sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter on an Elephant

Sīlapāramī 5
The Perfection of Ethics (5th)


The Buffalo King’s Conduct

“Punāparaṁ yadā homi,
“Then again when I was

mahiṁso pavanacārako;
a buffalo who roamed the forest,

Pavaḍḍhakāyo balavā,
large in body and strong,

mahanto bhīmadassano.
big and scary to see.

Pabbhāre giridugge ca,
In a cave, a craggy hillside,

rukkhamūle dakāsaye;
at a tree root or a waterhole,

Hotettha ṭhānaṁ mahiṁsānaṁ,
there’d be somewhere for buffalos,

koci koci tahiṁ tahiṁ.
in one place or another.

Vicaranto brahāraññe,
Wandering the mighty forest,

ṭhānaṁ addasa bhaddakaṁ;
I saw a fine spot.

Taṁ ṭhānaṁ upagantvāna,
Having gone there,

tiṭṭhāmi ca sayāmi ca.
I stood and lay to rest.

Athettha kapimāgantvā,
Then a monkey came along,

pāpo anariyo lahu;
wicked, ignoble, and nimble.

Khandhe nalāṭe bhamuke,
On my shoulder, forehead, and eyebrows,

mutteti ohadeti taṁ.
he peed and pooed.

Sakimpi divasaṁ dutiyaṁ,
Not just that day, but a second,

tatiyaṁ catutthampi ca;
a third, and a fourth;

Dūseti maṁ sabbakālaṁ,
he soiled me all the time,

tena homi upadduto.
he was harassing me.

Mamaṁ upaddutaṁ disvā,
Seeing me being harassed,

yakkho maṁ idamabravi;
a spirit said to me:

‘Nāsehetaṁ chavaṁ pāpaṁ,
‘Kill that vile, wicked thing

siṅgehi ca khurehi ca’.
with your horns and hooves.’

Evaṁ vutte, tadā yakkhe,
When he spoke, I said

ahaṁ taṁ idamabraviṁ;
this to that spirit:

‘Kiṁ tvaṁ makkhesi kuṇapena,
‘Why would you smear me

pāpena anariyena maṁ.
with a wicked, ignoble carcass?

Yadihaṁ tassa pakuppeyyaṁ,
If I were upset with him

tato hīnataro bhave;
I would degrade myself,

Sīlañca me pabhijjeyya,
violating my ethics,

viññū ca garaheyyu maṁ.
and being criticized by sensible people.

Hīḷitā jīvitā vāpi,
Better to die from purity

parisuddhena mataṁ varaṁ;
than live in shame.

Kyāhaṁ jīvitahetūpi,
How could I, for the sake of life,

kāhāmi paraheṭhanaṁ’.
harm another?’

Mamevāyaṁ maññamāno,
Thinking of me, this one

aññepevaṁ karissati;
will do the same to others,

Teva tassa vadhissanti,
and for that they will kill him.

sā me mutti bhavissati.
Then I shall be free.

Forgiving disrespect

sahanto avamānitaṁ;
from the low, middle and high,

Evaṁ labhati sappañño,
the wise one gains

manasā yathāpatthitan”ti.
their heart’s desire.”

Mahiṁsarājacariyaṁ pañcamaṁ.