sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter With Yudhañjaya

Mettāpāramī 2
The Perfection of Love (2nd)


The One King’s Conduct

“Punāparaṁ yadā homi,
“Then again when I was

ekarājāti vissuto;
the renowned One King,

Paramaṁ sīlaṁ adhiṭṭhāya,
resolved on highest ethics,

pasāsāmi mahāmahiṁ.
I ruled the great earth.

Dasa kusalakammapathe,
Without exception I followed

vattāmi anavasesato;
the ten ways of skillful deeds.

Catūhi saṅgahavatthūhi,
With the four ways of being inclusive,

saṅgaṇhāmi mahājanaṁ.
I brought together the population.

Evaṁ me appamattassa,
As I was being diligent,

idha loke parattha ca;
for the sake of this world and the next,

Dabbaseno upagantvā,
Dabbasena attacked

acchindanto puraṁ mama.
and sacked my city.

Rājūpajīve nigame,
The royal dependents in the city,

sabalaṭṭhe saraṭṭhake;
with the military and the citizens—

Sabbaṁ hatthagataṁ katvā,
he captured them all,

kāsuyā nikhaṇī mamaṁ.
and buried me in a pit.

Amaccamaṇḍalaṁ rajjaṁ,
The court ministers, the flourishing kingdom,

phītaṁ antepuraṁ mama;
and my royal court—

Acchinditvāna gahitaṁ,
were captured and held,

piyaṁ puttaṁva passahaṁ;
I even saw my beloved son.

Mettāya me samo natthi,
There is no-one to equal my love:

esā me mettāpāramī”ti.
this is my perfection of love.”

Ekarājacariyaṁ cuddasamaṁ.