sutta » kn » dhp » Khuddakanikāya

Translators: sujato and suddhaso

Minor Collection Collection of Minor Texts

Sayings of the Dhamma 100–115
Verses of Dhamma

8. The Thousands
Chapter of Thousands


Sahassamapi ce vācā,
Better than a thousand
Rather than a thousand sayings

meaningless sayings
not connected to the goal,

Ekaṁ atthapadaṁ seyyo,
is a single meaningful saying,
it is better to have just one sentence about the goal

yaṁ sutvā upasammati.
hearing which brings you peace.
if one reaches peace after hearing it.


Sahassamapi ce gāthā,
Better than a thousand
Rather than a thousand poems

meaningless verses
not connected to the goal,

Ekaṁ gāthāpadaṁ seyyo,
is a single meaningful verse,
it is better to have just one line of a poem

yaṁ sutvā upasammati.
hearing which brings you peace.
if one reaches peace after hearing it.


Yo ca gāthā sataṁ bhāse,
Better than reciting
One might utter a hundred poems

a hundred meaningless verses
not connected to the goal;

Ekaṁ dhammapadaṁ seyyo,
is a single saying of Dhamma,
it is better to have just one line of Dhamma

yaṁ sutvā upasammati.
hearing which brings you peace.
if one reaches peace after hearing it.

Yo sahassaṁ sahassena,
The supreme conqueror is
One might subjugate a million people

saṅgāme mānuse jine;
not he who conquers a million men in battle,
in battle,

Ekañca jeyyamattānaṁ,
but he who conquers a single man:
but one who subjugates oneself

sa ve saṅgāmajuttamo.
has won the ultimate victory.


Attā have jitaṁ seyyo,
It is surely better to conquer oneself
It is better to subjugate yourself

yā cāyaṁ itarā pajā;
than all those other folk.
than other people,

Attadantassa posassa,
When a person has tamed themselves,
for one who is self-trained

niccaṁ saññatacārino.
always living restrained,
always acts with restraint.

Neva devo na gandhabbo,
no god nor centaur,
No angel or fairy,

na māro saha brahmunā;
nor Māra nor Brahmā,
demon or god,

Jitaṁ apajitaṁ kayirā,
can undo the victory
can turn such a person’s

tathārūpassa jantuno.
of such a one.
victory into defeat.

Sāriputtattherassa mātulabrāhmaṇavatthu

Māse māse sahassena,
Rather than a thousand-fold sacrifice,
Every month one might conduct

yo yajetha sataṁ samaṁ;
every month for a hundred years,
a hundred sacrifices worth thousands;

Ekañca bhāvitattānaṁ,
it’s better to honor for a single moment
Or for a single moment

muhuttamapi pūjaye;
one who has developed themselves.
one could pay homage to a self-developed person.

Sāyeva pūjanā seyyo,
That offering is better
That homage is better

yañce vassasataṁ hutaṁ.
than the hundred year sacrifice.
than a hundred years of sacrifices.

Sāriputtattherassa bhāgineyyavatthu

Yo ca vassasataṁ jantu,
Rather than serve the sacred flame
One might spend a hundred years

aggiṁ paricare vane;
in the forest for a hundred years,
tending to a fire in a forest;

Ekañca bhāvitattānaṁ,
it’s better to honor for a single moment
or for a single moment

muhuttamapi pūjaye;
one who has developed themselves.
one could pay homage to a self-developed person.

Sāyeva pūjanā seyyo,
That offering is better
That homage is better

yañce vassasataṁ hutaṁ.
than the hundred year sacrifice.
than a hundred years of sacrifices.

Sāriputtatherassa sahāyakabrāhmaṇavatthu

Yaṁ kiñci yiṭṭhaṁ va hutaṁ va loke,
Whatever sacrifice or offering in the world
One could make any kind of offering or sacrifice in the world

Saṁvaccharaṁ yajetha puññapekkho;
a seeker of merit may make for a year,
for a year, pursuing merit;

Sabbampi taṁ na catubhāgameti,
none of it is worth a quarter
but all of that is not even a quarter as good

Abhivādanā ujjugatesu seyyo.
of bowing to the upright.
as honoring those who are upright.


For one in the habit of bowing,
For one who is virtuous, respectful,

niccaṁ vuḍḍhāpacāyino;
always honoring the elders,
and always reverential towards the elderly,

Cattāro dhammā vaḍḍhanti,
four blessings grow:
four things increase:

āyu vaṇṇo sukhaṁ balaṁ.
lifespan, beauty, happiness, and strength.
vitality, beauty, pleasure, and strength.


Yo ca vassasataṁ jīve,
Better to live a single day
Better than living for a hundred years

dussīlo asamāhito;
ethical and absorbed in meditation
without virtue and concentration,

Ekāhaṁ jīvitaṁ seyyo,
than to live a hundred years
is living for one day

sīlavantassa jhāyino.
unethical and lacking immersion.
as a virtuous meditator.


Yo ca vassasataṁ jīve,
Better to live a single day
Better than living for a hundred years

duppañño asamāhito;
wise and absorbed in meditation
without wisdom and concentration,

Ekāhaṁ jīvitaṁ seyyo,
than to live a hundred years
is living for one day

paññavantassa jhāyino.
witless and lacking immersion.
as a wise meditator.


Yo ca vassasataṁ jīve,
Better to live a single day
Better than living for a hundred years

kusīto hīnavīriyo;
energetic and strong,
with laziness and indolence,

Ekāhaṁ jīvitaṁ seyyo,
than to live a hundred years
is living for one day

vīriyamārabhato daḷhaṁ.
lazy and lacking energy.
with determination and resolve.


Yo ca vassasataṁ jīve,
Better to live a single day
Better than living for a hundred years

apassaṁ udayabbayaṁ;
seeing rise and fall
without seeing arising and vanishing,

Ekāhaṁ jīvitaṁ seyyo,
than to live a hundred years
is living for one day

passato udayabbayaṁ.
blind to rise and fall.
while seeing arising and vanishing.


Yo ca vassasataṁ jīve,
Better to live a single day
Better than living for a hundred years

apassaṁ amataṁ padaṁ;
seeing the state free of death
without seeing the path to the deathless,

Ekāhaṁ jīvitaṁ seyyo,
than to live a hundred years
is living for one day

passato amataṁ padaṁ.
blind to the state free of death.
while seeing the path to the deathless.


Yo ca vassasataṁ jīve,
Better to live a single day
Better than living for a hundred years

apassaṁ dhammamuttamaṁ;
seeing the supreme teaching
without seeing the ultimate truth,

Ekāhaṁ jīvitaṁ seyyo,
than to live a hundred years
is living for one day

passato dhammamuttamaṁ.
blind to the supreme teaching.
while seeing the ultimate truth.

Sahassavaggo aṭṭhamo.