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Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Great Analysis

The chapter on relinquishment

The subchapter on silk

11. Kosiyasikkhāpada

The training rule on silk

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā āḷaviyaṁ viharati aggāḷave cetiye.
At one time when the Buddha was staying at Āḷavī at the Aggāḷava Shrine,

Tena kho pana samayena chabbaggiyā bhikkhū kosiyakārake upasaṅkamitvā evaṁ vadanti—
the monks from the group of six went to silk-makers and said,

“bahū, āvuso, kosakārake pacatha, amhākampi dassatha,
“Please boil a heap of silkworms and give us silk.

mayampi icchāma kosiyamissakaṁ santhataṁ kātun”ti.
We want to make a blanket containing silk.”

Te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The silk-makers complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma samaṇā sakyaputtiyā amhe upasaṅkamitvā evaṁ vakkhanti—
“How can the Sakyan monastics come and say

‘bahū, āvuso, kosakārake pacatha, amhākampi dassatha, mayampi icchāma kosiyamissakaṁ santhataṁ kātun’ti.
such things to us?

Amhākampi alābhā, amhākampi dulladdhaṁ, ye mayaṁ ājīvassa hetu puttadārassa kāraṇā bahū khuddake pāṇe saṅghātaṁ āpādemā”ti.
It’s our misfortune that we must kill many small creatures because of our livelihoods and because of our wives and children.”

Assosuṁ kho bhikkhū tesaṁ manussānaṁ ujjhāyantānaṁ khiyyantānaṁ vipācentānaṁ.
The monks heard the complaints of those silk-makers,

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
and the monks of few desires complained and criticized those monks,

“kathañhi nāma chabbaggiyā bhikkhū kosiyakārake upasaṅkamitvā evaṁ vakkhanti—
“How could the monks from the group of six go to silk-makers and say

‘bahū, āvuso, kosakārake pacatha, amhākampi dassatha, mayampi icchāma kosiyamissakaṁ santhataṁ kātun’”ti.
such a thing?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū chabbaggiye bhikkhū anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
After rebuking them in many ways, they told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira tumhe, bhikkhave, kosiyakārake upasaṅkamitvā evaṁ vadetha—
“Is it true, monks, that you did this?”

‘bahū, āvuso, kosakārake pacatha, amhākampi dassatha,

mayampi icchāma kosiyamissakaṁ santhataṁ kātun’”ti?

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked them …

kathañhi nāma tumhe, moghapurisā, kosiyakārake upasaṅkamitvā evaṁ vakkhatha—
“Foolish men, how could you do this?

‘bahū, āvuso, kosakārake pacatha, amhākampi dassatha, mayampi icchāma kosiyamissakaṁ santhataṁ kātun’ti.

Netaṁ, moghapurisā, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Yo pana bhikkhu kosiyamissakaṁ santhataṁ kārāpeyya, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyan”ti.
‘If a monk has a blanket made that contains silk, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.’”

Yo panāti

yo yādiso …pe…
whoever …


…pe… ayaṁ imasmiṁ atthe adhippeto bhikkhūti.
… The monk who has been given the full ordination by a unanimous Sangha through a legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements that is irreversible and fit to stand—this sort of monk is meant in this case.

Santhataṁ nāma
A blanket:

santharitvā kataṁ hoti avāyimaṁ.
it is made by strewing, not by weaving.

Has made:

ekenapi kosiyaṁsunā missitvā karoti vā kārāpeti vā, payoge dukkaṭaṁ.
If he makes a blanket that contains even one thread of silk, or he has one made, then for the effort there is an act of wrong conduct.

Paṭilābhena nissaggiyaṁ hoti.
When he gets the blanket, it becomes subject to relinquishment.

Nissajjitabbaṁ saṅghassa vā gaṇassa vā puggalassa vā.
The blanket should be relinquished to a sangha, a group, or an individual.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, nissajjitabbaṁ.
“And, monks, it should be relinquished like this.

(To be expanded as in <a href=''>Bu Np 1:3.2.5</a>–3.2.29, with appropriate substitutions.)

idaṁ me, bhante, kosiyamissakaṁ santhataṁ kārāpitaṁ nissaggiyaṁ.
‘Venerables, this blanket containing silk, which I got made, is to be relinquished.

Imāhaṁ saṅghassa nissajjāmīti …pe…
I relinquish it to the Sangha.’ …

dadeyyāti …pe…
the Sangha should give …

dadeyyunti …pe…
you should give …

āyasmato dammīti.
‘I give this blanket back to you.’”

Attanā vippakataṁ attanā pariyosāpeti, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If he finishes what he began himself, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Attanā vippakataṁ parehi pariyosāpeti, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If he has others finish what he began himself, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Parehi vippakataṁ attanā pariyosāpeti, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If he finishes himself what was begun by others, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Parehi vippakataṁ parehi pariyosāpeti, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If he has others finish what was begun by others, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Aññassatthāya karoti vā kārāpeti vā, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he makes one, or has one made, for someone else, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Aññena kataṁ paṭilabhitvā paribhuñjati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he gets one that was made by someone else and then uses it, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

There is no offense:

vitānaṁ vā bhūmattharaṇaṁ vā sāṇipākāraṁ vā bhisiṁ vā bibbohanaṁ vā karoti,
if he makes a canopy, a floor cover, a cloth screen, a mattress, or a pillow;

if he is insane;

if he is the first offender.

Kosiyasikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ paṭhamaṁ.
The training rule on silk, the first, is finished.