sutta » kn » kp » Khuddakapāṭha 8

Translators: sujato

Basic Passages 8


A Hidden Treasure

Nidhiṁ nidheti puriso,
A person stores away their savings

gambhīre odakantike;
in a deep pit by the water’s edge:

Atthe kicce samuppanne,
“When need arises

atthāya me bhavissati.
it will be there to help

Rājato vā duruttassa,
free me from rulers if I am slandered,

corato pīḷitassa vā;
or from bandits if harassed,

Iṇassa vā pamokkhāya,
or to release me from debt,

dubbhikkhe āpadāsu vā;
or in case of famine or losses.”

Etadatthāya lokasmiṁ,
What the world calls savings

nidhi nāma nidhīyati.
get stored away for such reasons.

Tāvassunihito santo,
But no matter how well stored away they are

gambhīre odakantike;
in a deep pit by the water’s edge,

Na sabbo sabbadā eva,
all their savings will fail

tassa taṁ upakappati.
to aid them all the time.

Nidhi vā ṭhānā cavati,
For perhaps those savings are removed from there,

saññā vāssa vimuyhati;
or they forget what marks the site,

Nāgā vā apanāmenti,
or dragons make off with them,

yakkhā vāpi haranti naṁ.
or spirits carry them away,

Appiyā vāpi dāyādā,
or unloved heirs

uddharanti apassato;
secretly unearth them.

Yadā puññakkhayo hoti,
When their merit is used up,

sabbametaṁ vinassati.
all of that will vanish.

Yassa dānena sīlena,
But by giving and morality,

saṁyamena damena ca;
restraint and self-control,

Nidhī sunihito hoti,
a woman or man

itthiyā purisassa vā.
keeps their savings safe.

Cetiyamhi ca saṅghe vā,
At a shrine or with the Saṅgha,

puggale atithīsu vā;

Mātari pitari cāpi,
with mother or father,

atho jeṭṭhamhi bhātari.
or else an elder sibling,

Eso nidhi sunihito,
those savings are kept safe,

ajeyyo anugāmiko;
they stay with you, undecaying.

Pahāya gamanīyesu,
We must go on leaving all behind,

etaṁ ādāya gacchati.
only this you take when you go.

You don’t have to divide it with others,

acorāharaṇo nidhi;
no thief makes off with your savings.

Kayirātha dhīro puññāni,
A wise person would make merit,

yo nidhi anugāmiko.
the savings that stay with you.

Esa devamanussānaṁ,
Such savings grant every desire

sabbakāmadado nidhi;
of gods and humans too.

Yaṁ yadevābhipatthenti,
Whatever it is that they wish for

sabbametena labbhati.
through this they have it all.

Suvaṇṇatā susaratā,
Good looks, a sweet voice,

susaṇṭhānā surūpatā;
a good shape, and good appearance,

leadership and followers:

sabbametena labbhati.
through this they have it all.

Padesarajjaṁ issariyaṁ,
Sovereignty of a local kingdom,

cakkavattisukhaṁ piyaṁ;
the happiness of a Wheel-Turning Monarch,

Devarajjampi dibbesu,
even divine kingship in the heavens:

sabbametena labbhati.
through this they have it all.

Mānussikā ca sampatti,
Human success,

devaloke ca yā rati;
heavenly delight,

Yā ca nibbānasampatti,
attaining extinguishment:

sabbametena labbhati.
through this they have it all.

Relying on having good friends,

yonisova payuñjato;
rational application of effort,

mastery of knowledge and freedom:

sabbametena labbhati.
through this they have it all.

Paṭisambhidā vimokkhā ca,
Analytical knowledge, the liberations,

yā ca sāvakapāramī;
the perfections of the disciple,

Paccekabodhi buddhabhūmi,
the plane of an independent Buddha:

sabbametena labbhati.
through this they have it all.

Evaṁ mahatthikā esā,
This accomplishment in merit

yadidaṁ puññasampadā;
is so very beneficial.

Tasmā dhīrā pasaṁsanti,
That’s why the wise and the astute

paṇḍitā katapuññatanti.
praise the making of merit.
