sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter on an Elephant

Sīlapāramī 4
The Perfection of Ethics (4th)


Cūḷabodhi’s Conduct

“Punāparaṁ yadā homi,
“Then again when I was

cūḷabodhi susīlavā;
the very virtuous Cūḷabodhi,

Bhavaṁ disvāna bhayato,
seeing rebirth as fearful,

nekkhammaṁ abhinikkhamiṁ.
I renounced worldly life.

Yā me dutiyikā āsi,
She who had been my partner,

brāhmaṇī kanakasannibhā;
a brahmin lady with golden skin,

Sāpi vaṭṭe anapekkhā,
expecting nothing in the cycle of rebirths,

nekkhammaṁ abhinikkhami.
also renounced worldly life.

Nirālayā chinnabandhū,
Without clinging, cutting off family,

anapekkhā kule gaṇe;
expecting nothing from a family or group,

Carantā gāmanigamaṁ,
we walked from village to town

until we reached Varanasi.

Tattha vasāma nipakā,
There we lived alert,

asaṁsaṭṭhā kule gaṇe;
mixing not with a family or group.

Nirākule appasadde,
Quiet and undisturbed,

rājuyyāne vasāmubho.
we both stayed in the royal park.

Uyyānadassanaṁ gantvā,
Visiting the park,

rājā addasa brāhmaṇiṁ;
the king saw the brahmin lady.

Upagamma mamaṁ pucchi,
he approached me and asked,

‘tuyhesā kā kassa bhariyā’.
‘Is she your wife? Or whose is she?’

Evaṁ vutte, ahaṁ tassa,
When he said this, to him

idaṁ vacanamabraviṁ;
I said the following.

‘Na mayhaṁ bhariyā esā,
‘She is not my wife.

sahadhammā ekasāsanī’.
We share the same teaching and belief.’

Tissā sārattagadhito,
Infatuated with her,

gāhāpetvāna ceṭake;
he had his men seize her.

Nippīḷayanto balasā,
Compelling her by force

antepuraṁ pavesayi.
he brought her to the royal compound.

Odapattakiyā mayhaṁ,
She who became mine by touching a water-jar,

sahajā ekasāsanī;
born together, one in beliefs,

Ākaḍḍhitvā nayantiyā,
when he dragged her away,

kopo me upapajjatha.
I felt so angry.

Saha kope samuppanne,
Together with the arising of anger,

I remembered my precepts and vows,

Tattheva kopaṁ niggaṇhiṁ,
and right there controlled my anger,

nādāsiṁ vaḍḍhitūpari.
I did not allow it to grow.

Yadi naṁ brāhmaṇiṁ koci,
If anyone were to attack

koṭṭeyya tiṇhasattiyā;
that brahmin lady with a sharp knife,

Neva sīlaṁ pabhindeyyaṁ,
not even for that would I violate my ethics,

bodhiyāyeva kāraṇā.
because it was solely for awakening.

Na mesā brāhmaṇī dessā,
I did not dislike the brahmin lady,

napi me balaṁ na vijjati;
nor did I lack the strength.

Sabbaññutaṁ piyaṁ mayhaṁ,
But because omniscience is precious to me,

tasmā sīlānurakkhisan”ti.
that’s why I guarded my ethics.”

Cūḷabodhicariyaṁ catutthaṁ.