sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter With Akitti

Dānapāramī 6
The Perfection of Giving (6th)


King Nimi’s Conduct

“Punāparaṁ yadā homi,
“Then again when I was

mithilāyaṁ puruttame;
in the capital city of Mithilā

Nimi nāma mahārājā,
I was the great king named Nimi,

paṇḍito kusalatthiko.
astute and seeking the good.

Tadāhaṁ māpayitvāna,
Then having had constructed

catussālaṁ catummukhaṁ;
four halls with four openings,

Tattha dānaṁ pavattesiṁ,
I provided gifts there

for beasts, birds, men, and so forth.

Acchādanañca sayanaṁ,
Clothing and beds,

annaṁ pānañca bhojanaṁ;
food and drink to enjoy:

Abbocchinnaṁ karitvāna,
I provided them without let,

mahādānaṁ pavattayiṁ.
performing a great offering.

Yathāpi sevako sāmiṁ,
Suppose a servant is looking

to get a raise from their boss,

Kāyena vācā manasā,
they’d seek to fulfill their needs

by body, speech, and mind.

Tathevāhaṁ sabbabhave,
In that way in every life

pariyesissāmi bodhijaṁ;
I shall seek the wisdom born of awakening.

Dānena satte tappetvā,
Having pleased beings with gifts,

icchāmi bodhimuttaman”ti.
I wish for the supreme awakening.”

Nimirājacariyaṁ chaṭṭhaṁ.