī”ti.
These are the six things that can’t be done.”
