sutta » an » an6 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 6.102

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 6.102

10. Ānisaṁsavagga
10. Benefit



“Cha, bhikkhave, ānisaṁse sampassamānena alameva bhikkhunā sabbasaṅkhāresu anodhiṁ karitvā aniccasaññaṁ upaṭṭhāpetuṁ.
“Mendicants, seeing six benefits is quite enough to establish the perception of impermanence in all conditions without qualification.

Katame cha?
What six?

‘Sabbasaṅkhārā ca me anavatthitā khāyissanti, sabbaloke ca me mano nābhiramissati, sabbalokā ca me mano vuṭṭhahissati, nibbānapoṇañca me mānasaṁ bhavissati, saṁyojanā ca me pahānaṁ gacchissanti, paramena ca sāmaññena samannāgato bhavissāmī’ti.
‘All conditions will appear to me as transient.’ ‘My mind will not delight anywhere in the world.’ ‘My mind will rise above the whole world.’ ‘My mind will incline to extinguishment.’ ‘My fetters will be given up.’ ‘I will achieve the ultimate goal of the ascetic life.’

Ime kho, bhikkhave, cha ānisaṁse sampassamānena alameva bhikkhunā sabbasaṅkhāresu anodhiṁ karitvā aniccasaññaṁ upaṭṭhāpetun”ti.
Seeing these six benefits is quite enough to establish the perception of impermanence in all conditions without qualification.”
