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Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Great Analysis

The chapter on offenses entailing suspension

3. Duṭṭhullavācāsikkhāpada

The training rule on indecent speech

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in the Jeta Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery.

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā udāyī araññe viharati.
At that time Venerable Udāyī was staying in a beautiful dwelling in the wilderness.

Tassāyasmato vihāro abhirūpo hoti dassanīyo pāsādiko.

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulā itthiyo ārāmaṁ āgamaṁsu vihārapekkhikāyo.
On one occasion a number of women came to the monastery to see the dwellings.

Atha kho tā itthiyo yenāyasmā udāyī tenupasaṅkamiṁsu;
They approached Udāyī

upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ etadavocuṁ—
and said,

“icchāma mayaṁ, bhante, ayyassa vihāraṁ pekkhitun”ti.
“Venerable, we would like to see your dwelling.”

Atha kho āyasmā udāyī tā itthiyo vihāraṁ pekkhāpetvā tāsaṁ itthīnaṁ vaccamaggaṁ passāvamaggaṁ ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati avaṇṇampi bhaṇati yācatipi āyācatipi pucchatipi paṭipucchatipi ācikkhatipi anusāsatipi akkosatipi.
Then, after showing them his dwelling, he praised and disparaged their private parts; he requested and implored, asked and enquired, described, instructed, and abused their private parts.

Yā tā itthiyo chinnikā dhuttikā ahirikāyo tā āyasmatā udāyinā saddhiṁ uhasantipi ullapantipi ujjagghantipi uppaṇḍentipi.
The shameless and indecent women flirted with Udāyī; they called out to him, laughed with him, and teased him.

Yā pana tā itthiyo hirimanā tā nikkhamitvā bhikkhū ujjhāpenti—
But after leaving, those of them who had a sense of shame complained to the monks,

“idaṁ, bhante, nacchannaṁ nappatirūpaṁ.
“Venerables, this isn’t suitable or appropriate.

Sāmikenapi mayaṁ evaṁ vuttā na iccheyyāma, kiṁ panāyyena udāyinā”ti.
We wouldn’t want to hear such speech from our own husbands, let alone from Venerable Udāyī.”

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized him,

“kathañhi nāma āyasmā udāyī mātugāmaṁ duṭṭhullāhi vācāhi obhāsissatī”ti.
“How could Venerable Udāyī speak indecently to women?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They rebuked Udāyī in many ways and told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe bhikkhusaṅghaṁ sannipātāpetvā āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ paṭipucchi—
The Buddha had the Sangha gathered and questioned Udāyī:

“saccaṁ kira tvaṁ, udāyi, mātugāmaṁ duṭṭhullāhi vācāhi obhāsasī”ti?
“Is it true, Udāyī, that you spoke like this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā—
The Buddha rebuked him,

“ananucchavikaṁ, moghapurisa, ananulomikaṁ appatirūpaṁ assāmaṇakaṁ akappiyaṁ akaraṇīyaṁ.
“It’s not suitable, foolish man, it’s not proper, it’s not worthy of a monastic, it’s not allowable, it should not be done.

Kathañhi nāma tvaṁ, moghapurisa, mātugāmaṁ duṭṭhullāhi vācāhi obhāsissasi.
How could you speak like this?

Nanu mayā, moghapurisa, anekapariyāyena virāgāya dhammo desito no sarāgāya …pe…
Haven’t I given many teachings for the sake of dispassion, not for the sake of passion …

kāmapariḷāhānaṁ vūpasamo akkhāto.
the stilling of the fevers of sensual pleasure?

Netaṁ, moghapurisa, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Yo pana bhikkhu otiṇṇo vipariṇatena cittena mātugāmaṁ duṭṭhullāhi vācāhi obhāseyya yathā taṁ yuvā yuvatiṁ methunupasaṁhitāhi, saṅghādiseso”ti.
‘If a monk, overcome by lust and with a distorted mind, speaks indecent words to a woman, as a young man might to a young woman and referring to sexual intercourse, he commits an offense entailing suspension.’”

Yo panāti

yo yādiso …pe…
whoever …


…pe… ayaṁ imasmiṁ atthe adhippeto bhikkhūti.
… The monk who has been given the full ordination by a unanimous Sangha through a legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements that is irreversible and fit to stand—this sort of monk is meant in this case.

Otiṇṇo nāma
Overcome by lust:

sāratto apekkhavā paṭibaddhacitto.
having lust, longing for, in love with.


rattampi cittaṁ vipariṇataṁ, duṭṭhampi cittaṁ vipariṇataṁ mūḷhampi cittaṁ vipariṇataṁ.
a lustful mind is distorted; an angry mind is distorted; a confused mind is distorted.

Api ca rattaṁ cittaṁ imasmiṁ atthe adhippetaṁ vipariṇatanti.
But in this case “distorted” refers to the lustful mind.

Mātugāmo nāma
A woman:

manussitthī, na yakkhī, na petī, na tiracchānagatā. Viññū paṭibalā subhāsitadubbhāsitaṁ duṭṭhullāduṭṭhullaṁ ājānituṁ.
a human female, not a female spirit, not a female ghost, not a female animal. She understands and is capable of discerning bad speech and good speech, what is decent and what is indecent.

Duṭṭhullā nāma
Indecent words:

vācā vaccamaggapassāvamaggamethunadhammappaṭisaṁyuttā vācā.
speech connected with the anus, the vagina, or sexual intercourse.


ajjhācāro vuccati.
misconduct is what is meant.

Yathā taṁ yuvā yuvatinti
As a young man might to a young woman:

daharo dahariṁ, taruṇo taruṇiṁ, kāmabhogī kāmabhoginiṁ.
a male youth to a female youth, a boy to a girl, a male who indulges in worldly pleasures to a female who indulges in worldly pleasures.

Referring to sexual intercourse:

connected with the sexual act.

He commits an offense entailing suspension:

…pe… tenapi vuccati saṅghādisesoti.
… Therefore, too, it is called “an offense entailing suspension”.

Dve magge ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati, avaṇṇampi bhaṇati, yācatipi, āyācatipi, pucchatipi, paṭipucchatipi, ācikkhatipi, anusāsatipi, akkosatipi.
Referring to the two private orifices, he praises, disparages, requests, implores, asks, enquires, describes, instructs, abuses.

Vaṇṇaṁ bhaṇati nāma

dve magge thometi vaṇṇeti pasaṁsati.
extols, praises, commends the two private orifices.

Avaṇṇaṁ bhaṇati nāma

dve magge khuṁseti vambheti garahati.
despises, reviles, censures the two private orifices.

Yācati nāma

dehi me, arahasi me dātunti.
saying, “Give to me; you should give to me.”

Āyācati nāma

kadā te mātā pasīdissati,
saying, “When will you please your mother?”

kadā te pitā pasīdissati,
“When will you please your father?”

kadā te devatāyo pasīdissanti,
“When will you please the gods?”

kadā sukhaṇo sulayo sumuhutto bhavissati,
“When will there be a good opportunity, a good time, a good moment?”

kadā te methunaṁ dhammaṁ labhissāmīti.
“When will I have sexual intercourse with you?”

Pucchati nāma

kathaṁ tvaṁ sāmikassa desi,
saying, “How do you give to your husband?”

kathaṁ jārassa desīti?
“How do you give to your lover?”

Paṭipucchati nāma

evaṁ kira tvaṁ sāmikassa desi,
saying, “So you give to your husband like this,

evaṁ jārassa desīti.
and to your lover like this?”

Ācikkhati nāma

puṭṭho bhaṇati— “evaṁ dehi. Evaṁ dentā sāmikassa piyā bhavissati manāpā cā”ti.
when asked, he says, “Give like this. If you do, you’ll be dear and pleasing to your husband.”

Anusāsati nāma

apuṭṭho bhaṇati— “evaṁ dehi. Evaṁ dentā sāmikassa piyā bhavissati manāpā cā”ti.
without being asked, he says, “Give like this. If you do, you’ll be dear and pleasing to your husband.”

Akkosati nāma

saying, “You lack genitals;”

“You have incomplete genitals;”

“You don’t menstruate;”

“You menstruate continuously;”

“You always wear a menstruation pad;”

“You’re incontinent;”

“You have genital prolapse;”

“You lack sexual organs;”

“You’re manlike;”

“You have fistula;”

“You’re a hermaphrodite.”

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā vaccamaggaṁ passāvamaggaṁ ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati avaṇṇampi bhaṇati yācatipi āyācatipi pucchatipi paṭipucchatipi ācikkhatipi anusāsatipi akkosatipi, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If the monk, referring to the anus or the vagina of the woman, praises, disparages, requests, implores, asks, enquires, describes, instructs, or abuses, he commits an offense entailing suspension. …

… (To be expanded as in <a href=''>Bu Ss 2:3.1.3</a>–Bu Ss 2:3.1.49, with appropriate substitutions.) …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives them both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ vaccamaggaṁ passāvamaggaṁ ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati avaṇṇampi bhaṇati …pe…
If the monk, referring to the anus or the vagina of both women, praises, disparages …

akkosatipi, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesānaṁ.
or abuses, he commits two offenses entailing suspension.

… (To be expanded as in <a href=''>Bu Ss 2:3.2.4</a>–Bu Ss 2:3.2.26, with appropriate substitutions.) …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ vaccamaggaṁ passāvamaggaṁ ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati avaṇṇampi bhaṇati …pe…
If the monk, referring to the anus or the vagina of both of them, praises, disparages …

akkosatipi, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa.
or abuses, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct.

… (To be expanded as in <a href=''>Bu Ss 2:3.3.4</a>–Bu Ss 2:3.3.61, with appropriate substitutions.) …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā vaccamaggaṁ passāvamaggaṁ ṭhapetvā adhakkhakaṁ ubbhajāṇumaṇḍalaṁ ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati avaṇṇampi bhaṇati …pe…
If the monk, referring to any part of the woman below the collar bone but above the knees, apart from the anus or the vagina, praises, disparages …

akkosatipi, āpatti thullaccayassa …pe….
or abuses, he commits a serious offense. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives them both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ vaccamaggaṁ passāvamaggaṁ ṭhapetvā adhakkhakaṁ ubbhajāṇumaṇḍalaṁ ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati avaṇṇampi bhaṇati …pe…
If the monk, referring to any part of both women below the collar bone but above the knees, apart from the anus or the vagina, praises, disparages …

akkosatipi, āpatti dvinnaṁ thullaccayānaṁ …pe….
or abuses, he commits two serious offenses. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ vaccamaggaṁ passāvamaggaṁ ṭhapetvā adhakkhakaṁ ubbhajāṇumaṇḍalaṁ ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati avaṇṇampi bhaṇati …pe…
If the monk, referring to any part of both of them below the collar bone but above the knees, apart from the anus or the vagina, praises, disparages …

akkosatipi, āpatti thullaccayena dukkaṭassa …pe….
or abuses, he commits one serious offense and one offense of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā ubbhakkhakaṁ adhojāṇumaṇḍalaṁ ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati avaṇṇampi bhaṇati …pe…
If the monk, referring to any part of the woman above the collar bone or below the knees, praises, disparages …

akkosatipi, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe….
or abuses, he commits an offense of wrong conduct. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives them both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ ubbhakkhakaṁ adhojāṇumaṇḍalaṁ ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati avaṇṇampi bhaṇati …pe…
If the monk, referring to any part of both women above the collar bone or below the knees, praises, disparages …

akkosatipi, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
or abuses, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ ubbhakkhakaṁ adhojāṇumaṇḍalaṁ ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati avaṇṇampi bhaṇati …pe…
If the monk, referring to any part of both of them above the collar bone or below the knees, praises, disparages …

akkosatipi, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
or abuses, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati avaṇṇampi bhaṇati …pe…
If the monk, referring to anything connected to the woman’s body, praises, disparages …

akkosatipi, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe….
or abuses, he commits an offense of wrong conduct. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives them both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati avaṇṇampi bhaṇati …pe…
If the monk, referring to anything connected to the body of both women, praises, disparages …

akkosatipi, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
or abuses, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ ādissa vaṇṇampi bhaṇati avaṇṇampi bhaṇati …pe…
If the monk, referring to anything connected to the body of both of them, praises, disparages …

akkosatipi, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
or abuses, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

There is no offense:

if he is aiming at something beneficial;

if he is aiming at giving a teaching;

if he is aiming at giving an instruction;

if he is insane;

if he is the first offender.

3.1. Vinītavatthuuddānagāthā
Summary verses of case studies

Lohitaṁ kakkasākiṇṇaṁ,
“Red, coarse, thick,

kharaṁ dīghañca vāpitaṁ;
Rough, long, sown;

Kacci saṁsīdati maggo,
I hope the path has an end,

saddhā dānena kammunāti.
Faith, with a gift, with work.”

3.2. Vinītavatthu
Case studies

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarā itthī navarattaṁ kambalaṁ pārutā hoti.
At one time a certain woman was wearing a newly dyed woolen cloak.

Aññataro bhikkhu sāratto taṁ itthiṁ etadavoca—
A lustful monk said to her,

“lohitaṁ kho te, bhaginī”ti.
“Sister, is that red thing yours?”

Sā na paṭivijāni.
She did not understand and said,

“Āmāyya, navaratto kambalo”ti.
“Yes, Venerable, it’s a newly dyed woolen cloak.”

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi “bhagavatā sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ, kacci nu kho ahaṁ saṅghādisesaṁ āpattiṁ āpanno”ti?
He became anxious and thought, “The Buddha has laid down a training rule. Could it be that I’ve committed an offense entailing suspension?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesi.
He told the Buddha, who said,

“Anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarā itthī kharakambalaṁ pārutā hoti.
At one time a certain woman was wearing a coarse woolen cloak.

Aññataro bhikkhu sāratto taṁ itthiṁ etadavoca—
A lustful monk said to her,

“kakkasalomaṁ kho te, bhaginī”ti.
“Sister, is that rough hair yours?”

Sā na paṭivijāni.
She did not understand and said,

“Āmāyya, kharakambalo”ti.
“Yes, Venerable, it’s a coarse woolen cloak.”

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarā itthī navāvutaṁ kambalaṁ pārutā hoti.
At one time a certain woman was wearing a newly woven woolen cloak.

Aññataro bhikkhu sāratto taṁ itthiṁ etadavoca—
A lustful monk said to her,

“ākiṇṇalomaṁ kho te, bhaginī”ti.
“Sister, is that thick hair yours?”

Sā na paṭivijāni.
She did not understand and said,

“Āmāyya, navāvuto kambalo”ti.
“Yes, Venerable, it’s a newly woven woolen cloak.”

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarā itthī kharakambalakaṁ pārutā hoti.
At one time a certain woman was wearing a coarse woolen cloak.

Aññataro bhikkhu sāratto taṁ itthiṁ etadavoca—
A lustful monk said to her,

“kharalomaṁ kho te, bhaginī”ti.
“Sister, is that coarse hair yours?”

Sā na paṭivijāni.
She did not understand and said,

“Āmāyya, kharakambalako”ti.
“Yes, Venerable, it’s a coarse woolen cloak.”

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarā itthī pāvāraṁ pārutā hoti.
At one time a certain woman was wearing a fleecy upper robe.

Aññataro bhikkhu sāratto taṁ itthiṁ etadavoca—
A lustful monk said to her,

“dīghalomaṁ kho te, bhaginī”ti.
“Sister, is that long hair yours?”

Sā na paṭivijāni.
She did not understand and said,

“Āmāyya, pāvāro”ti.
“Yes, Venerable, it’s a fleecy upper robe.”

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarā itthī khettaṁ vapāpetvā āgacchati.
At one time a certain woman was returning after having had a field sown.

Aññataro bhikkhu sāratto taṁ itthiṁ etadavoca—
A lustful monk said to her,

“vāpitaṁ kho te, bhaginī”ti?
“Have you sown, Sister?”

Sā na paṭivijāni.
She did not understand and said,

“Āmāyya, no ca kho paṭivuttan”ti.
“Yes, Venerable, but the furrow isn’t yet closed yet.”

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu paribbājikaṁ paṭipathe passitvā sāratto taṁ paribbājikaṁ etadavoca—
At one time a lustful monk saw a female wanderer coming in the opposite direction. He said to her,

“kacci, bhagini, maggo saṁsīdatī”ti?
“Sister, I hope the path has an end?”

Sā na paṭivijāni.
She did not understand and said,

“Āma, bhikkhu, paṭipajjissasī”ti.
“Yes, just keep going.”

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu sāratto aññataraṁ itthiṁ etadavoca—
At one time a lustful monk said to a woman,

“saddhāsi tvaṁ, bhagini.
“You have faith, Sister,

Api ca yaṁ sāmikassa desi taṁ nāmhākaṁ desī”ti.
yet you don’t give us what you give your husband.”

“Kiṁ, bhante”ti?
“What’s that, Venerable?”

“Sexual intercourse.”

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“āpattiṁ tvaṁ, bhikkhu, āpanno saṅghādisesan”ti.
“There’s an offense entailing suspension.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu sāratto aññataraṁ itthiṁ etadavoca—
At one time a lustful monk said to a woman,

“saddhāsi tvaṁ, bhagini.
“You have faith, Sister,

Api ca yaṁ aggadānaṁ taṁ nāmhākaṁ desī”ti.
yet you don’t give us the highest gift.”

“Kiṁ, bhante, aggadānan”ti?
“What’s that, Venerable?”

“Sexual intercourse.”

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“āpattiṁ tvaṁ, bhikkhu, āpanno saṅghādisesan”ti.
“There’s an offense entailing suspension.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarā itthī kammaṁ karoti.
At one time a certain woman was doing some work.

Aññataro bhikkhu sāratto taṁ itthiṁ etadavoca—
A lustful monk said to her,

“tiṭṭha, bhagini, ahaṁ karissāmī”ti …pe…
“Stand, Sister, I’ll work.” …

nisīda, bhagini, ahaṁ karissāmī”ti …pe…
“Sit, Sister, I’ll work.” …

nipajja, bhagini, ahaṁ karissāmī”ti.
“Lie down, Sister, I’ll work.”

Sā na paṭivijāni.
She did not understand.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Duṭṭhullavācāsikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ tatiyaṁ.
The training rule on indecent speech, the third, is finished.