sutta » kn » kp » Khuddakapāṭha 9

Translators: sujato

Basic Passages 9


The Discourse on Love

Those who are skilled in the meaning of scripture

Yanta santaṁ padaṁ abhisamecca;
should practice like this so as to realize the state of peace.

Sakko ujū ca suhujū ca,
Let them be able and upright, very upright,

Sūvaco cassa mudu anatimānī.
easy to speak to, gentle and humble;

Santussako ca subharo ca,
content and unburdensome,

Appakicco ca sallahukavutti;
unbusied, living lightly,

Santindriyo ca nipako ca,
alert, with senses calmed,

Appagabbho kulesvananugiddho.
courteous, not fawning on families.

Na ca khuddamācare kiñci,
Let them not do the slightest thing

Yena viññū pare upavadeyyuṁ;
that others might blame with reason.

Sukhino va khemino hontu,
May they be happy and safe!

Sabbasattā bhavantu sukhitattā.
May all beings be happy!

Ye keci pāṇabhūtatthi,
Whatever living creatures there are

Tasā vā thāvarā vanavasesā;
with not a one left out—

Dīghā vā ye va mahantā,
frail or firm, long or large,

Majjhimā rassakā aṇukathūlā.
medium, small, tiny or round,

Diṭṭhā vā ye va adiṭṭhā,
seen or unseen,

Ye va dūre vasanti avidūre;
living far or near,

Bhūtā va sambhavesī va,
those who have been born <j>and those about to be born—

Sabbasattā bhavantu sukhitattā.
may all beings be happy!

Na paro paraṁ nikubbetha,
Let none turn from another,

Nātimaññetha katthaci na kañci;
nor look down on anyone anywhere.

Byārosanā paṭighasañña,
Though provoked or aggrieved,

Nāññamaññassa dukkhamiccheyya.
let them not wish pain on each other.

Mātā yathā niyaṁ puttam
Even as a mother would protect with her life

Āyusā ekaputtamanurakkhe;
her child, her only child,

Evampi sabbabhūtesu,
so too for all creatures

Mānasaṁ bhāvaye aparimāṇaṁ.
unfold a boundless heart.

Mettañca sabbalokasmi,
With love for the whole world,

Mānasaṁ bhāvaye aparimāṇaṁ;
unfold a boundless heart:

Uddhaṁ adho ca tiriyañca,
above, below, all round,

Asambādhaṁ averamasapattaṁ.
unconstricted, without enemy or foe.

Tiṭṭhaṁ caraṁ nisinno va,
When standing, walking, sitting,

Sayāno yāvatāssa vitamiddho;
or lying down while yet unweary,

Etaṁ satiṁ adhiṭṭheyya,
keep this ever in mind;

Brahmametaṁ vihāramidhamāhu.
for this, they say, is a divine meditation in this life.

Diṭṭhiñca anupaggamma,
Avoiding harmful views,

Sīlavā dassanena sampanno;
virtuous, accomplished in insight,

Kāmesu vinaya gedhaṁ,
with sensual desire dispelled,

Na hi jātuggabbhaseyya punaretīti.
they never return to a womb again.


Khuddakapāṭhapāḷi niṭṭhitā.