sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter With Yudhañjaya

Nekkhammapāramī 3
The Perfection of Renunciation (3rd)


Ayoghara’s Conduct

“Punāparaṁ yadā homi,
“Then again when I was

kāsirājassa atrajo;
the true-born son of the king of Kāsi,

Ayogharamhi saṁvaḍḍho,
I grew up in an iron house,

nāmenāsi ayogharo.
so I was named Ayoghara.

‘Dukkhena jīvito laddho,
‘Your life has been a painful one,

saṁpīḷe patiposito;
as you’ve been raised in confinement.

Ajjeva putta paṭipajja,
Today, my son, rule

kevalaṁ vasudhaṁ imaṁ’.
the entirety of this land.’

Saraṭṭhakaṁ sanigamaṁ,
Having bowed to the citizens of country and town,

sajanaṁ vanditva khattiyaṁ;
the king and his people,

Añjaliṁ paggahetvāna,
I raised my joined palms

idaṁ vacanamabraviṁ.
and said the following.

‘Ye keci mahiyā sattā,
‘All the creatures of this earth—

low, middle, or high—

Nirārakkhā sake gehe,
are unprotected in their own home,

vaḍḍhanti sakañātibhi.
in which they grew up with their families.

Idaṁ loke uttariyaṁ,
It was unique in the world

saṁpīḷe mama posanaṁ;
to be raised in confinement.

Ayogharamhi saṁvaḍḍho,
I grew up in an iron house,

appabhe candasūriye.
scarcely lit by sun or moon.

Filled with rotting carcass,

muccitvā mātukucchito;
I escaped my mother’s womb.

Tato ghoratare dukkhe,
Then to a viler suffering

puna pakkhittayoghare.
I was tossed in an iron house.

Yadihaṁ tādisaṁ patvā,
Having fallen into such

dukkhaṁ paramadāruṇaṁ;
appallingly dreadful suffering,

Rajjesu yadi rajjāmi,
if I desired kingships,

pāpānaṁ uttamo siyaṁ.
I’d be the worst of the worst.

Ukkaṇṭhitomhi kāyena,
I’m fed up with the body,

rajjenamhi anatthiko;
I have no need for kingship.

Nibbutiṁ pariyesissaṁ,
I shall seek extinguishment

yattha maṁ maccu na maddiye’.
where Death will not crush me.’

Evāhaṁ cintayitvāna,
Reflecting in this way,

viravante mahājane;
as the great crowd wailed,

Nāgova bandhanaṁ chetvā,
like a bull elephant bursting his ropes,

pāvisiṁ kānanaṁ vanaṁ.
I entered the forest grove.

Mātāpitā na me dessā,
I had no dislike of my parents,

napi me dessaṁ mahāyasaṁ;
nor did I dislike the great fame.

Sabbaññutaṁ piyaṁ mayhaṁ,
But because omniscience is precious to me,

tasmā rajjaṁ pariccajin”ti.
that is why I renounced kingship.”

Ayogharacariyaṁ tatiyaṁ.