sutta » kn » iti » vagga10 » Itivuttaka 97

Translators: sujato

So It Was Said 97

The Book of the Threes

Chapter Five


Good Morals

Vuttañhetaṁ bhagavatā vuttamarahatāti me sutaṁ:
This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard.

“Kalyāṇasīlo, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kalyāṇadhammo kalyāṇapañño imasmiṁ dhammavinaye ‘kevalī vusitavā uttamapuriso’ti vuccati—
“Mendicants, in this teaching and training a mendicant of good morals, good practice, and good wisdom is called consummate, accomplished, a supreme person.

Kathañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kalyāṇasīlo hoti?
And how does a mendicant have good morals?

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sīlavā hoti, pātimokkhasaṁvarasaṁvuto viharati, ācāragocarasampanno aṇumattesu vajjesu bhayadassāvī, samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesu.
It’s when a mendicant is ethical, restrained in the monastic code, conducting themselves well and seeking alms in suitable places. Seeing danger in the slightest fault, they keep the rules they’ve undertaken.

Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kalyāṇasīlo hoti.
That’s how a mendicant has good morals.

Iti kalyāṇasīlo.
Such is one of good morality.

Kalyāṇadhammo ca kathaṁ hoti?
And how does one have good practice?

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sattannaṁ bodhipakkhiyānaṁ dhammānaṁ bhāvanānuyogamanuyutto viharati.
It’s when a mendicant meditates pursuing the development of the seven qualities that lead to awakening.

Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kalyāṇadhammo hoti.
That’s how a mendicant has good practice.

Iti kalyāṇasīlo, kalyāṇadhammo.
Such is one of good morality and good practice.

Kalyāṇapañño ca kathaṁ hoti?
And how does one have good wisdom?

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant realizes the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life. And they live having realized it with their own insight due to the ending of defilements.

Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kalyāṇapañño hoti.
That’s how a mendicant has good wisdom;

Iti kalyāṇasīlo kalyāṇadhammo kalyāṇapañño imasmiṁ dhammavinaye ‘kevalī vusitavā uttamapuriso’ti vuccatī”ti.
Such is one of good morals, good practice, and good wisdom, who in this teaching and training is called consummate, accomplished, a supreme person.”

Etamatthaṁ bhagavā avoca.
The Buddha spoke this matter.

Tatthetaṁ iti vuccati:
On this it is said:

“Yassa kāyena vācāya,
“Who does nothing wrong

manasā natthi dukkaṭaṁ;
by body, speech or mind,

Taṁ ve kalyāṇasīloti,
is said to be one good morals,

āhu bhikkhuṁ hirīmanaṁ.
a conscientious mendicant.

Yassa dhammā subhāvitā,
Who has well developed the seven

satta sambodhigāmino;
factors that lead to awakening

Taṁ ve kalyāṇadhammoti,
is said to be one good practice,

āhu bhikkhuṁ anussadaṁ.
a humble mendicant.

Yo dukkhassa pajānāti,
Who understands for themselves

idheva khayamattano;
the end of suffering in this life

Taṁ ve kalyāṇapaññoti,
is said to be one good wisdom,

āhu bhikkhuṁ anāsavaṁ.
an undefiled mendicant.

Tehi dhammehi sampannaṁ,
One accomplished in these three things,

anīghaṁ chinnasaṁsayaṁ;
untroubled, with doubts cut off,

Asitaṁ sabbalokassa,
unattached to anything in the world,

āhu sabbapahāyinan”ti.
has given up everything, they say.”

Ayampi attho vutto bhagavatā, iti me sutanti.
This too is a matter that was spoken by the Blessed One: that is what I heard.
