sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter With Akitti

Dānapāramī 8
The Perfection of Giving (8th)


King Sivi’s Conduct

“Ariṭṭhasavhaye nagare,
“In the city called Ariṭṭha

sivināmāsi khattiyo;
I was the aristocrat named Sivi.

Nisajja pāsādavare,
Seated in my finest longhouse,

evaṁ cintesahaṁ tadā.
I then had the following thought:

‘Yaṁ kiñci mānusaṁ dānaṁ,
‘Whatever human gifts there are,

adinnaṁ me na vijjati;
none may be found that I have not given.

Yopi yāceyya maṁ cakkhuṁ,
Even if someone were to ask for my eye,

dadeyyaṁ avikampito’.
I would give it without wavering.’

Mama saṅkappamaññāya,
Knowing my thoughts,

sakko devānamissaro;
Sakka the lord of Gods,

Nisinno devaparisāya,
sitting in the assembly of gods

idaṁ vacanamabravi.
said the following.

‘Nisajja pāsādavare,
‘Seated in his finest longhouse,

sivirājā mahiddhiko;
the mighty King Sivi

Cintento vividhaṁ dānaṁ,
is thinking of manifold gifts

adeyyaṁ so na passati.
and cannot see any he would not give.

Tathaṁ nu vitathaṁ netaṁ,
Is this is true or not?

handa vīmaṁsayāmi taṁ;
Come, let us test him.

Muhuttaṁ āgameyyātha,
Wait a minute

yāva jānāmi taṁ manaṁ’.
until I know his mind.’

Pavedhamāno palitasiro,
Appearing as a frail old man,

Valigatto jarāturo;
with grey hair and wrinkled skin,

Andhavaṇṇova hutvāna,
feeble and blind,

Rājānaṁ upasaṅkami.
he approached the king.

So tadā paggahetvāna,
Then, stretching out

vāmaṁ dakkhiṇabāhu ca;
his left and right arms,

Sirasmiṁ añjaliṁ katvā,
he raised his joined palms to his head

idaṁ vacanamabravi.
and said the following.

‘Yācāmi taṁ mahārāja,
‘Great king, I have a request for you.

dhammika raṭṭhavaḍḍhana;
Under your just rule the kingdom has flourished,

Tava dānaratā kitti,
and the renown of your love of giving

uggatā devamānuse.
has risen among gods and humans.

Ubhopi nettā nayanā,
Both my eyes, by which I find my way,

andhā upahatā mama;
are ruined and become blind.

Ekaṁ me nayanaṁ dehi,
Give me just one eye,

tvampi ekena yāpaya’.
while you too get by with one.’

Tassāhaṁ vacanaṁ sutvā,
After hearing his words

haṭṭho saṁviggamānaso;
I was thrilled, my mind elated,

Katañjalī vedajāto,
so with joined palms, inspired,

idaṁ vacanamabraviṁ.
I said the following.

‘Idānāhaṁ cintayitvāna,
‘Just now I was reflecting on this

pāsādato idhāgato;
when I came here from the longhouse.

Tvaṁ mama cittamaññāya,
Understanding my mind,

nettaṁ yācitumāgato.
you have come to ask for an eye.

Aho me mānasaṁ siddhaṁ,
Oh! My wish has come true!

saṅkappo paripūrito;
My intention is fulfilled!

Adinnapubbaṁ dānavaraṁ,
Today I shall give to a supplicant

ajja dassāmi yācake.
a fine gift never before given.’

Ehi sivaka uṭṭhehi,
‘Come Sivaka, stand up,

mā dandhayi mā pavedhayi;
do not hesitate or waver.

Ubhopi nayanaṁ dehi,
Pluck out even both eyes

uppāṭetvā vaṇibbake’.
and give them to the beggar.’

Tato so codito mayhaṁ,
And then, urged on by me,

sivako vacanaṁ karo;
Sivaka did as I said.

Uddharitvāna pādāsi,
Extracting both eyes,

tālamiñjaṁva yācake.
he presented them to the trembling supplicant.

Dadamānassa dentassa,
‘While planning to give, while giving,

dinnadānassa me sato;
and after I had given,

Cittassa aññathā natthi,
my mind did not falter,

bodhiyāyeva kāraṇā.
because it was solely for awakening.

Na me dessā ubho cakkhū,
It was not because I disliked my eyes,

attā na me na dessiyo;
or that I disliked myself,

Sabbaññutaṁ piyaṁ mayhaṁ,
but because omniscience is precious to me,

tasmā cakkhuṁ adāsahan”ti.
that is why I gave away my eyes.’”

Sivirājacariyaṁ aṭṭhamaṁ.