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Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Great Analysis

The chapter on offenses entailing confession

The subchapter on lying

1. Musāvādasikkhāpada

The training rule on lying

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa.
Homage to the Buddha, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One

Ime kho panāyasmanto dvenavuti pācittiyā dhammā uddesaṁ āgacchanti.
Venerables, these ninety-two rules on confession come up for recitation.

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time when the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in the Jeta grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery,

Tena kho pana samayena hatthako sakyaputto vādakkhitto hoti.
Hatthaka the Sakyan had been beaten in debate.

So titthiyehi saddhiṁ sallapanto avajānitvā paṭijānāti, paṭijānitvā avajānāti, aññenaññaṁ paṭicarati, sampajānamusā bhāsati, saṅketaṁ katvā visaṁvādeti.
While talking with the monastics of other religions, he would assert things after denying them, and he would deny things after asserting them. He evaded the issues, lied, and made sham appointments.

Titthiyā ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—“kathañhi nāma hatthako sakyaputto amhehi saddhiṁ sallapanto avajānitvā paṭijānissati, paṭijānitvā avajānissati, aññenaññaṁ paṭicarissati, sampajānamusā bhāsissati, saṅketaṁ katvā visaṁvādessatī”ti.
The monastics of other religions complained and criticized him, “When Hatthaka talks with us, how can he assert things after denying them, deny things after asserting them, evade the issues, lie, and make sham appointments?”

Assosuṁ kho bhikkhū tesaṁ titthiyānaṁ ujjhāyantānaṁ khiyyantānaṁ vipācentānaṁ.
The monks heard the complaints of those monastics of other religions.

Atha kho te bhikkhū yena hatthako sakyaputto tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā hatthakaṁ sakyaputtaṁ etadavocuṁ—
They then went to Hatthaka and said,

“saccaṁ kira tvaṁ, āvuso hatthaka, titthiyehi saddhiṁ sallapanto avajānitvā paṭijānāsi, paṭijānitvā avajānāsi, aññenaññaṁ paṭicarasi, sampajānamusā bhāsasi, saṅketaṁ katvā visaṁvādesī”ti?
“Is it true, Hatthaka, that you’re doing this?”

“Ete kho, āvuso, titthiyā nāma yena kenaci jetabbā;
“These monastics of other religions should be beaten, whatever it takes!

neva tesaṁ jayo dātabbo”ti.
They shouldn’t be allowed to win.”

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized him,

“kathañhi nāma hatthako sakyaputto titthiyehi saddhiṁ sallapanto avajānitvā paṭijānissati, paṭijānitvā avajānissati, aññenaññaṁ paṭicarissati, sampajānamusā bhāsissati, saṅketaṁ katvā visaṁvādessatī”ti.
“When Hatthaka talks with the monastics of other religions, how can he assert things after denying them, deny things after asserting them, evade the issues, lie, and make sham appointments?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū hatthakaṁ sakyaputtaṁ anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
After rebuking Hatthaka in many ways, they told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe bhikkhusaṅghaṁ sannipātāpetvā hatthakaṁ sakyaputtaṁ paṭipucchi—
Soon afterwards the Buddha had the Sangha gathered and questioned Hatthaka:

“saccaṁ kira tvaṁ, hatthaka, titthiyehi saddhiṁ sallapanto avajānitvā paṭijānāsi, paṭijānitvā avajānāsi, aññenaññaṁ paṭicarasi, sampajānamusā bhāsasi, saṅketaṁ katvā visaṁvādesī”ti?
“Is it true, Hatthaka, that you’re doing this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked him …

kathañhi nāma tvaṁ, moghapurisa, titthiyehi saddhiṁ sallapanto avajānitvā paṭijānissasi, paṭijānitvā avajānissasi, aññenaññaṁ paṭicarissasi, sampajānamusā bhāsissasi, saṅketaṁ katvā visaṁvādessasi.
“Foolish man, how can you do this?

Netaṁ, moghapurisa, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Sampajānamusāvāde pācittiyan”ti.
‘If a monk lies in full awareness, he commits an offense entailing confession.’”

Sampajānamusāvādo nāma
Lies in full awareness:

visaṁvādanapurekkhārassa vācā, girā, byappatho, vacībhedo, vācasikā viññatti, aṭṭha anariyavohārā—adiṭṭhaṁ diṭṭhaṁ meti, assutaṁ sutaṁ meti, amutaṁ mutaṁ meti, aviññātaṁ viññātaṁ meti, diṭṭhaṁ adiṭṭhaṁ meti, sutaṁ assutaṁ meti, mutaṁ amutaṁ meti, viññātaṁ aviññātaṁ meti.
the speech of one who is aiming to deceive—his words, his way of speaking, his breaking into speech, his verbal expression, his eight kinds of ignoble speech: he says that he has seen what he has not seen; he says that he has heard what he has not heard; he says that he has sensed what he has not sensed; he says that he has mentally experienced what he has not mentally experienced; he says that he has not seen what he has seen; he says that he has not heard what he has heard; he says that he has not sensed what he has sensed; he says that he has not mentally experienced what he has mentally experienced.

Adiṭṭhaṁ nāma
Not seen:

na cakkhunā diṭṭhaṁ.
not seen with the eye.

Assutaṁ nāma
Not heard:

na sotena sutaṁ.
not heard with the ear.

Amutaṁ nāma
Not sensed:

na ghānena ghāyitaṁ, na jivhāya sāyitaṁ, na kāyena phuṭṭhaṁ.
not smelled with the nose, not tasted with the tongue, not touched with the body.

Aviññātaṁ nāma
Not mentally experienced:

na manasā viññātaṁ.
not mentally experienced with the mind.

Diṭṭhaṁ nāma

cakkhunā diṭṭhaṁ.
seen with the eye.

Sutaṁ nāma

sotena sutaṁ.
heard with the ear.

Mutaṁ nāma

ghānena ghāyitaṁ, jivhāya sāyitaṁ, kāyena phuṭṭhaṁ.
smelled with the nose, tasted with the tongue, touched with the body.

Viññātaṁ nāma
Mentally experienced:

manasā viññātaṁ.
mentally experienced with the mind.

Tīhākārehi “adiṭṭhaṁ diṭṭhaṁ me”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa—
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has seen what he has not seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled:

pubbevassa hoti “musā bhaṇissan”ti, bhaṇantassa hoti “musā bhaṇāmī”ti, bhaṇitassa hoti “musā mayā bhaṇitan”ti.
before he has lied, he knows he is going to lie; while lying, he knows he is lying; after he has lied, he knows he has lied.

Catūhākārehi “adiṭṭhaṁ diṭṭhaṁ me”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa—
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has seen what he has not seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when four conditions are fulfilled:

pubbevassa hoti “musā bhaṇissan”ti, bhaṇantassa hoti “musā bhaṇāmī”ti, bhaṇitassa hoti “musā mayā bhaṇitan”ti, vinidhāya diṭṭhiṁ.
before he has lied, he knows he is going to lie; while lying, he knows he is lying; after he has lied, he knows he has lied; he misrepresents his view of what is true.

Pañcahākārehi “adiṭṭhaṁ diṭṭhaṁ me”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa—
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has seen what he has not seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when five conditions are fulfilled:

pubbevassa hoti “musā bhaṇissan”ti, bhaṇantassa hoti “musā bhaṇāmī”ti, bhaṇitassa hoti “musā mayā bhaṇitan”ti, vinidhāya diṭṭhiṁ, vinidhāya khantiṁ.
before he has lied, he knows he is going to lie; while lying, he knows he is lying; after he has lied, he knows he has lied; he misrepresents his view of what is true; he misrepresents his belief of what is true.

Chahākārehi “adiṭṭhaṁ diṭṭhaṁ me”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa—
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has seen what he has not seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when six conditions are fulfilled:

pubbevassa hoti “musā bhaṇissan”ti, bhaṇantassa hoti “musā bhaṇāmī”ti, bhaṇitassa hoti “musā mayā bhaṇitan”ti, vinidhāya diṭṭhiṁ, vinidhāya khantiṁ, vinidhāya ruciṁ.
before he has lied, he knows he is going to lie; while lying, he knows he is lying; after he has lied, he knows he has lied; he misrepresents his view of what is true; he misrepresents his belief of what is true; he misrepresents his acceptance of what is true.

Sattahākārehi “adiṭṭhaṁ diṭṭhaṁ me”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa—
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has seen what he has not seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when seven conditions are fulfilled:

pubbevassa hoti “musā bhaṇissan”ti, bhaṇantassa hoti “musā bhaṇāmī”ti, bhaṇitassa hoti “musā mayā bhaṇitan”ti, vinidhāya diṭṭhiṁ, vinidhāya khantiṁ, vinidhāya ruciṁ, vinidhāya bhāvaṁ.
before he has lied, he knows he is going to lie; while lying, he knows he is lying; after he has lied, he knows he has lied; he misrepresents his view of what is true; he misrepresents his belief of what is true; he misrepresents his acceptance of what is true; he misrepresents his sentiment of what is true.

Tīhākārehi “assutaṁ sutaṁ me”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he says that he has heard what he has not heard …

amutaṁ mutaṁ meti …pe…
saying that he has sensed what he has not sensed …

aviññātaṁ viññātaṁ meti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa—
saying that he has mentally experienced what he has not mentally experienced, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled:

pubbevassa hoti “musā bhaṇissan”ti, bhaṇantassa hoti “musā bhaṇāmī”ti, bhaṇitassa hoti “musā mayā bhaṇitan”ti.
before he has lied, he knows he is going to lie; while lying, he knows he is lying; after he has lied, he knows he has lied.

Catūhākārehi …pe…
… when four conditions are fulfilled …

pañcahākārehi …pe…
when five conditions are fulfilled …

chahākārehi …pe…
when six conditions are fulfilled …

sattahākārehi “aviññātaṁ viññātaṁ me”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa—
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced what he has not mentally experienced, he commits an offense entailing confession when seven conditions are fulfilled:

pubbevassa hoti “musā bhaṇissan”ti, bhaṇantassa hoti “musā bhaṇāmī”ti, bhaṇitassa hoti “musā mayā bhaṇitan”ti, vinidhāya diṭṭhiṁ, vinidhāya khantiṁ, vinidhāya ruciṁ, vinidhāya bhāvaṁ.
before he has lied, he knows he is going to lie; while lying, he knows he is lying; after he has lied, he knows he has lied; he misrepresents his view of what is true; he misrepresents his belief of what is true; he misrepresents his acceptance of what is true; he misrepresents his sentiment of what is true.

Tīhākārehi “adiṭṭhaṁ diṭṭhañca me sutañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has seen and heard what he has not seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi “adiṭṭhaṁ diṭṭhañca me mutañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has seen and sensed what he has not seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi “adiṭṭhaṁ diṭṭhañca me viññātañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has seen and mentally experienced what he has not seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi adiṭṭhaṁ “diṭṭhañca me sutañca mutañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has seen and heard and sensed what he has not seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi adiṭṭhaṁ “diṭṭhañca me sutañca viññātañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has seen and heard and mentally experienced what he has not seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi adiṭṭhaṁ “diṭṭhañca me sutañca mutañca viññātañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe….
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has seen and heard and sensed and mentally experienced what he has not seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

Tīhākārehi assutaṁ “sutañca me mutañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has heard and sensed what he has not heard, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi assutaṁ “sutañca me viññātañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has heard and mentally experienced what he has not heard, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi assutaṁ “sutañca me diṭṭhañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has heard and seen what he has not heard, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi assutaṁ “sutañca me mutañca viññātañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has heard and sensed and mentally experienced what he has not heard, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi assutaṁ “sutañca me mutañca diṭṭhañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has heard and sensed and seen what he has not heard, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi assutaṁ “sutañca me mutañca viññātañca diṭṭhañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has heard and sensed and mentally experienced and seen what he has not heard, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

Tīhākārehi amutaṁ “mutañca me viññātañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has sensed and mentally experienced what he has not sensed, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi amutaṁ “mutañca me diṭṭhañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has sensed and seen what he has not sensed, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi amutaṁ “mutañca me sutañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has sensed and heard what he has not sensed, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi amutaṁ “mutañca me viññātañca diṭṭhañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has sensed and mentally experienced and seen what he has not sensed, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi amutaṁ “mutañca me viññātañca sutañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has sensed and mentally experienced and heard what he has not sensed, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi amutaṁ “mutañca me viññātañca diṭṭhañca sutañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has sensed and mentally experienced and seen and heard what he has not sensed, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

Tīhākārehi aviññātaṁ “viññātañca me diṭṭhañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and seen what he has not mentally experienced, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi aviññātaṁ “viññātañca me sutañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and heard what he has not mentally experienced, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi aviññātaṁ “viññātañca me mutañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and sensed what he has not mentally experienced, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi aviññātaṁ “viññātañca me diṭṭhañca sutañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and seen and heard what he has not mentally experienced, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi aviññātaṁ “viññātañca me diṭṭhañca mutañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and seen and sensed what he has not mentally experienced, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi aviññātaṁ “viññātañca me diṭṭhañca sutañca mutañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and seen and heard and sensed what he has not mentally experienced, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

Tīhākārehi diṭṭhaṁ “adiṭṭhaṁ me”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has not seen what he has seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

sutaṁ “assutaṁ me”ti …pe…
saying that he has not heard what he has heard …

mutaṁ “amutaṁ me”ti …pe…
saying that he has not sensed what he has sensed …

viññātaṁ “aviññātaṁ me”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
saying that he has not mentally experienced what he has mentally experienced, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

Tīhākārehi diṭṭhaṁ “sutaṁ me”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has heard what he has seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi diṭṭhaṁ “mutaṁ me”ti …pe…
saying that he has sensed what he has seen …

tīhākārehi diṭṭhaṁ “viññātaṁ me”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
saying that he has mentally experienced what he has seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi diṭṭhaṁ “sutañca me mutañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has heard and sensed what he has seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi diṭṭhaṁ “sutañca me viññātañcā”ti …pe…
saying that he has heard and mentally experienced what he has seen …

tīhākārehi diṭṭhaṁ “sutañca me mutañca viññātañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
saying that he has heard and sensed and mentally experienced what he seen, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

Tīhākārehi sutaṁ “mutaṁ me”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has sensed what he has heard, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi sutaṁ “viññātaṁ me”ti …pe…
saying that he has mentally experienced what he has heard …

tīhākārehi sutaṁ “diṭṭhaṁ me”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
saying that he has seen what he has heard, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi sutaṁ “mutañca me viññātañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has sensed and mentally experienced what he has heard, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi sutaṁ “mutañca me diṭṭhañcā”ti …pe…
saying that he has sensed and seen what he has heard …

tīhākārehi sutaṁ “mutañca me viññātañca diṭṭhañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe….
saying that he has sensed and mentally experienced and seen what he heard, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

Tīhākārehi mutaṁ “viññātaṁ me”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced what he has sensed, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi mutaṁ “diṭṭhaṁ me”ti …pe…
saying that he has seen what he has sensed …

tīhākārehi mutaṁ “sutaṁ me”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
saying that he has heard what he has sensed, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi mutaṁ “viññātañca me diṭṭhañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and seen what he has sensed, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi mutaṁ “viññātañca me sutañcā”ti …pe…
saying that he has mentally experienced and heard what he has sensed …

tīhākārehi mutaṁ “viññātañca me diṭṭhañca sutañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe….
saying that he has mentally experienced and seen and heard what he sensed, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

Tīhākārehi viññātaṁ “diṭṭhaṁ me”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has seen what he has mentally experienced, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi viññātaṁ “sutaṁ me”ti …pe…
saying that he has heard what he has mentally experienced …

tīhākārehi viññātaṁ “mutaṁ me”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe…
saying that he has sensed what he has mentally experienced, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi viññātaṁ “diṭṭhañca me sutañcā”ti …pe…
If he lies in full awareness, saying that he has seen and heard what he has mentally experienced, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

tīhākārehi viññātaṁ “diṭṭhañca me mutañcā”ti …pe…
saying that he has seen and sensed what he has mentally experienced …

tīhākārehi viññātaṁ “diṭṭhañca me sutañca mutañcā”ti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa …pe….
saying that he has seen and heard and sensed what he mentally experienced, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

Tīhākārehi diṭṭhe vematiko diṭṭhaṁ nokappeti, diṭṭhaṁ nassarati, diṭṭhaṁ pamuṭṭho hoti …pe…
If he is unsure of what he has seen, has doubts about what he has seen, does not remember what he has seen, is confused about what he has seen …

sute vematiko sutaṁ nokappeti, sutaṁ nassarati, sutaṁ pamuṭṭho hoti …pe…
If he is unsure of what he has heard, has doubts about what he has heard, does not remember what he has heard, is confused about what he has heard …

mute vematiko mutaṁ nokappeti, mutaṁ nassarati, mutaṁ pamuṭṭho hoti …pe…
If he is unsure of what he has sensed, has doubts about what he has sensed, does not remember what he has sensed, is confused about what he has sensed …

viññāte vematiko viññātaṁ nokappeti, viññātaṁ nassarati, viññātaṁ pamuṭṭho hoti … viññātañca me diṭṭhañcāti …pe…
If he is unsure of what he has mentally experienced, has doubts about what he has mentally experienced, does not remember what he has mentally experienced, is confused about what he has mentally experienced, but he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and seen …

viññātaṁ pamuṭṭho hoti … viññātañca me sutañcāti …pe…
is confused about what he has mentally experienced, but he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and heard …

viññātaṁ pamuṭṭho hoti; viññātañca me mutañcāti …pe…
is confused about what he has mentally experienced, but he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and sensed …

viññātaṁ pamuṭṭho hoti; viññātañca me diṭṭhañca sutañcāti …pe…
is confused about what he has mentally experienced, but he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and seen and heard …

viññātaṁ pamuṭṭho hoti; viññātañca me diṭṭhañca mutañcāti …pe…
is confused about what he has mentally experienced, but he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and seen and sensed …

viññātaṁ pamuṭṭho hoti; viññātañca me diṭṭhañca sutañca mutañcāti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa.
is confused about what he has mentally experienced, but he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and seen and heard and sensed, he commits an offense entailing confession when three conditions are fulfilled …

Catūhākārehi …pe…
when four conditions are fulfilled …

pañcahākārehi …pe…
when five conditions are fulfilled …

chahākārehi …pe…
when six conditions are fulfilled …

sattahākārehi …pe… viññātaṁ pamuṭṭho hoti, viññātañca me diṭṭhañca sutañca mutañcāti sampajānamusā bhaṇantassa āpatti pācittiyassa—
is confused about what he has mentally experienced, but he lies in full awareness, saying that he has mentally experienced and seen and heard and sensed, he commits an offense entailing confession when seven conditions are fulfilled:

pubbevassa hoti “musā bhaṇissan”ti, bhaṇantassa hoti “musā bhaṇāmī”ti, bhaṇitassa hoti “musā mayā bhaṇitan”ti, vinidhāya diṭṭhiṁ, vinidhāya khantiṁ, vinidhāya ruciṁ, vinidhāya bhāvaṁ.
before he has lied, he knows he is going to lie; while lying, he knows he is lying; after he has lied, he knows he has lied; he misrepresents his view of what is true; he misrepresents his belief of what is true; he misrepresents his acceptance of what is true; he misrepresents his sentiment of what is true.

There is no offense:

davā bhaṇati,
if he speaks playfully;

ravā bhaṇati.
if he speaks too fast;

“Davā bhaṇati nāma
(Speaks playfully means:

sahasā bhaṇati.
speaking quickly.

Ravā bhaṇati nāma
Speaks too fast means:

‘aññaṁ bhaṇissāmī’ti aññaṁ bhaṇati”.
meaning to say one thing, he says something else.)

if he is insane;

if he is the first offender.

Musāvādasikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ paṭhamaṁ.
The training rule on lying, the first, is finished.