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Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Great Analysis

The chapter on offenses entailing suspension

6. Kuṭikārasikkhāpada

The training rule on building huts

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā rājagahe viharati veḷuvane kalandakanivāpe.
At one time the Buddha was staying at Rājagaha in the Bamboo Grove, the squirrel sanctuary.

Tena kho pana samayena āḷavakā bhikkhū saññācikāyo kuṭiyo kārāpenti assāmikāyo attuddesikāyo appamāṇikāyo.
At that time the monks of Āḷavī were building huts by means of begging. The huts were intended for themselves, did not have a sponsoring owner, and were inappropriately large.

Tāyo na niṭṭhānaṁ gacchanti.
And since they were never finished,

Te yācanabahulā viññattibahulā viharanti—
the monks kept on begging and asking,

“purisaṁ detha, purisatthakaraṁ detha, goṇaṁ detha, sakaṭaṁ detha, vāsiṁ detha, parasuṁ detha, kuṭhāriṁ detha, kudālaṁ detha, nikhādanaṁ detha, valliṁ detha, veḷuṁ detha, muñjaṁ detha, pabbajaṁ detha, tiṇaṁ detha, mattikaṁ dethā”ti.
“Please give a man, a servant, an ox, a cart, a machete, a hatchet, an ax, a spade, a chisel; give creepers, bamboo, reeds, grass, clay.”

Manussā upaddutā yācanāya upaddutā viññattiyā bhikkhū disvā ubbijjantipi uttasantipi palāyantipi aññenapi gacchanti aññenapi mukhaṁ karonti dvārampi thakenti,
People felt oppressed by all the begging and asking, so much so that when they saw a monk they became alarmed and fearful. They turned away, took a different path, ran off, and closed their doors.

gāvimpi disvā palāyanti bhikkhūti maññamānā.
They even ran away when they saw cows, thinking they were monks.

Atha kho āyasmā mahākassapo rājagahe vassaṁvuṭṭho yena āḷavī tena pakkāmi.
Just then Venerable Mahākassapa, after completing the rainy-season residence at Rājagaha, set out for Āḷavī.

Anupubbena yena āḷavī tadavasari.
When he eventually arrived,

Tatra sudaṁ āyasmā mahākassapo āḷaviyaṁ viharati aggāḷave cetiye.
he stayed at the Aggāḷava Shrine.

Atha kho āyasmā mahākassapo pubbaṇhasamayaṁ nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya āḷaviṁ piṇḍāya pāvisi.
One morning Venerable Mahākassapa robed up, took his bowl and robe, and entered Āḷavī for alms.

Manussā āyasmantaṁ mahākassapaṁ passitvā ubbijjantipi uttasantipi palāyantipi aññenapi gacchanti aññenapi mukhaṁ karonti dvārampi thakenti.
When people saw him, they became alarmed and fearful. They turned away, took a different path, ran off, and closed their doors.

Atha kho āyasmā mahākassapo āḷaviyaṁ piṇḍāya caritvā pacchābhattaṁ piṇḍapātapaṭikkanto bhikkhū āmantesi—
When he had eaten his meal and returned from alms round, Venerable Mahākassapa returned and said to the monks:

“pubbāyaṁ, āvuso, āḷavī subhikkhā ahosi sulabhapiṇḍā sukarā uñchena paggahena yāpetuṁ;
“There used to be plenty of almsfood in Āḷavī, and it was easy to get by on alms.

etarahi panāyaṁ āḷavī dubbhikkhā dullabhapiṇḍā, na sukarā uñchena paggahena yāpetuṁ.
But now there’s a shortage, and it’s hard to get by.

Ko nu kho, āvuso, hetu ko paccayo, yenāyaṁ āḷavī dubbhikkhā dullabhapiṇḍā, na sukarā uñchena paggahena yāpetun”ti?
Why is that?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū āyasmato mahākassapassa etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
The monks told Venerable Mahākassapa what had happened.

Atha kho bhagavā rājagahe yathābhirantaṁ viharitvā yena āḷavī tena cārikaṁ pakkāmi.
Soon afterwards the Buddha too set out wandering toward Āḷavī after staying at Rājagaha for as long as he liked.

Anupubbena cārikaṁ caramāno yena āḷavī tadavasari.
When he eventually arrived,

Tatra sudaṁ bhagavā āḷaviyaṁ viharati aggāḷave cetiye.
he too stayed at the Aggāḷava Shrine.

Atha kho āyasmā mahākassapo yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi.
Venerable Mahākassapa then went to see the Buddha, bowed, sat down,

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā mahākassapo bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesi.
and told him what had happened.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe bhikkhusaṅghaṁ sannipātāpetvā āḷavake bhikkhū paṭipucchi—
The Buddha had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks of Āḷavī:

“saccaṁ kira tumhe, bhikkhave, saññācikāyo kuṭiyo kārāpetha assāmikāyo attuddesikāyo appamāṇikāyo.
“Is it true, monks, that this is happening?”

Tāyo na niṭṭhānaṁ gacchanti.

Te tumhe yācanabahulā viññattibahulā viharatha—

‘purisaṁ detha purisatthakaraṁ detha …pe… tiṇaṁ detha mattikaṁ dethā’ti.

Manussā upaddutā yācanāya upaddutā viññattiyā bhikkhū disvā ubbijjantipi uttasantipi palāyantipi aññenapi gacchanti aññenapi mukhaṁ karonti dvārampi thakenti, gāvimpi disvā palāyanti bhikkhūti maññamānā”ti?

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked them …

kathañhi nāma tumhe, moghapurisā, saṁyācikāyo kuṭiyo kārāpessatha assāmikāyo attuddesikāyo appamāṇikāyo.
“Foolish men, how can you act like this?

Tāyo na niṭṭhānaṁ gacchanti.

Te tumhe yācanabahulā viññattibahulā viharissatha—

“purisaṁ detha purisatthakaraṁ detha …pe… tiṇaṁ detha mattikaṁ dethā”ti.

Netaṁ moghapurisā, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …”

vigarahitvā dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
After rebuking them, he gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Bhūtapubbaṁ, bhikkhave, dve bhātaro isayo gaṅgaṁ nadiṁ upanissāya vihariṁsu.
“Once upon a time, monks, two sages who were brothers lived near the river Ganges.

Atha kho, bhikkhave, maṇikaṇṭho nāgarājā gaṅgaṁ nadiṁ uttaritvā yena kaniṭṭho isi tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā kaniṭṭhaṁ isiṁ sattakkhattuṁ bhogehi parikkhipitvā uparimuddhani mahantaṁ phaṇaṁ karitvā aṭṭhāsi.
On one occasion the dragon king Maṇikaṇṭha emerged from the Ganges and went up to the younger sage. He encircled him with seven coils and spread his large hood over his head.

Atha kho, bhikkhave, kaniṭṭho isi tassa nāgassa bhayā kiso ahosi lūkho dubbaṇṇo uppaṇḍuppaṇḍukajāto dhamanisanthatagatto.
Then, because of his fear of that dragon, the younger sage became thin, haggard, and pale, with veins protruding all over his body.

Addasa kho, bhikkhave, jeṭṭho isi kaniṭṭhaṁ isiṁ kisaṁ lūkhaṁ dubbaṇṇaṁ uppaṇḍuppaṇḍukajātaṁ dhamanisanthatagattaṁ.
The older sage saw him like this

Disvāna kaniṭṭhaṁ isiṁ etadavoca—
and asked him what was the matter.

‘kissa tvaṁ, bho, kiso lūkho dubbaṇṇo uppaṇḍuppaṇḍukajāto dhamanisanthatagatto’ti?

‘Idha, bho, maṇikaṇṭho nāgarājā gaṅgaṁ nadiṁ uttaritvā yenāhaṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā maṁ sattakkhattuṁ bhogehi parikkhipitvā uparimuddhani mahantaṁ phaṇaṁ karitvā aṭṭhāsi.
The younger sage told him.

Tassāhaṁ, bho, nāgassa bhayā kiso lūkho dubbaṇṇo uppaṇḍuppaṇḍukajāto dhamanisanthatagatto’ti.

‘Icchasi pana tvaṁ, bho, tassa nāgassa anāgamanan’ti?
The elder sage said, ‘So, do you want that dragon to stay away?’

‘Icchāmahaṁ, bho, tassa nāgassa anāgamanan’ti.

‘Api pana tvaṁ, bho, tassa nāgassa kiñci passasī’ti?
‘Well then, did you see anything belonging to that dragon?’

‘Passāmahaṁ, bho, maṇimassa kaṇṭhe pilandhanan’ti.
‘I saw an ornamental gem on his neck.’

‘Tena hi tvaṁ, bho, taṁ nāgaṁ maṇiṁ yāca—
‘In that case, ask the dragon for that gem.’

“maṇiṁ me, bho, dehi;

maṇinā me attho”’ti.

Atha kho, bhikkhave, maṇikaṇṭho nāgarājā gaṅgaṁ nadiṁ uttaritvā yena kaniṭṭho isi tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi.
Soon the dragon king again emerged from the Ganges and went up to the younger sage.

Ekamantaṁ ṭhitaṁ kho, bhikkhave, maṇikaṇṭhaṁ nāgarājānaṁ kaniṭṭho isi etadavoca—
And the sage said to him,

‘maṇiṁ me, bho, dehi;
‘Sir, give me the gem.

maṇinā me attho’ti.
I want the gem.’

Atha kho, bhikkhave, maṇikaṇṭho nāgarājā—
The dragon thought,

‘bhikkhu maṇiṁ yācati, bhikkhussa maṇinā attho’ti khippaññeva agamāsi.
‘The monk is asking for the gem; he wants the gem,’ and he left in a hurry.

Dutiyampi kho, bhikkhave, maṇikaṇṭho nāgarājā gaṅgaṁ nadiṁ uttaritvā yena kaniṭṭho isi tenupasaṅkami.
Once more the dragon king emerged from the Ganges and approached the younger sage.

Addasa kho, bhikkhave, kaniṭṭho isi maṇikaṇṭhaṁ nāgarājānaṁ dūratova āgacchantaṁ.
The sage saw him coming

Disvāna maṇikaṇṭhaṁ nāgarājānaṁ etadavoca—
and said to him,

‘maṇiṁ me, bho, dehi;
‘Sir, give me the gem.

maṇinā me attho’ti.
I want the gem.’

Atha kho, bhikkhave, maṇikaṇṭho nāgarājā—
When the dragon heard him,

‘bhikkhu maṇiṁ yācati, bhikkhussa maṇinā attho’ti tatova paṭinivatti.
he turned around right there.

Tatiyampi kho, bhikkhave, maṇikaṇṭho nāgarājā gaṅgaṁ nadiṁ uttarati.
Yet again the dragon king emerged from the Ganges.

Addasa kho, bhikkhave, kaniṭṭho isi maṇikaṇṭhaṁ nāgarājānaṁ gaṅgaṁ nadiṁ uttarantaṁ.
The younger sage saw him emerging

Disvāna maṇikaṇṭhaṁ nāgarājānaṁ etadavoca—
and said to him,

‘maṇiṁ me, bho, dehi;
‘Sir, give me the gem.

maṇinā me attho’ti.
I want the gem.’

Atha kho, bhikkhave, maṇikaṇṭho nāgarājā kaniṭṭhaṁ isiṁ gāthāhi ajjhabhāsi—
The dragon king then spoke these verses to the sage:

‘Mamannapānaṁ vipulaṁ uḷāraṁ,
‘My food and drink are abundant and sublime,

Uppajjatīmassa maṇissa hetu;
And they appear because of this gem.

Taṁ te na dassaṁ atiyācakosi,
I won’t give it to you—you ask too much—

Na cāpi te assamamāgamissaṁ.
Nor will I return to your hermitage.

Susū yathā sakkharadhotapāṇī,
Like a youth holding a sword polished on a rock,

Tāsesi maṁ selamāyācamāno;
You frighten me, asking for this gem.

Taṁ te na dassaṁ atiyācakosi,
I won’t give it to you—you ask too much—

Na cāpi te assamamāgamissan’ti.
Nor will I return to your hermitage.’

Atha kho, bhikkhave, maṇikaṇṭho nāgarājā—
And the dragon king Maṇikaṇṭha thought,

‘bhikkhu maṇiṁ yācati, bhikkhussa maṇinā attho’ti pakkāmi.
‘The monk is asking for the gem; he wants the gem,’

Tathā pakkantova ahosi, na puna paccāgañchi.
and he left and never returned.

Atha kho, bhikkhave, kaniṭṭho isi tassa nāgassa dassanīyassa adassanena bhiyyoso mattāya kiso ahosi lūkho dubbaṇṇo, uppaṇḍuppaṇḍukajāto dhamanisanthatagatto.
Because he did not get to see that beautiful dragon, the young sage became even thinner, more haggard and pale, his veins protruding even more.

Addasa kho, bhikkhave, jeṭṭho isi kaniṭṭhaṁ isiṁ bhiyyoso mattāya kisaṁ lūkhaṁ dubbaṇṇaṁ uppaṇḍuppaṇḍukajātaṁ dhamanisanthatagattaṁ.
The older sage saw him like this

Disvāna kaniṭṭhaṁ isiṁ etadavoca—
and asked what was the matter.

‘kissa tvaṁ, bho, bhiyyoso mattāya kiso lūkho dubbaṇṇo uppaṇḍuppaṇḍukajāto dhamanisanthatagatto’ti?

‘Tassāhaṁ, bho, nāgassa dassanīyassa adassanena bhiyyoso mattāya kiso lūkho dubbaṇṇo uppaṇḍuppaṇḍukajāto dhamanisanthatagatto’ti.
He replied, ‘It’s because I no longer get to see that beautiful dragon.’

Atha kho, bhikkhave, jeṭṭho isi kaniṭṭhaṁ isiṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi—
The older sage then spoke to him in verse:

‘Na taṁ yāce yassapiyaṁ jigīse,
‘One shouldn’t beg from those one wishes to be dear to;

Videsso hoti atiyācanāya;
One is detested for asking for too much.

Nāgo maṇiṁ yācito brāhmaṇena,
When the brahmin asked the dragon for his gem,

Adassanaññeva tadajjhagamā’ti.
It left and was never to be seen again.’

Tesañhi nāma, bhikkhave, tiracchānagatānaṁ pāṇānaṁ amanāpā bhavissati yācanā amanāpā viññatti.
One will be disliked even by animals, monks, for begging and asking,

Kimaṅgaṁ pana manussabhūtānaṁ.
let alone by human beings.”

Bhūtapubbaṁ, bhikkhave, aññataro bhikkhu himavantapasse viharati aññatarasmiṁ vanasaṇḍe.
“At one time, monks, a certain monk lived in a forest grove on the slopes of the Himalayas.

Tassa kho, bhikkhave, vanasaṇḍassa avidūre mahantaṁ ninnaṁ pallalaṁ.
Not far from that grove was a large, low-lying marsh.

Atha kho, bhikkhave, mahāsakuṇasaṅgho tasmiṁ pallale divasaṁ gocaraṁ caritvā sāyaṁ taṁ vanasaṇḍaṁ vāsāya upagacchati.
A great flock of birds fed in the marsh during the day and entered the grove to roost at night.

Atha kho, bhikkhave, so bhikkhu tassa sakuṇasaṅghassa saddena ubbāḷho yenāhaṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā maṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi.
The monk was disturbed by the noise of the flocking birds, and so he came to see me. He bowed, sat down,

Ekamantaṁ nisinnaṁ kho ahaṁ, bhikkhave, taṁ bhikkhuṁ etadavoca—
and I said to him,

‘kacci, bhikkhu, khamanīyaṁ kacci yāpanīyaṁ
‘I hope you’re keeping well, monk, I hope you’re getting by?

kaccisi appakilamathena addhānaṁ āgato?
I hope you’re not tired from traveling?

Kuto ca tvaṁ, bhikkhu, āgacchasī’ti?
And where have you come from?’

‘Khamanīyaṁ, bhagavā, yāpanīyaṁ, bhagavā.
‘I’m keeping well, Sir, I’m getting by.

Appakilamathena cāhaṁ, bhante, addhānaṁ āgato.
I’m not tired from traveling.’

Atthi, bhante, himavantapasse mahāvanasaṇḍo.
He then explained where he had come from, adding,

Tassa kho pana, bhante, vanasaṇḍassa avidūre mahantaṁ ninnaṁ pallalaṁ.

Atha kho, bhante, mahāsakuṇasaṅgho tasmiṁ pallale divasaṁ gocaraṁ caritvā sāyaṁ taṁ vanasaṇḍaṁ vāsāya upagacchati.

Tato ahaṁ, bhagavā, āgacchāmi—
‘That’s where I’ve come from, Sir.

tassa sakuṇasaṅghassa saddena ubbāḷho’ti.
I left because I was disturbed by the noise of that flock of birds.’

‘Icchasi pana tvaṁ, bhikkhu, tassa sakuṇasaṅghassa anāgamanan’ti?
‘Do you want that flock of birds to stay away?’

‘Icchāmahaṁ, bhagavā, tassa sakuṇasaṅghassa anāgamanan’ti.
‘Yes, Sir.’

‘Tena hi tvaṁ, bhikkhu, tattha gantvā taṁ vanasaṇḍaṁ ajjhogāhetvā rattiyā paṭhamaṁ yāmaṁ tikkhattuṁ saddamanussāvehi—
‘Well then, go back to that forest grove. In the first part of the night, call out three times and say,

suṇantu me, bhonto sakuṇā,
“Listen to me, good birds.

yāvatikā imasmiṁ vanasaṇḍe vāsaṁ upagatā, pattena me attho.
I want a feather from anyone roosting in this forest grove.

Ekekaṁ me, bhonto, pattaṁ dadantū’ti.
Each one of you must give me a feather.”

Rattiyā majjhimaṁ yāmaṁ …
And in the middle

rattiyā pacchimaṁ yāmaṁ tikkhattuṁ saddamanussāvehi—
and last part of the night do the same thing.’

‘suṇantu me, bhonto sakuṇā,

yāvatikā imasmiṁ vanasaṇḍe vāsaṁ upagatā, pattena me attho.

Ekekaṁ me, bhonto, pattaṁ dadantū’ti.

Atha kho, bhikkhave, so bhikkhu tattha gantvā taṁ vanasaṇḍaṁ ajjhogāhetvā rattiyā paṭhamaṁ yāmaṁ tikkhattuṁ saddamanussāvesi—
The monk returned to that forest grove and did as instructed.

‘suṇantu me, bhonto sakuṇā,

yāvatikā imasmiṁ vanasaṇḍe vāsaṁ upagatā, pattena me attho.

Ekekaṁ me, bhonto, pattaṁ dadantū’ti.

Rattiyā majjhimaṁ yāmaṁ …

rattiyā pacchimaṁ yāmaṁ tikkhattuṁ saddamanussāvesi—

‘suṇantu me, bhonto sakuṇā,

yāvatikā imasmiṁ vanasaṇḍe vāsaṁ upagatā, pattena me attho.

Ekekaṁ me, bhonto, pattaṁ dadantū’ti.

Atha kho, bhikkhave, so sakuṇasaṅgho—
That flock of birds thought,

‘bhikkhu pattaṁ yācati bhikkhussa pattena attho’ti
‘The monk is asking for a feather; he wants a feather,’

tamhā vanasaṇḍā pakkāmi.
and they left that grove

Tathā pakkantova ahosi na puna paccāgañchi.
and never returned.

Tesañhi nāma, bhikkhave, tiracchānagatānaṁ pāṇānaṁ amanāpā bhavissati yācanā amanāpā viññatti.
One will be disliked even by animals, monks, for begging and asking,

Kimaṅgaṁ pana manussabhūtānaṁ.
let alone by human beings.

Bhūtapubbaṁ, bhikkhave, raṭṭhapālassa kulaputtassa pitā raṭṭhapālaṁ kulaputtaṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi—
“The father of Raṭṭhapāla, monks, once spoke to his son with this verse:

‘Apāhaṁ te na jānāmi,
‘All these people, Raṭṭhāpāla,

raṭṭhapāla bahū janā;
Who come to me and beg—

Te maṁ saṅgamma yācanti,
I don’t even know them.

kasmā maṁ tvaṁ na yācasī’ti.
So why don’t <em>you</em> beg from me?’

‘Yācako appiyo hoti,
‘The beggar is disliked,

yācaṁ adadamappiyo;
And so is one who doesn’t give when asked.

Tasmāhaṁ taṁ na yācāmi,
That’s why I do not beg from you;

mā me videssanā ahū’ti.
Please don’t hate me for this.’

So hi nāma, bhikkhave, raṭṭhapālo kulaputto sakaṁ pitaraṁ evaṁ vakkhati.
If the gentleman Raṭṭhapāla could say this to his own father,

Kimaṅgaṁ pana jano janaṁ.
how much more can one person to another.

Gihīnaṁ, bhikkhave, dussaṁharāni bhogāni sambhatānipi durakkhiyāni.
It’s hard, monks, for householders to acquire and protect their possessions.

Tattha nāma tumhe, moghapurisā, evaṁ dussaṁharesu bhogesu sambhatesupi durakkhiyesu yācanabahulā viññattibahulā viharissatha—
And still, foolish men, you kept on begging and asking

‘purisaṁ detha, purisatthakaraṁ detha, goṇaṁ detha, sakaṭaṁ detha, vāsiṁ detha, parasuṁ detha, kuṭhāriṁ detha, kudālaṁ detha, nikhādanaṁ detha, valliṁ detha, veḷuṁ detha, muñjaṁ detha, pabbajaṁ detha, tiṇaṁ detha, mattikaṁ dethā’ti.
for all sorts of things.

Netaṁ, moghapurisā, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Saññācikāya pana bhikkhunā kuṭiṁ kārayamānena assāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ pamāṇikā kāretabbā. Tatridaṁ pamāṇaṁ—dīghaso dvādasa vidatthiyo, sugatavidatthiyā; tiriyaṁ sattantarā.
‘When a monk, by means of begging, builds a hut without a sponsoring owner and intended for himself, it is to be no more than twelve standard handspans long and seven wide inside.

Bhikkhū abhinetabbā vatthudesanāya. Tehi bhikkhūhi vatthu desetabbaṁ— anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ.
He must have monks approve a site where no harm will be done and which has space on all sides.

Sārambhe ce bhikkhu vatthusmiṁ aparikkamane saññācikāya kuṭiṁ kāreyya, bhikkhū vā anabhineyya vatthudesanāya, pamāṇaṁ vā atikkāmeyya, saṅghādiseso”ti.
If a monk, by means of begging, builds a hut on a site where harm will be done and which lacks space on all sides, or he does not have monks approve the site, or he exceeds the right size, he commits an offense entailing suspension.’”

Saññācikā nāma
By means of begging:

sayaṁ yācitvā purisampi purisatthakarampi goṇampi sakaṭampi vāsimpi parasumpi kuṭhārimpi kudālampi nikhādanampi vallimpi veḷumpi muñjampi pabbajampi tiṇampi mattikampi.
having himself begged for a man, a servant, an ox, a cart, a machete, a hatchet, an ax, a spade, a chisel; creepers, bamboo, reed, grass, clay.

Kuṭi nāma
A hut:

ullittā vā hoti avalittā vā ullittāvalittā vā.
plastered inside or plastered outside or plastered both inside and outside.


karonto vā kārāpento vā.
building it himself or having it built.

Without a sponsoring owner:

na añño koci sāmiko hoti, itthī vā puriso vā gahaṭṭho vā pabbajito vā.
there is no other owner, either a woman or a man, either a lay person or one gone forth.

Intended for himself:

attano atthāya.
for his own use.

Pamāṇikā kāretabbā.

Tatridaṁ pamāṇaṁ—dīghaso dvādasa vidatthiyo, sugatavidatthiyāti
It is to be no more than twelve standard handspans long:

bāhirimena mānena.
measured outside.

Tiriyaṁ sattantarāti
And seven wide inside:

abbhantarimena mānena.
measured inside.

Bhikkhū abhinetabbā vatthudesanāyāti
He must have monks approve a site:

tena kuṭikārakena bhikkhunā kuṭivatthuṁ sodhetvā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā vuḍḍhānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pāde vanditvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā añjaliṁ paggahetvā evamassa vacanīyo—
the monk who wants to build a hut should clear a site. He should then approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say:

“ahaṁ, bhante, saññācikāya kuṭiṁ kattukāmo assāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ.
“Venerables, I want to build a hut by means of begging, without a sponsoring owner and intended for myself.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ kuṭivatthuolokanaṁ yācāmī”ti.
I request the Sangha to inspect the site for that hut.”

Dutiyampi yācitabbā.
He should make his request a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbā.
and a third time.

Sace sabbo saṅgho ussahati kuṭivatthuṁ oloketuṁ, sabbena saṅghena oloketabbaṁ.
If the whole Sangha is able to inspect the site, they should all go.

No ce sabbo saṅgho ussahati kuṭivatthuṁ oloketuṁ, ye tattha honti bhikkhū byattā paṭibalā sārambhaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ aparikkamanaṁ jānituṁ te yācitvā sammannitabbā.
If the whole Sangha is not able to inspect the site, then those monks there who are competent and capable—who know where harm will be done and where no harm will be done, who know what is meant by space on all sides and a lack of space on all sides—should be asked and then appointed.

“Evañca pana, bhikkhave, sammannitabbā.
“And, monks, they should be appointed like this.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu saññācikāya kuṭiṁ kattukāmo assāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ.
Monk so-and-so wants to build a hut by means of begging, without a sponsoring owner and intended for himself.

So saṅghaṁ kuṭivatthuolokanaṁ yācati.
He is requesting the Sangha to inspect the site for that hut.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho itthannāmañca itthannāmañca bhikkhū sammanneyya itthannāmassa bhikkhuno kuṭivatthuṁ oloketuṁ.
If the Sangha is ready, it should appoint monk so-and-so and monk so-and-so to inspect the site for the hut of monk so-and-so.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu saññācikāya kuṭiṁ kattukāmo assāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ.
Monk so-and-so wants to build a hut by means of begging, without a sponsoring owner and intended for himself.

So saṅghaṁ kuṭivatthuolokanaṁ yācati.
He is requesting the Sangha to inspect the site for that hut.

Saṅgho itthannāmañca itthannāmañca bhikkhū sammannati itthannāmassa bhikkhuno kuṭivatthuṁ oloketuṁ.
The Sangha appoints monk so-and-so and monk so-and-so to inspect the site for the hut of monk so-and-so.

Yassāyasmato khamati itthannāmassa ca itthannāmassa ca bhikkhūnaṁ sammuti itthannāmassa bhikkhuno kuṭivatthuṁ oloketuṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of appointing monk so-and-so and monk so-and-so to inspect the site for the hut of monk so-and-so should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Sammatā saṅghena itthannāmo ca itthannāmo ca bhikkhū itthannāmassa bhikkhuno kuṭivatthuṁ oloketuṁ.
The Sangha has appointed monk so-and-so and monk so-and-so to inspect the site for the hut of monk so-and-so.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī,
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent.

evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
I’ll remember it thus.’

Tehi sammatehi bhikkhūhi tattha gantvā kuṭivatthu oloketabbaṁ, sārambhaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ aparikkamanaṁ jānitabbaṁ.
The appointed monks should go and inspect the site for the hut to find out if any harm will be done and if it has space on all sides.

Sace sārambhaṁ hoti aparikkamanaṁ, “mā idha karī”ti vattabbo.
If harm will be done or it lacks space on all sides, they should say, ‘Don’t build here.’

Sace anārambhaṁ hoti saparikkamanaṁ, saṅghassa ārocetabbaṁ—
If no harm will be done and it has space on all sides, they should inform the Sangha:

“anārambhaṁ saparikkamanan”ti.
‘No harm will be done and it has space on all sides.’

Tena kuṭikārakena bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā vuḍḍhānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pāde vanditvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā añjaliṁ paggahetvā evamassa vacanīyo—
The monk who wants to build the hut should then approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say:

“ahaṁ, bhante, saññācikāya kuṭiṁ kattukāmo assāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ.
‘Venerables, I wish to build a hut by means of begging, without a sponsoring owner and intended for myself.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ kuṭivatthudesanaṁ yācāmī”ti.
I request the Sangha to approve the site for the hut.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbā.
He should make his request a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbā.
and a third time.

“Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu saññācikāya kuṭiṁ kattukāmo assāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ.
Monk so-and-so wants to build a hut by means of begging, without a sponsoring owner and intended for himself.

So saṅghaṁ kuṭivatthudesanaṁ yācati.
He is requesting the Sangha to approve the site for that hut.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno kuṭivatthuṁ deseyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should approve the site for the hut of monk-so-and-so.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu saññācikāya kuṭiṁ kattukāmo assāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ.
Monk so-and-so wants to build a hut by means of begging, without a sponsoring owner and intended for himself.

So saṅghaṁ kuṭivatthudesanaṁ yācati.
He is requesting the Sangha to approve the site for that hut.

Saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno kuṭivatthuṁ deseti.
The Sangha approves the site for the hut of monk so-and-so.

Yassāyasmato khamati itthannāmassa bhikkhuno kuṭivatthussa desanā, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of approving the site for the hut of monk-so-and-so should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Desitaṁ saṅghena itthannāmassa bhikkhuno kuṭivatthu.
The Sangha has approved the site for the hut of monk so-and-so .

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī,
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent.

evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
I’ll remember it thus.’”

Sārambhaṁ nāma
Where harm will be done:

kipillikānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, upacikānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, undūrānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, ahīnaṁ vā āsayo hoti, vicchikānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, satapadīnaṁ vā āsayo hoti, hatthīnaṁ vā āsayo hoti, assānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, sīhānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, byagghānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, dīpīnaṁ vā āsayo hoti, acchānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, taracchānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, yesaṁ kesañci tiracchānagatānaṁ pāṇānaṁ āsayo hoti,
it is the abode of ants, termites, rats, snakes, scorpions, centipedes, elephants, horses, lions, tigers, leopards, bears, or hyenas, or any other animal;

pubbaṇṇanissitaṁ vā hoti, aparaṇṇanissitaṁ vā hoti, abbhāghātanissitaṁ vā hoti, āghātananissitaṁ vā hoti, susānanissitaṁ vā hoti, uyyānanissitaṁ vā hoti, rājavatthunissitaṁ vā hoti, hatthisālānissitaṁ vā hoti, assasālānissitaṁ vā hoti, bandhanāgāranissitaṁ vā hoti, pānāgāranissitaṁ vā hoti, sūnanissitaṁ vā hoti, racchānissitaṁ vā hoti, caccaranissitaṁ vā hoti, sabhānissitaṁ vā hoti, saṁsaraṇanissitaṁ vā hoti.
or it is bordering on a field of grain, a field of vegetables, a place of slaughter, a place of execution, a charnel ground, a park, a royal property, an elephant stable, a horse stable, a prison, a bar, a slaughterhouse, a street, a crossroads, a public meeting hall, or a cul-de-sac—

Etaṁ sārambhaṁ nāma.
this is called “where harm will be done”.

Aparikkamanaṁ nāma
Which lacks space on all sides:

na sakkā hoti yathāyuttena sakaṭena anuparigantuṁ samantā nisseṇiyā anuparigantuṁ. Etaṁ aparikkamanaṁ nāma.
it is not possible to go around it with a yoked cart, or to go all the way around it with a ladder—this is called “which lacks space on all sides”.

Anārambhaṁ nāma
Where no harm will be done:

na kipillikānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, na upacikānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, na undūrānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, na ahīnaṁ vā āsayo hoti, na vicchikānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, na satapadīnaṁ vā āsayo hoti …pe… na saṁsaraṇanissitaṁ vā hoti. Etaṁ anārambhaṁ nāma.
it is not the abode of ants, termites, rats, snakes, scorpions, centipedes … it is not bordering on … a cul-de-sac—this is called “where no harm will be done”.

Saparikkamanaṁ nāma
Which has space on all sides:

sakkā hoti yathāyuttena sakaṭena anuparigantuṁ, samantā nisseṇiyā anuparigantuṁ. Etaṁ saparikkamanaṁ nāma.
it is possible to go around it with a yoked cart, or to go all the way around it with a ladder—this is called “which has space on all sides”.

Saññācikā nāma
By means of begging:

sayaṁ yācitvā purisampi purisatthakarampi …pe… mattikampi.
having himself begged for a man, a servant … clay.

Kuṭi nāma
A hut:

ullittā vā hoti avalittā vā ullittāvalittā vā.
plastered inside or plastered outside or plastered both inside and outside.


karoti vā kārāpeti vā.
building it himself or having it built.

Bhikkhū vā anabhineyya, vatthudesanāya pamāṇaṁ vā atikkāmeyyāti
Or he does not have monks approve the site, or he exceeds the right size:

ñattidutiyena kammena kuṭivatthuṁ na desāpetvā, āyāmato vā vitthārato vā antamaso kesaggamattampi atikkāmetvā karoti vā kārāpeti vā, payoge dukkaṭaṁ.
if the site for the hut has not been approved through a legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements, or if he builds a hut or has one built that exceeds the allowable length or breadth even by the width of a hair, then for the effort there is an act of wrong conduct.

Ekaṁ piṇḍaṁ anāgate āpatti thullaccayassa.
When there is one piece left to complete the hut, he commits a serious offense.

Tasmiṁ piṇḍe āgate āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
When the last piece is finished, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

He commits an offense entailing suspension:

…pe… tenapi vuccati “saṅghādiseso”ti.
… Therefore, too, it is called “an offense entailing suspension”.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti adesitavatthukaṁ anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has not been approved, where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti adesitavatthukaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has not been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti desitavatthukaṁ anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti desitavatthukaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
If a monk builds a hut which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a hut which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti pamāṇātikkantaṁ anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a hut which exceeds the right size, where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti pamāṇātikkantaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If a monk builds a hut which exceeds the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
If a monk builds a hut which is the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a hut which is the right size, where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti pamāṇikaṁ anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a hut which is the right size, where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti pamāṇikaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
If a monk builds a hut which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti adesitavatthukaṁ pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has not been approved, which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti adesitavatthukaṁ pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has not been approved, which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits two offenses entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti adesitavatthukaṁ pamāṇātikkantaṁ anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has not been approved, which exceeds the right size, where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti adesitavatthukaṁ pamāṇātikkantaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesānaṁ.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has not been approved, which exceeds the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, he commits two offenses entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti desitavatthukaṁ pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti desitavatthukaṁ pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti desitavatthukaṁ pamāṇikaṁ anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu kuṭiṁ karoti desitavatthukaṁ pamāṇikaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
If a monk builds a hut whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisati—
A monk appoints someone

“kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
to build him a hut.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu samādisati—
A monk appoints someone

“kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
to build him a hut.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisati—
A monk appoints someone

“kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
to build him a hut.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu samādisati—
A monk appoints someone

“kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
to build him a hut.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one which is the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisati—
A monk appoints someone

“kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
to build him a hut.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one whose site has not been approved, which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits two offenses entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesānaṁ.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, he commits two offenses entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu samādisati—
A monk appoints someone

“kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
to build him a hut.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs

Na ca samādisati— “desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
without telling them to build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs

Na ca samādisati— “desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
without telling them to build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs

Na ca samādisati— “pamāṇikā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
without telling them to build one which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs

Na ca samādisati— “pamāṇikā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
without telling them to build one which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one which is the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs

Na ca samādisati— “desitavatthukā ca hotu pamāṇikā ca anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
without telling them to build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one whose site has not been approved, which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits two offenses entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesānaṁ.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, he commits two offenses entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs

Na ca samādisati— “desitavatthukā ca hotu pamāṇikā ca anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
without telling them to build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
but they build one whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So suṇāti—“kuṭi kira me kayirati adesitavatthukā sārambhā aparikkamanā”ti.
If he hears about it,

Tena bhikkhunā sāmaṁ vā gantabbaṁ dūto vā pāhetabbo—
he must either go there himself or send a message,

“desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

No ce sāmaṁ vā gaccheyya dūtaṁ vā pahiṇeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he neither goes himself nor sends a message, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ.
but they build one whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides.

So suṇāti—“kuṭi kira me kayirati adesitavatthukā sārambhā saparikkamanā”ti.
If he hears about it,

Tena bhikkhunā sāmaṁ vā gantabbaṁ dūto vā pāhetabbo—
he must either go there himself or send a message,

“desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved and where no harm will be done.

No ce sāmaṁ vā gaccheyya dūtaṁ vā pahiṇeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he neither goes himself nor sends a message, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
but they build one whose site has not been approved, where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides.

So suṇāti—“kuṭi kira me kayirati adesitavatthukā anārambhā aparikkamanā”ti.
If he hears about it,

Tena bhikkhunā sāmaṁ vā gantabbaṁ dūto vā pāhetabbo—
he must either go there himself or send a message,

“desitavatthukā ca hotu saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved and which has space on all sides.

No ce sāmaṁ vā gaccheyya dūtaṁ vā pahiṇeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he neither goes himself nor sends a message, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ.
but they build one whose site has not been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

So suṇāti—“kuṭi kira me kayirati adesitavatthukā anārambhā saparikkamanā”ti.
If he hears about it,

Tena bhikkhunā sāmaṁ vā gantabbaṁ dūto vā pāhetabbo—
he must either go there himself or send a message,

“desitavatthukā hotū”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved.

No ce sāmaṁ vā gaccheyya dūtaṁ vā pahiṇeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he neither goes himself nor sends a message, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
but they build one whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So suṇāti—“kuṭi kira me kayirati desitavatthukā sārambhā aparikkamanā”ti.
If he hears about it,

Tena bhikkhunā sāmaṁ vā gantabbaṁ dūto vā pāhetabbo—
he must either go there himself or send a message,

“anārambhā ca hotu saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one where no harm will be done and which has space on all sides.

No ce sāmaṁ vā gaccheyya dūtaṁ vā pahiṇeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he neither goes himself nor sends a message, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ.
but they build one whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides.

So suṇāti—“kuṭi kira me kayirati desitavatthukā sārambhā saparikkamanā”ti.
If he hears about it,

Tena bhikkhunā sāmaṁ vā gantabbaṁ dūto vā pāhetabbo—
he must either go there himself or send a message,

“anārambhā hotū”ti.
telling them to build one where no harm will be done.

No ce sāmaṁ vā gaccheyya dūtaṁ vā pahiṇeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he neither goes himself nor sends a message, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
but they build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides.

So suṇāti—“kuṭi kira me kayirati desitavatthukā anārambhā aparikkamanā”ti.
If he hears about it,

Tena bhikkhunā sāmaṁ vā gantabbaṁ dūto vā pāhetabbo—
he must either go there himself or send a message,

“saparikkamanā hotū”ti.
telling them to build one which has space on all sides.

No ce sāmaṁ vā gaccheyya dūtaṁ vā pahiṇeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he neither goes himself nor sends a message, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ,
and they do build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

There is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “pamāṇikā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
but they build one which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So suṇāti—“kuṭi kira me kayirati pamāṇātikkantā sārambhā aparikkamanā”ti.
If he hears about it,

Tena bhikkhunā sāmaṁ vā gantabbaṁ dūto vā pāhetabbo—
he must either go there himself or send a message,

“pamāṇikā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti …pe…
telling them to build one which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides. …

“pamāṇikā ca hotu anārambhā cā”ti …pe…
telling them to build one which is the right size and where no harm will be done. …

“pamāṇikā ca hotu saparikkamanā cā”ti …pe…
telling them to build one which is the right size and which has space on all sides. …

“pamāṇikā hotū”ti.
telling them to build one which is the right size.

No ce sāmaṁ vā gaccheyya dūtaṁ vā pahiṇeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he neither goes himself nor sends a message, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “pamāṇikā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
but they build one which is the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So suṇāti—“kuṭi kira me kayirati pamāṇikā sārambhā aparikkamanā”ti.
If he hears about it,

Tena bhikkhunā sāmaṁ vā gantabbaṁ dūto vā pāhetabbo—
he must either go there himself or send a message,

“anārambhā ca hotu saparikkamanā cā”ti …pe…
telling them to build one where no harm will be done and which has space on all sides. …

“anārambhā hotū”ti …pe…
telling them to build one where no harm will be done. …

“saparikkamanā hotū”ti …pe…
telling them to build one which has space on all sides. …

There is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu pamāṇikā ca anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
but they build one whose site has not been approved, which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So suṇāti—“kuṭi kira me kayirati adesitavatthukā pamāṇātikkantā sārambhā aparikkamanā”ti.
If he hears about it,

Tena bhikkhunā sāmaṁ vā gantabbaṁ dūto vā pāhetabbo—
he must either go there himself or send a message,

“desitavatthukā ca hotu pamāṇikā ca anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti …pe…
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides. …

“desitavatthukā ca hotu pamāṇikā ca anārambhā cā”ti …pe…
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, and where no harm will be done. …

“desitavatthukā ca hotu pamāṇikā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti …pe…
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, and which has space on all sides. …

“desitavatthukā ca hotu pamāṇikā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved and which is the right size.

No ce sāmaṁ vā gaccheyya dūtaṁ vā pahiṇeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he neither goes himself nor sends a message, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu pamāṇikā ca anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
but they build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So suṇāti—“kuṭi kira me kayirati desitavatthukā pamāṇikā sārambhā aparikkamanā”ti.
If he hears about it,

Tena bhikkhunā sāmaṁ vā gantabbaṁ dūto vā pāhetabbo—
he must either go there himself or send a message,

“anārambhā ca hotu saparikkamanā cā”ti …pe…
telling them to build one where no harm will be done and which has space on all sides. …

“anārambhā hotū”ti …pe…
telling them to build one where no harm will be done. …

“saparikkamanā hotū”ti …pe…
telling them to build one which has space on all sides. …

There is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ tiṇṇaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit three offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, the builders commit two offenses of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit two offenses of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dukkaṭassa.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, the builders commit one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, the builders commit one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “pamāṇikā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ tiṇṇaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit three offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, the builders commit two offenses of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit two offenses of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dukkaṭassa.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, the builders commit one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “pamāṇikā ca hotu anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one which is the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, the builders commit one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu pamāṇikā ca anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ catunnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one whose site has not been approved, which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit four offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ tiṇṇaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, the builders commit three offenses of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ tiṇṇaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit three offenses of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, the builders commit two offenses of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthukā ca hotu pamāṇikā ca anārambhā ca saparikkamanā cā”ti.
telling them to build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, the builders commit one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut and then departs.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
They build one whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So ce vippakate āgacchati, tena bhikkhunā sā kuṭi aññassa vā dātabbā bhinditvā vā puna kātabbā.
If it is unfinished when he returns, that hut is to be given to someone else, or it is to be demolished and rebuilt.

No ce aññassa vā dadeyya bhinditvā vā puna kāreyya, āpatti saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
If he neither gives it to someone else, nor demolishes and rebuilds it, he commits one offense entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut and then departs.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ.
They build one whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides.

So ce vippakate āgacchati, tena bhikkhunā sā kuṭi aññassa vā dātabbā bhinditvā vā puna kātabbā.
If it is unfinished when he returns, that hut is to be given to someone else, or it is to be demolished and rebuilt.

No ce aññassa vā dadeyya bhinditvā vā puna kāreyya, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
If he neither gives it to someone else, nor demolishes and rebuilds it, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides. …

āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ …pe… āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides. … he commits one offense entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut and then departs.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
They build one whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So ce vippakate āgacchati, tena bhikkhunā sā kuṭi aññassa vā dātabbā bhinditvā vā puna kātabbā.
If it is unfinished when he returns, that hut is to be given to someone else, or it is to be demolished and rebuilt.

No ce aññassa vā dadeyya bhinditvā vā puna kāreyya, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If he neither gives it to someone else, nor demolishes and rebuilds it, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides … he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides … he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides. There is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut and then departs.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
They build one which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So ce vippakate āgacchati, tena bhikkhunā sā kuṭi aññassa vā dātabbā bhinditvā vā puna kātabbā.
If it is unfinished when he returns, that hut is to be given to someone else, or it is to be demolished and rebuilt.

No ce aññassa vā dadeyya bhinditvā vā puna kāreyya, āpatti saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If he neither gives it to someone else, nor demolishes and rebuilds it, he commits one offense entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides … he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides … he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides … he commits one offense entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut and then departs.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
They build one which is the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So ce vippakate āgacchati, tena bhikkhunā sā kuṭi aññassa vā dātabbā bhinditvā vā puna kātabbā.
If it is unfinished when he returns, that hut is to be given to someone else, or it is to be demolished and rebuilt.

No ce aññassa vā dadeyya bhinditvā vā puna kāreyya, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If he neither gives it to someone else, nor demolishes and rebuilds it, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides … he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides … he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides. There is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut and then departs.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ pamāṇātikkantaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
They build one whose site has not been approved, which exceeds the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So ce vippakate āgacchati, tena bhikkhunā sā kuṭi aññassa vā dātabbā bhinditvā vā puna kātabbā.
If it is unfinished when he returns, that hut is to be given to someone else, or it is to be demolished and rebuilt.

No ce aññassa vā dadeyya bhinditvā vā puna kāreyya, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If he neither gives it to someone else, nor demolishes and rebuilds it, he commits two offenses entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides … he commits two offenses entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides … he commits two offenses entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesānaṁ.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides … he commits two offenses entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut and then departs.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ pamāṇikaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
They build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So ce vippakate āgacchati, tena bhikkhunā sā kuṭi aññassa vā dātabbā bhinditvā vā puna kātabbā.
If it is unfinished when he returns, that hut is to be given to someone else, or it is to be demolished and rebuilt.

No ce aññassa vā dadeyya bhinditvā vā puna kāreyya, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If he neither gives it to someone else, nor demolishes and rebuilds it, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides … he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides … he commits one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “kuṭiṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a hut and then departs.

Tassa kuṭiṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ pamāṇikaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
They build one whose site has been approved, which is the right size, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides. There is no offense.

Attanā vippakataṁ attanā pariyosāpeti, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he finishes what he began himself, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Attanā vippakataṁ parehi pariyosāpeti, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he has others finish what he began himself, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Parehi vippakataṁ attanā pariyosāpeti, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he finishes himself what was begun by others, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Parehi vippakataṁ parehi pariyosāpeti, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he has others finish what was begun by others, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

There is no offense:

if it is a shelter;

if it is a cave;

if it is a grass hut;

if it is built for someone else;

vāsāgāraṁ ṭhapetvā sabbattha anāpatti
if it is anything apart from a dwelling;

if he is insane;

if he is the first offender.

Kuṭikārasikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ chaṭṭhaṁ.
The training rule on building huts, the sixth, is finished.