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Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Great Analysis

The chapter on relinquishment

The subchapter on robes

3. Tatiyakathinasikkhāpada

The third training rule on the robe season

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time when the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery,

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno akālacīvaraṁ uppannaṁ hoti.
a monk had been given robe-cloth outside the robe season.

Tassa taṁ cīvaraṁ kayiramānaṁ nappahoti.
While he was making the robe, he realized there was not enough cloth.

Atha kho so bhikkhu taṁ cīvaraṁ ussāpetvā punappunaṁ vimajjati.
Lifting it up, he smoothed it out again and again.

Addasā kho bhagavā senāsanacārikaṁ āhiṇḍanto taṁ bhikkhuṁ taṁ cīvaraṁ ussāpetvā punappunaṁ vimajjantaṁ.
While walking about the dwellings, the Buddha saw that monk acting in this way.

Disvāna yena so bhikkhu tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā taṁ bhikkhuṁ etadavoca—
He went up to him and said,

“kissa tvaṁ, bhikkhu, imaṁ cīvaraṁ ussāpetvā punappunaṁ vimajjasī”ti?
“What are you doing, monk?”

“Idaṁ me, bhante, akālacīvaraṁ uppannaṁ.
“Sir, I’ve been given this out-of-season robe-cloth,

Kayiramānaṁ nappahoti.
but it’s not enough to make a robe.

Tenāhaṁ imaṁ cīvaraṁ ussāpetvā punappunaṁ vimajjāmī”ti.
That’s why I lift it up and smooth it out again and again.”

“Atthi pana te, bhikkhu, cīvarapaccāsā”ti?
“Are you expecting to receive more cloth?”

“Atthi, bhagavā”ti.
“I am.”

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā, bhikkhū āmantesi—
Soon afterwards the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“anujānāmi, bhikkhave, akālacīvaraṁ paṭiggahetvā cīvarapaccāsā nikkhipitun”ti.
“Monks, I allow you to keep out-of-season robe-cloth if you are expecting to receive more.”

Tena kho pana samayena bhikkhū—“bhagavatā anuññātaṁ akālacīvaraṁ paṭiggahetvā cīvarapaccāsā nikkhipitun”ti akālacīvarāni paṭiggahetvā atirekamāsaṁ nikkhipanti.
When they heard about this, some monks kept out-of-season robe-cloth for more than a month,

Tāni cīvarāni cīvaravaṁse bhaṇḍikābaddhāni tiṭṭhanti.
keeping them in bundles on a bamboo robe rack.

Addasā kho āyasmā ānando senāsanacārikaṁ āhiṇḍanto tāni cīvarāni cīvaravaṁse bhaṇḍikābaddhāni tiṭṭhante.
While walking about the dwellings, Venerable Ānanda saw that robe-cloth,

Disvāna bhikkhū āmantesi—
and he asked the monks,

“kassimāni, āvuso, cīvarāni cīvaravaṁse bhaṇḍikābaddhāni tiṭṭhantī”ti?
“Whose cloth is this?”

“Amhākaṁ, āvuso, akālacīvarāni cīvarapaccāsā nikkhittānī”ti.
“It’s our out-of-season robe-cloth, which we’re keeping because we’re expecting more.”

“Kīvaciraṁ panāvuso, imāni cīvarāni nikkhittānī”ti?
“But how long have you kept it?”

“Atirekamāsaṁ, āvuso”ti.
“More than a month.”

Āyasmā ānando ujjhāyati khiyyati vipāceti—
Venerable Ānanda complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma bhikkhū akālacīvaraṁ paṭiggahetvā atirekamāsaṁ nikkhipissantī”ti.
“How can these monks keep out-of-season robe-cloth for more than a month?”

Atha kho āyasmā ānando te bhikkhū anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesi …pe…
After rebuking those monks in many ways, Venerable Ānanda told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, bhikkhū akālacīvaraṁ paṭiggahetvā atirekamāsaṁ nikkhipantī”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that there are monks who do this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked them …

kathañhi nāma te, bhikkhave, moghapurisā akālacīvaraṁ paṭiggahetvā atirekamāsaṁ nikkhipissanti.
“How can those foolish men keep out-of-season robe-cloth for more than a month?

Netaṁ, bhikkhave, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Niṭṭhitacīvarasmiṁ bhikkhunā ubbhatasmiṁ kathine bhikkhuno paneva akālacīvaraṁ uppajjeyya, ākaṅkhamānena bhikkhunā paṭiggahetabbaṁ.
‘When his robe is finished and the robe season has ended, if out-of-season robe-cloth is given to a monk, he may receive it if he wishes.

Paṭiggahetvā khippameva kāretabbaṁ.
If he receives it, he should quickly make a robe.

No cassa pāripūri, māsaparamaṁ tena bhikkhunā taṁ cīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ ūnassa pāripūriyā satiyā paccāsāya.
If there is not enough cloth, but he is expecting more, he should keep it at most one month to make up the lack.

Tato ce uttari nikkhipeyya, satiyāpi paccāsāya, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyan”ti.
If he keeps it longer than that, then even if he expects more cloth, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.’”

When his robe is finished:

bhikkhuno cīvaraṁ kataṁ vā hoti naṭṭhaṁ vā vinaṭṭhaṁ vā daḍḍhaṁ vā cīvarāsā vā upacchinnā.
the monk has made a robe; or the robe-cloth has been lost, destroyed, or burned; or his expectation of receiving further robe-cloth is disappointed.

Ubbhatasmiṁ kathineti
The robe season has ended:

aṭṭhannaṁ mātikānaṁ aññatarāya mātikāya ubbhataṁ hoti, saṅghena vā antarā ubbhataṁ hoti.
it has ended according to one of the eight key phrases or the Sangha has ended it.

Akālacīvaraṁ nāma
Out-of-season robe-cloth:

anatthate kathine ekādasamāse uppannaṁ,
for one who has not participated in the robe-making ceremony, it is robe-cloth given during the eleven months.

atthate kathine sattamāse uppannaṁ,
for one who has participated in the robe-making ceremony, it is robe-cloth given during the seven months.

kālepi ādissa dinnaṁ, etaṁ akālacīvaraṁ nāma.
Also, if it is given in the robe season, but the cloth is designated, it is called “out-of-season robe-cloth”.

If it is given:

uppajjeyya saṅghato vā gaṇato vā ñātito vā mittato vā paṁsukūlaṁ vā attano vā dhanena.
If it is given by a sangha, by a group, by a relative, or by a friend, or if it is rags, or if he got it by means of his own property.

If he wishes:

icchamānena paṭiggahetabbaṁ.
if he desires, he may receive it.

Paṭiggahetvā khippameva kāretabbanti
If he receives it, he should quickly make a robe:

dasāhā kāretabbaṁ.
it should be made within ten days.

No cassa pāripūrīti
If there is not enough cloth:

kayiramānaṁ nappahoti.
if there is not enough cloth when the robe is being made.

Māsaparamaṁ tena bhikkhunā taṁ cīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbanti
He should keep it at most one month:

māsaparamatā nikkhipitabbaṁ.
he should keep it one month at a maximum.

Ūnassa pāripūriyāti
To make up the lack:

ūnassa pāripūratthāya.
for the purpose of making up the lack.

Satiyā paccāsāyāti
But he is expecting more:

paccāsā hoti saṅghato vā gaṇato vā ñātito vā mittato vā paṁsukūlaṁ vā attano vā dhanena.
he is expecting more from a sangha, from a group, from a relative, or from a friend, or he is expecting to get rags, or he is expecting to get it by means of his own property.

Tato ce uttari nikkhipeyya satiyāpi paccāsāyāti
If he keeps it longer than that, then even if he expects more cloth:

tadahuppanne mūlacīvare paccāsācīvaraṁ uppajjati, dasāhā kāretabbaṁ.
if he is given the expected robe-cloth on the same day as he was given the original robe-cloth, it must be made into a robe within ten days.

Dvīhuppanne mūlacīvare paccāsācīvaraṁ uppajjati, dasāhā kāretabbaṁ.
If he is given the expected robe-cloth the day after he was given the original robe-cloth, it must be made into a robe within ten days.

Tīhuppanne mūlacīvare …pe…
If he is given the expected robe-cloth two days after …

catūhuppanne …
three days after …

pañcāhuppanne …

chāhuppanne …

sattāhuppanne …

aṭṭhāhuppanne …

navāhuppanne …

dasāhuppanne mūlacīvare paccāsācīvaraṁ uppajjati, dasāhā kāretabbaṁ.

Ekādase uppanne …pe…

dvādase uppanne …

terase uppanne …

cuddase uppanne …

pannarase uppanne …

soḷase uppanne …

sattarase uppanne …

aṭṭhārase uppanne …

ekūnavīse uppanne …
eighteen days after …

vīse uppanne mūlacīvare paccāsācīvaraṁ uppajjati, dasāhā kāretabbaṁ.
… nineteen days after he was given the original robe-cloth, it must be made into a robe within ten days.

Ekavīse uppanne mūlacīvare paccāsācīvaraṁ uppajjati, navāhā kāretabbaṁ.
If he is given the expected robe-cloth twenty days after he was given the original robe-cloth, it must be made into a robe within nine days.

Dvāvīse uppanne …pe…
If he is given the expected robe-cloth twenty-one days after he was given the original robe-cloth, it must be made into a robe within eight days. …

tevīse uppanne …
twenty-two days after …

catuvīse uppanne …

pañcavīse uppanne …

chabbīse uppanne …

sattavīse uppanne …

aṭṭhavīse uppanne …
twenty-seven days after …

ekūnatiṁse uppanne mūlacīvare paccāsācīvaraṁ uppajjati, ekāhaṁ kāretabbaṁ …
If he is given the expected robe-cloth twenty-eight days after he was given the original robe-cloth, it must be made into a robe within one day.

tiṁse uppanne mūlacīvare paccāsācīvaraṁ uppajjati, tadaheva adhiṭṭhātabbaṁ vikappetabbaṁ vissajjetabbaṁ.
If he is given the expected robe-cloth twenty-nine days after he was given the original robe-cloth, it must be determined, assigned to another, or given away on that very day.

No ce adhiṭṭheyya vā vikappeyya vā vissajjeyya vā, ekatiṁse aruṇuggamane nissaggiyaṁ hoti.
If he does not determine it, assign it to another, or give it away, it becomes subject to relinquishment at dawn on the thirtieth day.

Nissajjitabbaṁ saṅghassa vā gaṇassa vā puggalassa vā.
The robe-cloth should be relinquished to a sangha, a group, or an individual.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, nissajjitabbaṁ.
“And, monks, it should be relinquished like this.

(To be expanded as in <a href=''>Bu Np 1:3.2.5</a>–3.2.29, with appropriate substitutions.)

idaṁ me, bhante, akālacīvaraṁ māsātikkantaṁ nissaggiyaṁ,
‘Venerables, this out-of-season robe-cloth, which I have kept for more than a month, is to be relinquished.

imāhaṁ saṅghassa nissajjāmīti …pe…
I relinquish it to the Sangha.’ …

dadeyyāti …pe…
the Sangha should give …

dadeyyunti …pe…
you should give …

āyasmato dammīti.
‘I give this robe-cloth back to you.’”

Visabhāge uppanne mūlacīvare paccāsācīvaraṁ uppajjati, rattiyo ca sesā honti, na akāmā kāretabbaṁ.
If he is given the expected robe-cloth, but it is different from the robe-cloth originally given to him, and there are days remaining, he does not have to make a robe if he does not want to.

Māsātikkante atikkantasaññī, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If it is more than a month and he perceives it as more, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Māsātikkante vematiko nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If it is more than a month, but he is unsure of it, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Māsātikkante anatikkantasaññī nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If it is more than a month, but he perceives it as less, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Anadhiṭṭhite adhiṭṭhitasaññī …pe…
If it has not been determined, but he perceives that it has, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

avikappite vikappitasaññī …
If it has not been assigned to another, but he perceives that it has, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

avissajjite vissajjitasaññī …
If it has not been given away, but he perceives that it has, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

anaṭṭhe naṭṭhasaññī …
If it has not been lost, but he perceives that it has, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

avinaṭṭhe vinaṭṭhasaññī …
If it has not been destroyed, but he perceives that it has, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

adaḍḍhe daḍḍhasaññī …
If it has not been burned, but he perceives that it has, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

avilutte viluttasaññī, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If it has not been stolen, but he perceives that it has, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Nissaggiyaṁ cīvaraṁ anissajjitvā paribhuñjati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he uses robe-cloth that should be relinquished without first relinquishing it, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Māsānatikkante atikkantasaññī, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If it is less than a month, but he perceives it as more, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Māsānatikkante vematiko, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If it is less than a month, but he is unsure of it, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Māsānatikkante anatikkantasaññī, anāpatti.
If it is less than a month and he perceives it as less, there is no offense.

There is no offense:

antomāse adhiṭṭheti, vikappeti, vissajjeti, nassati, vinassati, ḍayhati, acchinditvā gaṇhanti, vissāsaṁ gaṇhanti,
if within a month it has been determined, assigned to another, given away, lost, destroyed, burned, stolen, or taken on trust;

if he is insane;

if he is the first offender.

Tatiyakathinasikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ tatiyaṁ.
The third training rule on the robe season, the third, is finished.