sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter on an Elephant

Sīlapāramī 2
The Perfection of Ethics (2nd)


The Nāga Bhūridatta’s Conduct

“Punāparaṁ yadā homi,
“Then again when I was

bhūridatto mahiddhiko;
Bhūridatta, a nāga of great psychic power,

Virūpakkhena mahāraññā,
together with Virūpakkha the Great King

I went to a heavenly realm.

Tattha passitvāhaṁ deve,
There I saw gods

ekantaṁ sukhasamappite;
wholly given over to pleasure.

Taṁ saggagamanatthāya,
For the sake of going to that heaven,

sīlabbataṁ samādiyiṁ.
I undertook the observance of ethics.

Sarīrakiccaṁ katvāna,
After tending to me physical needs,

bhutvā yāpanamattakaṁ;
and eating enough to get by,

Caturo aṅge adhiṭṭhāya,
I resolved on the four factors,

semi vammikamuddhani.
and lay down atop an termite mound, thinking:

‘Chaviyā cammena maṁsena,
‘My outer skin and inner, flesh,

Nahāruaṭṭhikehi vā;
sinews and bones:

Yassa etena karaṇīyaṁ,
whoever has use for these,

Dinnaṁyeva harātu so’.
they are already given, please take them.’

Saṁsito akataññunā,
While lying there the ingrate

ālampāyano mamaggahi;
Ālampāyana grabbed me.

Peḷāya pakkhipitvāna,
He threw me in a basket

kīḷeti maṁ tahiṁ tahiṁ.
and made me perform in places all over.

Peḷāya pakkhipantepi,
Though thrown in a basket

sammaddantepi pāṇinā;
and crushed by his hands,

Ālampāyane na kuppāmi,
I did not get upset with Ālampāyana,

sīlakhaṇḍabhayā mama.
for fear of breaking my ethics.

To give up my own life

tiṇato lahuko mama;
was a light as a blade of grass.

Sīlavītikkamo mayhaṁ,
To transgress my ethical principles

pathavīuppatanaṁ viya.
was like overturning the earth.

Nirantaraṁ jātisataṁ,
In a hundred successive lives

cajeyyaṁ mama jīvitaṁ;
I would give up my own life.

Neva sīlaṁ pabhindeyyaṁ,
I would not even violate my ethics

catuddīpāna hetupi.
for the sake of the four continents.

Api cāhaṁ sīlarakkhāya,
For the sake of protecting ethics,

and fulfilling my perfection of ethics,

Na karomi citte aññathattaṁ,
I did not let my mind change,

Pakkhipantampi peḷake”ti.
even when thrown in a basket.”

Bhūridattacariyaṁ dutiyaṁ.