sutta » kn » dhp » Khuddakanikāya

Translators: sujato and suddhaso

Minor Collection Collection of Minor Texts

Sayings of the Dhamma 90–99
Verses of Dhamma

7. The Perfected Ones
Chapter on Arahants


Gataddhino visokassa,
At journey’s end, rid of sorrow;
In one who has completed the journey, is free of sorrow,

vippamuttassa sabbadhi;
everywhere free,
has been completely liberated in every way,

all ties given up,
and has abandoned all ties,

pariḷāho na vijjati.
no fever is found in them.
no fever can be found.


Uyyuñjanti satīmanto,
The mindful apply themselves;
Mindfully they strive upwards,

na nikete ramanti te;
they delight in no abode.
they do not appreciate settling;

Haṁsāva pallalaṁ hitvā,
Like a swan gone from the marsh,
Like swans leaving behind a lake,

okamokaṁ jahanti te.
they leave home after home behind.
they abandon home after home.


Yesaṁ sannicayo natthi,
Those with nothing stored up,
Those who have no stockpile,

ye pariññātabhojanā;
who have understood their food,
who have completely understood eating,

Suññato animitto ca,
whose domain is the liberation
whose domain is emptiness

vimokkho yesaṁ gocaro;
of the signless and the empty:
and objectless liberation—

Ākāseva sakuntānaṁ,
their path is hard to trace,
like birds in the sky,

gati tesaṁ durannayā.
like birds in the sky.
their movement is hard to follow.


Yassāsavā parikkhīṇā,
One whose defilements have ended;
One who has completely eliminated their influences

āhāre ca anissito;
who’s not attached to food;
and is not dependent on consumption,

Suññato animitto ca,
whose domain is the liberation
whose domain is emptiness

vimokkho yassa gocaro;
of the signless and the empty:
and objectless liberation—

Ākāseva sakuntānaṁ,
their track is hard to trace,
like birds in the sky,

padaṁ tassa durannayaṁ.
like birds in the sky.
their path is hard to follow.


Yassindriyāni samathaṅgatāni,
Whose faculties have become serene,
One whose faculties are peaceful,

Assā yathā sārathinā sudantā;
like horses tamed by a charioteer,
like a horse well-trained by a charioteer,

Pahīnamānassa anāsavassa,
who has abandoned conceit and defilements;
who has abandoned conceit and is free of influences,

Devāpi tassa pihayanti tādino.
the poised one is envied by even the gods.
is envied even by the angels.


Pathavisamo no virujjhati,
Undisturbed like the earth,
One who, like the earth, opposes nothing,

Indakhilupamo tādi subbato;
true to their vows, steady as a post,
who is as stable as a pillar, practicing well,

Rahadova apetakaddamo,
like a lake clear of mud;
who is like a lake with no trace of mud—

Saṁsārā na bhavanti tādino.
such a one does not transmigrate.
such beings are not reborn in saṁsāra.


Santaṁ tassa manaṁ hoti,
Their mind is peaceful,
One whose mind is peaceful,

santā vācā ca kamma ca;
peaceful are their speech and deeds.
whose speech and actions are peaceful,

Such a one is at peace,
and who is liberated through right knowledge—

upasantassa tādino.
rightly freed through enlightenment.
such a person is at peace.


Assaddho akataññū ca,
Lacking faith, a house-breaker,
One who is beyond faith, knows the Unmade,

sandhicchedo ca yo naro;
one who acknowledges nothing,
has severed all ties,

Hatāvakāso vantāso,
purged of hope, they’ve wasted their chance:
has expelled defilement, and has rejected longing—

sa ve uttamaporiso.
that is indeed the supreme person!
this is truly the best person.


Gāme vā yadi vāraññe,
Whether in village or wilderness,
Whether it is in a village or in the wilderness,

Ninne vā yadi vā thale;
in a valley or the uplands,
in lowlands or highlands—

Yattha arahanto viharanti,
wherever the perfected ones live
any place where an arahant lives

Taṁ bhūmirāmaṇeyyakaṁ.
is a delightful place.
is a place worth appreciating.


Ramaṇīyāni araññāni,
Delightful are the wildernesses
It is possible to appreciate the wilderness areas

yattha na ramatī jano;
where no people delight.
that most people do not appreciate;

Vītarāgā ramissanti,
Those free of greed will delight there,
one who is free of passion will appreciate them,

na te kāmagavesino.
not those who seek sensual pleasures.
since they do not seek sensuality.

Arahantavaggo sattamo.