sutta » kn » iti » vagga10 » Itivuttaka 95

Translators: sujato

So It Was Said 95

The Book of the Threes

Chapter Five


Provided With Pleasure

Vuttañhetaṁ bhagavatā vuttamarahatāti me sutaṁ:
This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard.

“Tisso imā, bhikkhave, kāmūpapattiyo.
“Mendicants, there are these three ways of being provided with sensual pleasures.

Katamā tisso?
What three?

Paccupaṭṭhitakāmā, nimmānaratino, paranimmitavasavattino—
Some sensual pleasures are simply present; some are for those who love to imagine; and some are for those who control what is imagined by others.

imā kho, bhikkhave, tisso kāmūpapattiyo”ti.
These are the three ways of being provided with sensual pleasures.”

Etamatthaṁ bhagavā avoca.
The Buddha spoke this matter.

Tatthetaṁ iti vuccati:
On this it is said:

“Paccupaṭṭhitakāmā ca,
“Sensual pleasures that are simply present,

ye devā vasavattino;
Gods Who Control what is Imagined by Others,

Nimmānaratino devā,
Gods Who Love to Imagine,

ye caññe kāmabhogino;
and others who indulge in sensual pleasures—

They go from this state to another,

saṁsāraṁ nātivattare.
but don’t escape transmigration.

Etamādīnavaṁ ñatvā,
Knowing this danger

kāmabhogesu paṇḍito;
in sensual indulgence, an astute person

Sabbe pariccaje kāme,
would reject all sensual pleasures,

ye dibbā ye ca mānusā.
both human and divine.

Having cut the stream so hard to pass,

chetvā sotaṁ duraccayaṁ;
that’s tied to pleasant seeming things,

Asesaṁ parinibbanti,
they become completely quenched,

asesaṁ dukkhamaccaguṁ.
completely transcending suffering.

Ariyaddasā vedaguno,
Seers of the noble truths, knowledge masters,

sammadaññāya paṇḍitā;
the astute, understanding rightly,

directly know the ending of rebirth,

nāgacchanti punabbhavan”ti.
they come not back to future lives.”

Ayampi attho vutto bhagavatā, iti me sutanti.
This too is a matter that was spoken by the Blessed One: that is what I heard.
