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Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Great Analysis

The chapter on offenses entailing confession

The subchapter on naked ascetics

45. Rahonisajjasikkhāpada

The training rule on sitting down in private

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
On one occasion when the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery,

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā upanando sakyaputto sahāyakassa gharaṁ gantvā tassa pajāpatiyā saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho nisajjaṁ kappesi.
Venerable Upananda the Sakyan went to the house of a friend and sat down in private alone with his wife.

Atha kho so puriso ujjhāyati khiyyati vipāceti—
The husband complained and criticized him,

“kathañhi nāma ayyo upanando mayhaṁ pajāpatiyā saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho nisajjaṁ kappessatī”ti.
“How could Venerable Upananda sit down in private alone with my wife?”

Assosuṁ kho bhikkhū tassa purisassa ujjhāyantassa khiyyantassa vipācentassa.
The monks heard the complaints of that man,

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
and the monks of few desires complained and criticized Upananda,

“kathañhi nāma āyasmā upanando sakyaputto mātugāmena saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho nisajjaṁ kappessatī”ti …pe…
“How could Venerable Upananda sit down in private alone with a woman?” …

“saccaṁ kira tvaṁ, upananda, mātugāmena saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho nisajjaṁ kappesī”ti?
“Is it true, Upananda, that you did this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked him …

kathañhi nāma tvaṁ, moghapurisa, mātugāmena saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho nisajjaṁ kappessasi.
“Foolish man, how could you do this?

Netaṁ, moghapurisa, appasannānaṁ vā pāsādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Yo pana bhikkhu mātugāmena saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho nisajjaṁ kappeyya, pācittiyan”ti.
‘If a monk sits down in private alone with a woman, he commits an offense entailing confession.’”

Yo panāti

yo yādiso …pe…
whoever …


…pe… ayaṁ imasmiṁ atthe adhippeto bhikkhūti.
… The monk who has been given the full ordination by a unanimous Sangha through a legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements that is irreversible and fit to stand—this sort of monk is meant in this case.

Mātugāmo nāma
A woman:

manussitthī, na yakkhī na petī na tiracchānagatā, viññū paṭibalā subhāsitadubbhāsitaṁ duṭṭhullāduṭṭhullaṁ ājānituṁ.
a human female, not a female spirit, not a female ghost, not a female animal. She understands and is capable of discerning bad speech and good speech, what is decent and what is indecent.



Eko ekāyāti

bhikkhu ceva hoti mātugāmo ca.
just the monk and the woman.

Raho nāma
In private:

cakkhussa raho, sotassa raho.
there is private to the eye and there is private to the ear.

Cakkhussa raho nāma
Private to the eye:

na sakkā hoti akkhiṁ vā nikhaṇīyamāne bhamukaṁ vā ukkhipīyamāne sīsaṁ vā ukkhipīyamāne passituṁ.
one is unable to see them winking, raising an eyebrow, or nodding.

Sotassa raho nāma
Private to the ear:

na sakkā hoti pakatikathā sotuṁ.
one is unable to hear ordinary speech.

Nisajjaṁ kappeyyāti
Sits down:

mātugāme nisinne bhikkhu upanisinno vā hoti upanipanno vā, āpatti pācittiyassa.
if the monk sits down or lies down next to the seated woman, he commits an offense entailing confession.

Bhikkhu nisinne mātugāmo upanisinno vā hoti upanipanno vā, āpatti pācittiyassa.
If the woman sits down or lies down next to the seated monk, he commits an offense entailing confession.

Ubho vā nisinnā honti ubho vā nipannā, āpatti pācittiyassa.
If both are seated or both are lying down, he commits an offense entailing confession.

Mātugāme mātugāmasaññī eko ekāya raho nisajjaṁ kappeti, āpatti pācittiyassa.
If it is a woman, and he perceives her as such, and he sits down in private alone with her, he commits an offense entailing confession.

Mātugāme vematiko eko ekāya raho nisajjaṁ kappeti, āpatti pācittiyassa.
If it is a woman, but he is unsure of it, and he sits down in private alone with her, he commits an offense entailing confession.

Mātugāme amātugāmasaññī eko ekāya raho nisajjaṁ kappeti, āpatti pācittiyassa.
If it is a woman, but he does not perceive her as such, and he sits down in private alone with her, he commits an offense entailing confession.

Yakkhiyā vā petiyā vā paṇḍakena vā tiracchānagatamanussaviggahitthiyā vā saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho nisajjaṁ kappeti, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he sits down in private alone with a female spirit, with a female ghost, with a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, or with a female animal in the form of a woman, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Amātugāme mātugāmasaññī, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If it is not a woman, but he perceives them as such, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Amātugāme vematiko, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If it is not a woman, but he is unsure of it, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Amātugāme amātugāmasaññī, anāpatti.
If it is not a woman, and he does not perceive them as such, there is no offense.

There is no offense:

yo koci viññū puriso dutiyo hoti,
if he has a male companion who understands;

tiṭṭhati na nisīdati,
if he stands and does not sit down;

if he is not seeking privacy;

aññavihito nisīdati,
if he sits down preoccupied with something else;

if he is insane;

if he is the first offender.

Rahonisajjasikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ pañcamaṁ.
The training rule on sitting in private, the fifth, is finished.