sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter With Akitti

Dānapāramī 7
The Perfection of Giving (7th)


Prince Candana’s Conduct

“Punāparaṁ yadā homi,
“Then again when I was

ekarājassa atrajo;
the true-born son of the One King

Nagare pupphavatiyā,
in the city of flowers, Pupphavatī,

kumāro candasavhayo.
I was called Prince Canda, the Moon.

Tadāhaṁ yajanā mutto,
Then, released from being sacrificed,

nikkhanto yaññavāṭato;
I fled the sacrificial enclosure.

Saṁvegaṁ janayitvāna,
Giving rise to a sense of urgency,

mahādānaṁ pavattayiṁ.
I performed a great offering.

Nāhaṁ pivāmi khādāmi,
I did not drink, I did not eat,

napi bhuñjāmi bhojanaṁ;
I did not enjoy any food

Dakkhiṇeyye adatvāna,
for five or six days

api chappañcarattiyo.
with having first offering to a worthy recipient.

Yathāpi vāṇijo nāma,
Suppose there was a merchant

Katvāna bhaṇḍasañcayaṁ;
who had made a store of goods.

Yattha lābho mahā hoti,
They would take those goods

Tattha taṁ harati bhaṇḍakaṁ.
to where they could make a large profit.

Tatheva sakabhuttāpi,
So too, even giving what one has used oneself

pare dinnaṁ mahapphalaṁ;
to others is very fruitful.

Tasmā parassa dātabbaṁ,
That is why what is to be given to others

satabhāgo bhavissati.
multiplies a hundredfold.

Etamatthavasaṁ ñatvā,
Knowing the reason for this,

demi dānaṁ bhavābhave;
I gave gifts in life after life.

Na paṭikkamāmi dānato,
I never relented in giving

for the attainment of awakening.”

Candakumāracariyaṁ sattamaṁ.