sutta » kn » dhp » Khuddakanikāya

Translators: sujato and suddhaso

Minor Collection Collection of Minor Texts

Sayings of the Dhamma 76–89
Verses of Dhamma

6. The Astute
Chapter on the Wise


Nidhīnaṁva pavattāraṁ,
Regard one who sees your faults
Like a person who leads you to hidden treasure:

yaṁ passe vajjadassinaṁ;
as a guide to a hidden treasure.
this is how to see a person who points out your faults.

Niggayhavādiṁ medhāviṁ,
Stay close to one so wise and astute
A wise person who tells you what you need to subdue

tādisaṁ paṇḍitaṁ bhaje;
who corrects you when you need it.
is the kind of person you should associate with.

Tādisaṁ bhajamānassa,
Sticking close to such an impartial person,
Associating with that kind of person

seyyo hoti na pāpiyo.
things get better, not worse.
is always for the better and never for the worse.


Advise and instruct;
A person might advise you, instruct you,

asabbhā ca nivāraye;
curb wickedness:
and keep you away from what is not good;

Satañhi so piyo hoti,
for you shall be loved by the good,
They are liked by those who are good,

asataṁ hoti appiyo.
and disliked by the bad.
and not liked by those who are not good.


Na bhaje pāpake mitte,
Don’t mix with bad friends,
Do not associate with evil friends,

na bhaje purisādhame;
nor with the worst of men.
do not associate with lowly people;

Bhajetha mitte kalyāṇe,
Mix with spiritual friends,
associate with good spiritual friends

bhajetha purisuttame.
and with the best of men.
and with the highest of people.


Dhammapīti sukhaṁ seti,
Through joy in the teaching you sleep at ease,
When one enjoys the Dhamma, then one sleeps happily,

vippasannena cetasā;
with clear and confident heart.
with a clear mind;

Ariyappavedite dhamme,
An astute person always delights in the teaching
a wise person always appreciates

sadā ramati paṇḍito.
proclaimed by the Noble One.
the Dhamma proclaimed by the noble ones.


Udakañhi nayanti nettikā,
Irrigators guide water,
Irrigators guide water,

Usukārā namayanti tejanaṁ;
fletchers straighten arrows,
fletchers shape arrows,

Dāruṁ namayanti tacchakā,
carpenters carve timber,
carpenters shape wood,

Attānaṁ damayanti paṇḍitā.
the astute tame themselves.
the wise train themselves.


Selo yathā ekaghano,
As the wind cannot stir
Just as the wind

vātena na samīrati;
a solid mass of rock,
does not move solid stone,

Evaṁ nindāpasaṁsāsu,
so too blame and praise
praise and criticism

na samiñjanti paṇḍitā.
do not affect the wise.
do not disturb the wise.


Yathāpi rahado gambhīro,
Like a deep lake,
Like a deep lake,

vippasanno anāvilo;
clear and unclouded,
clear and undisturbed,

Evaṁ dhammāni sutvāna,
so clear are the astute
when the wise hear the Dhamma

vippasīdanti paṇḍitā.
when they hear the teachings.
they attain clarity.


Sabbattha ve sappurisā cajanti,
True persons give up everything,
Good people let go of everything;

Na kāmakāmā lapayanti santo;
they don’t cajole for the things they desire.
the peaceful do not prattle about sensuality.

Sukhena phuṭṭhā atha vā dukhena,
Though touched by sadness or happiness,
Whether they are touched by pleasure or pain,

Na uccāvacaṁ paṇḍitā dassayanti.
the astute appear neither depressed nor elated.
neither elation nor depression can be seen in the wise.


Na attahetu na parassa hetu,
Never wish for success by unjust means,
Whether because of oneself or because of another,

Na puttamicche na dhanaṁ na raṭṭhaṁ;
for your own sake or that of another,
one should not wish to obtain children, wealth, lordship, or personal success

Na iccheyya adhammena samiddhimattano,
desiring children, wealth, or nation;
in ways contrary to Dhamma.

Sa sīlavā paññavā dhammiko siyā.
rather, be virtuous, wise, and just.
Instead let one be virtuous, wise, and in accord with Dhamma.


Appakā te manussesu,
Few are those among humans
Few are the humans

ye janā pāragāmino;
who cross to the far shore.
who go beyond.

Athāyaṁ itarā pajā,
The rest just run around
Most people

on the near shore.
only run around on the shore.

Ye ca kho sammadakkhāte,
When the teaching is well explained,
Those who act in accordance

dhamme dhammānuvattino;
those who practice accordingly
with the well-explained Dhamma

Te janā pāramessanti,
will cross over
will go beyond the mortal realm

maccudheyyaṁ suduttaraṁ.
Death’s domain so hard to pass.
so difficult to escape.


Kaṇhaṁ dhammaṁ vippahāya,
Rid of dark qualities,
Abandon dark things and develop bright things;

Sukkaṁ bhāvetha paṇḍito;
an astute person should develop the bright.
a wise person

Okā anokamāgamma,
Leaving home behind
leaves home for homelessness

Viveke yattha dūramaṁ.
for the seclusion so hard to enjoy,
and lives in seclusion, where it is difficult to find satisfaction.

find delight there,
One who has nothing could hope to find satisfaction there,

hitvā kāme akiñcano;
having left behind sensual pleasures.
after abandoning sensuality;

Pariyodapeyya attānaṁ,
With no possessions, an astute person
a wise person would cleanse themselves

cittaklesehi paṇḍito.
would cleanse themselves of mental corruptions.
of mental defilements.

Yesaṁ sambodhiyaṅgesu,
Those whose minds are rightly developed
Those who have developed the factors of awakening

sammā cittaṁ subhāvitaṁ;
in the awakening factors;
correctly and thoroughly,

who, letting go of attachments,
who have taken up relinquishment,

anupādāya ye ratā;
delight in not grasping:
who appreciate non-grasping,

Khīṇāsavā jutimanto,
with defilements ended, brilliant,
and have eliminated their corruptions—

te loke parinibbutā.
they in this world are quenched.
such radiant beings have attained Nibbāna in this world.

Paṇḍitavaggo chaṭṭho.