sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter on an Elephant

Sīlapāramī 9
The Perfection of Ethics (9th)


Alīnasattu’s Conduct

“Pañcālaraṭṭhe nagaravare,
“In the fine city of kingdom of Pañcāla,

Kapilāyaṁ puruttame;
in the capital city of Kapilā,

Rājā jayaddiso nāma,
the king named Jayaddisa

was furnished with virtuous qualities.

Tassa rañño ahaṁ putto,
I was that king’s son,

Sutadhammo susīlavā;
well educated and virtuous;

Alīnasatto guṇavā,
Alīnasattu of fine qualities,

Anurakkhaparijano sadā.
I always cared for the attendants.

Pitā me migavaṁ gantvā,
My father had gone deer hunting

porisādaṁ upāgami;
when he came across a cannibal,

So me pitumaggahesi,
who seized my father, saying,

‘bhakkhosi mama mā cali’.
‘You are my prey, don’t move!’

Tassa taṁ vacanaṁ sutvā,
When he heard these words,

bhīto tasitavedhito;
he was scared and trembled with fear,

Ūrukkhambho ahu tassa,
his thighs became stiff

disvāna porisādakaṁ.
when he saw the cannibal.

Migavaṁ gahetvā muñcassu,
‘Let me go, take the deer meat!’ he said,

katvā āgamanaṁ puna;
‘I promise to return.’

Brāhmaṇassa dhanaṁ datvā,
Having paid the brahmin,

pitā āmantayī mamaṁ.
my father said to me:

‘Rajjaṁ putta paṭipajja,
‘Son, rule the realm.

mā pamajji puraṁ idaṁ;
Do not neglect this city.

Kataṁ me porisādena,
I promised the cannibal

mama āgamanaṁ puna’.
that I will return.’

Mātāpitū ca vanditvā,
I bowed to my mother and father,

nimminitvāna attanā;
and substituted myself.

Nikkhipitvā dhanuṁ khaggaṁ,
Tossing my bow and sword,

porisādaṁ upāgamiṁ.
I approached the cannibal.

Perhaps if I have weapons in hand

kadāci so tasissati;
that might make him afraid.

Tena bhijjissati sīlaṁ,
And that would violate my ethics,

parittāsaṁ kate mayi.
were I to frighten him.

Sīlakhaṇḍabhayā mayhaṁ,
For fear of violating my ethics,

tassa dessaṁ na byāhariṁ;
I said nothing hateful to him.

Mettacitto hitavādī,
Lovingly and beneficially,

idaṁ vacanamabraviṁ.
I said the following.

‘Ujjālehi mahāaggiṁ,
‘Kindle a great fire.

papatissāmi rukkhato;
I will drop into it from a tree.

Tvaṁ pakkakālamaññāya,
When you know I am cooked,

bhakkhaya maṁ pitāmaha’.
eat me, Grandfather.’

Iti sīlavataṁ hetu,
And so for the sake of my ethical vows

nārakkhiṁ mama jīvitaṁ;
I did not protect my life.

Pabbājesiṁ cahaṁ tassa,
And I drove out forever

sadā pāṇātipātikan”ti.
his attacks on living creatures.”

Alīnasattucariyaṁ navamaṁ.