vinaya » pli-tv-kd » Theravāda Vinayapiṭaka

Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Small Division

12. Pārivāsikakkhandhaka

The chapter on those on probation

1. Pārivāsikavatta
The proper conduct for those on probation

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in the Jeta Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery.

Tena kho pana samayena pārivāsikā bhikkhū sādiyanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ, añjalikammaṁ, sāmīcikammaṁ, āsanābhihāraṁ, seyyābhihāraṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ, pādakathalikaṁ, pattacīvarappaṭiggahaṇaṁ, nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
At that time monks on probation consented to regular monks bowing down to them, standing up for them, raising their joined palms to them, doing acts of respect toward them, offering them a seat, offering them a bed, offering them water for washing their feet and a foot stool, offering them a foot scraper, receiving their bowls and robes, and massaging their backs when bathing.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma pārivāsikā bhikkhū sādiyissanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ, añjalikammaṁ, sāmīcikammaṁ, āsanābhihāraṁ, seyyābhihāraṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ, pādakathalikaṁ, pattacīvarappaṭiggahaṇaṁ, nahāne piṭṭhiparikamman”ti.
“How can monks on probation consent to these things?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe bhikkhusaṅghaṁ sannipātāpetvā bhikkhū paṭipucchi—
Soon afterwards the Buddha had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, pārivāsikā bhikkhū sādiyanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ, añjalikammaṁ, sāmīcikammaṁ, āsanābhihāraṁ, seyyābhihāraṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ, pādakathalikaṁ, pattacīvarappaṭiggahaṇaṁ, nahāne piṭṭhiparikamman”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that the monks on probation are consenting to these things?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā—
The Buddha rebuked them …

“ananucchavikaṁ …pe…
“It’s not suitable …

kathañhi nāma, bhikkhave, pārivāsikā bhikkhū sādiyissanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ, añjalikammaṁ, sāmīcikammaṁ, āsanābhihāraṁ, seyyābhihāraṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ, pādakathalikaṁ, pattacīvarappaṭiggahaṇaṁ, nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
How can monks on probation consent to these things?

Netaṁ, bhikkhave, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …”

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
he gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sāditabbaṁ
“A monk on probation shouldn’t consent to:

pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ,
Regular monks bowing down to him

Regular monks standing up for him

Regular monks raising their joined palms to him

Regular monks doing acts of respect toward him

Regular monks offering him a seat

Regular monks offering him a bed

pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ,
Regular monks offering him water for washing his feet and a foot stool

Regular monks offering him a foot scraper

Regular monks receiving his bowl and robe

nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
Regular monks massaging his back when he’s bathing.

Yo sādiyeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he consents to any of these, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, pārivāsikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ mithu yathāvuḍḍhaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ, añjalikammaṁ, sāmīcikammaṁ, āsanābhihāraṁ, seyyābhihāraṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ, pādakathalikaṁ, pattacīvarappaṭiggahaṇaṁ, nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
Monks on probation should do the following with one another according to seniority: bow down, stand up, raise their joined palms, do acts of respect, offer a seat, offer a bed, offer water for washing the feet and a foot stool, offer a foot scraper, receive bowl and robe, and massage one another’s backs when bathing.

Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, pārivāsikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pañca yathāvuḍḍhaṁ—
Monks on probation should do five things with regular monks according to seniority:

uposathaṁ, pavāraṇaṁ, vassikasāṭikaṁ, oṇojanaṁ, bhattaṁ.
the observance-day ceremony, the invitation ceremony, distributing rainy-season robes, meal invitations, and meals.

Tena hi, bhikkhave, pārivāsikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā pārivāsikehi bhikkhūhi vattitabbaṁ.
And now I will lay down the proper conduct for a monk on probation. This is the proper conduct:

Pārivāsikena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā sammā vattitabbaṁ.

Tatrāyaṁ sammāvattanā—

Na upasampādetabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t give the full ordination.

na nissayo dātabbo,
He shouldn’t give formal support.

na sāmaṇero upaṭṭhāpetabbo,
He shouldn’t have a novice monk attend on him.

na bhikkhunovādakasammuti sāditabbā,
He shouldn’t accept being appointed as an instructor of the nuns.

sammatenapi bhikkhuniyo na ovaditabbā.
Even if appointed, he shouldn’t instruct the nuns.

Yāya āpattiyā saṅghena parivāso dinno hoti sā āpatti na āpajjitabbā, aññā vā tādisikā, tato vā pāpiṭṭhatarā;
He shouldn’t commit the same offense as the offense for which the Sangha gave him probation, nor one that’s similar or worse.

kammaṁ na garahitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t criticize the legal procedure.

kammikā na garahitabbā.
He shouldn’t criticize those who did the procedure.

Na pakatattassa bhikkhuno uposatho ṭhapetabbo,
He shouldn’t cancel the observance-day ceremony of a regular monk.

na pavāraṇā ṭhapetabbā,
He shouldn’t cancel the invitation of a regular monk.

na savacanīyaṁ kātabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t direct a regular monk.

na anuvādo paṭṭhapetabbo,
He shouldn’t give instructions to a regular monk.

na okāso kāretabbo,
He shouldn’t ask a regular monk for permission to accuse him of an offense.

na codetabbo,
He shouldn’t accuse a regular monk of an offense.

na sāretabbo,
He shouldn’t remind a regular monk of an offense.

na bhikkhūhi sampayojetabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t associate inappropriately with other monks.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā pakatattassa bhikkhuno purato gantabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t walk in front of a regular monk.

na purato nisīditabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t sit in front of a regular monk.

Yo hoti saṅghassa āsanapariyanto seyyāpariyanto vihārapariyanto so tassa padātabbo. Tena ca so sāditabbo.
He should be given the last seat, the last bed, and the last dwelling of the Sangha, and he should consent to that.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā pakatattena bhikkhunā puresamaṇena vā
He shouldn’t attend on a regular monk when going to families.

pacchāsamaṇena vā kulāni upasaṅkamitabbāni,
He shouldn’t be attended on by a regular monk when going to families.

na āraññikaṅgaṁ samādātabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t undertake the practice of staying in the wilderness.

na piṇḍapātikaṅgaṁ samādātabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t undertake the practice of eating only almsfood.

na ca tappaccayā piṇḍapāto nīharāpetabbo—mā maṁ jāniṁsūti.
He shouldn’t have someone bring back almsfood for him because he doesn’t want others to know about his status.

Pārivāsikena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā āgantukena ārocetabbaṁ,
He should inform about his status when he’s newly arrived in a monastery.

āgantukassa ārocetabbaṁ,
He should inform new arrivals of his status.

uposathe ārocetabbaṁ,
He should inform about his status on the observance day.

pavāraṇāya ārocetabbaṁ.
He should inform about his status on the invitation day.

Sace gilāno hoti, dūtenapi ārocetabbaṁ.
If he’s sick, he should inform about his status by messenger.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to one without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā abhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā abhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā abhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā abhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to one with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā sabhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā sabhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā sabhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā sabhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a monastery with monks to one with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā sabhikkhuko anāvāso, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā sabhikkhuko anāvāso, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā sabhikkhuko āvāso, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā sabhikkhuko anāvāso, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā pakatattena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekacchanne āvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

na ekacchanne anāvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

na ekacchanne āvāse vā anāvāse vā vatthabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t, in a monastery or a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

Pakatattaṁ bhikkhuṁ disvā āsanā vuṭṭhātabbaṁ.
If he sees a regular monk, he should get up from his seat.

Pakatatto bhikkhu āsanena nimantetabbo.
He should offer a seat to a regular monk.

Na pakatattena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekāsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on the same seat as a regular monk.

na nīce āsane nisinne ucce āsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on a higher seat than a regular monk.

na chamāyaṁ nisinne āsane nisīditabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t sit on a seat when a regular monk is sitting on the ground.

na ekacaṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on the same walking path as a regular monk.

na nīce caṅkame caṅkamante ucce caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a higher walking path than a regular monk.

na chamāyaṁ caṅkamante caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a walking path when a regular monk is walking on the ground.

Na, bhikkhave, pārivāsikena bhikkhunā pārivāsikena vuḍḍhatarena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a more senior monk on probation. …

mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving to be sent back to the beginning. …

mānattārahena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving the trial period. …

mānattacārikena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk undertaking the trial period. …

abbhānārahena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekacchanne āvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekacchanne anāvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekacchanne āvāse vā anāvāse vā vatthabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t, in a monastery or a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekāsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on the same seat as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na nīce āsane nisinne ucce āsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on a higher seat than a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na chamāyaṁ nisinne āsane nisīditabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t sit on a seat when a monk deserving rehabilitation is sitting on the ground.

na ekacaṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on the same walking path as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na nīce caṅkame caṅkamante ucce caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a higher walking path than a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na chamāyaṁ caṅkamante caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a walking path when a monk deserving rehabilitation is walking on the ground.

Pārivāsikacatuttho ce, bhikkhave, parivāsaṁ dadeyya,
If, as the fourth member of a group, he gives probation,

mūlāya paṭikasseyya,
sends back to the beginning,

mānattaṁ dadeyya,
or gives the trial period,

taṁvīso abbheyya, akammaṁ, na ca karaṇīyan”ti.
or as the twentieth member of a group, he rehabilitates, it’s invalid and not to be done.”

Catunnavutipārivāsikavattaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The ninety-four kinds of proper conduct for one on probation are finished.

Atha kho āyasmā upāli yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami.
Soon afterwards Venerable Upāli went to the Buddha,

Upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi.
bowed, sat down,

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā upāli bhagavantaṁ etadavoca—
and said,

“kati nu kho, bhante, pārivāsikassa bhikkhuno ratticchedā”ti?
“How many things are there, Sir, that stop a monk on probation from counting a particular day toward his probationary period?”

“Tayo kho, upāli, pārivāsikassa bhikkhuno ratticchedā.
“There are three such things, Upāli:

Sahavāso, vippavāso, anārocanā—
he stays in the same room as a regular monk; he stays apart from other monks; he doesn’t inform other monks of his status.”

ime kho, upāli, tayo pārivāsikassa bhikkhuno ratticchedā”ti.

Tena kho pana samayena sāvatthiyaṁ mahābhikkhusaṅgho sannipatito hoti.
On one occasion a large sangha of monks had gathered at Sāvatthī.

Na sakkonti pārivāsikā bhikkhū parivāsaṁ sodhetuṁ.
The monks on probation were unable to fulfill their probationary duties.

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, parivāsaṁ nikkhipituṁ.
“I allow you to set aside the probation.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, nikkhipitabbo.
And it should be done like this.

Tena pārivāsikena bhikkhunā ekaṁ bhikkhuṁ upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā añjaliṁ paggahetvā evamassa vacanīyo—
The monk on probation should approach a monk, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say,

‘parivāsaṁ nikkhipāmī’ti.
‘I set aside the probation,’

Nikkhitto hoti parivāso.

‘Vattaṁ nikkhipāmī’ti.
or ‘I set aside the proper conduct.’”

Nikkhitto hoti parivāso”.

Tena kho pana samayena sāvatthiyā bhikkhū tahaṁ tahaṁ pakkamiṁsu.
Soon afterwards the monks at Sāvatthī left for various destinations.

Sakkonti pārivāsikā bhikkhū parivāsaṁ sodhetuṁ.
The monks on probation were once again able to fulfill their probationary duties.

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, parivāsaṁ samādiyituṁ.
“I allow you to take up the probation.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, samādiyitabbo.
And it should be done like this.

Tena pārivāsikena bhikkhunā ekaṁ bhikkhuṁ upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā añjaliṁ paggahetvā evamassa vacanīyo—
The monk on probation should approach a monk, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say,

‘parivāsaṁ samādiyāmī’ti.
‘I take up the probation,’

Samādinno hoti parivāso.

‘Vattaṁ samādiyāmī’ti.
or ‘I take up the proper conduct.’”

Samādinno hoti parivāso”.

Pārivāsikavattaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The proper conduct for those on probation is finished.

2. Mūlāyapaṭikassanārahavatta
2. The proper conduct for those deserving to be sent back to the beginning

Tena kho pana samayena mūlāyapaṭikassanārahā bhikkhū sādiyanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ, añjalikammaṁ, sāmīcikammaṁ, āsanābhihāraṁ, seyyābhihāraṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ, pādakathalikaṁ, pattacīvarappaṭiggahaṇaṁ, nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
At this time monks deserving to be sent back to the beginning consented to regular monks bowing down to them, standing up for them, raising their joined palms to them, doing acts of respect toward them, offering them a seat, offering them a bed, offering them water for washing their feet and a foot stool, offering them a foot scraper, receiving their bowls and robes, and massaging their backs when bathing.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma mūlāyapaṭikassanārahā bhikkhū sādiyissanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikamman”ti.
“How can monks deserving to be sent back to the beginning consent to these things?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
The monks told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe bhikkhusaṅghaṁ sannipātāpetvā bhikkhū paṭipucchi—
Soon afterwards the Buddha had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahā bhikkhū sādiyanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikamman”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that monks deserving to be sent back to the beginning consent to these things?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā—
The Buddha rebuked them …

“ananucchavikaṁ …pe…
“It’s not suitable …

kathañhi nāma, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahā bhikkhū sādiyissanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
How can monks deserving to be sent back to the beginning consent to these things?

Netaṁ bhikkhave, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …”

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
he gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“na, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā sāditabbaṁ
“A monk deserving to be sent back to the beginning shouldn’t consent to:

pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ,
Regular monks bowing down to him

Regular monks standing up for him

Regular monks raising their joined palms to him

Regular monks doing acts of respect toward him

Regular monks offering him a seat

Regular monks offering him a bed

pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ,
Regular monks offering him water for washing his feet and a foot stool

Regular monks offering him a foot scraper

Regular monks receiving his bowl and robe

nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
Regular monks massaging his back when he’s bathing.

Yo sādiyeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he consents to any of these, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ mithu yathāvuḍḍhaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
Monks deserving to be sent back to the beginning should do the following with one another according to seniority: bow down, stand up, raise their joined palms, do acts of respect, offer a seat, offer a bed, offer water for washing the feet and a foot stool, offer a foot scraper, receive bowl and robe, and massage one another’s backs when bathing.

Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pañca yathāvuḍḍhaṁ—
Monks deserving to be sent back to the beginning should do five things with regular monks according to seniority:

uposathaṁ, pavāraṇaṁ, vassikasāṭikaṁ, oṇojanaṁ, bhattaṁ.
the observance-day ceremony, the invitation ceremony, distributing rainy-season robes, meal invitations, and meals.

Tena hi, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā mūlāyapaṭikassanārahehi bhikkhūhi vattitabbaṁ.
And now I will lay down the proper conduct for a monk deserving to be sent back to the beginning. This is the proper conduct:

Mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā sammā vattitabbaṁ.

Tatrāyaṁ sammāvattanā—

Na upasampādetabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t give the full ordination.

na nissayo dātabbo,
He shouldn’t give formal support.

na sāmaṇero upaṭṭhāpetabbo,
He shouldn’t have a novice monk attend on him.

na bhikkhunovādakasammuti sāditabbā,
He shouldn’t accept being appointed as an instructor of the nuns.

sammatenapi bhikkhuniyo na ovaditabbā.
Even if appointed, he shouldn’t instruct the nuns.

Yāya āpattiyā saṅghena mūlāyapaṭikassanāraho kato hoti sā āpatti na āpajjitabbā, aññā vā tādisikā, tato vā pāpiṭṭhatarā;
He shouldn’t commit the same offense as the offense for which he deserves to be sent back to the beginning by the Sangha, nor one that is similar or worse.

kammaṁ na garahitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t criticize the legal procedure.

kammikā na garahitabbā.
He shouldn’t criticize those who did the procedure.

Na pakatattassa bhikkhuno uposatho ṭhapetabbo,
He shouldn’t cancel the observance-day ceremony of a regular monk.

na pavāraṇā ṭhapetabbā,
He shouldn’t cancel the invitation of a regular monk.

na savacanīyaṁ kātabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t direct a regular monk.

na anuvādo paṭṭhapetabbo,
He shouldn’t give instructions to a regular monk.

na okāso kāretabbo,
He shouldn’t ask a regular monk for permission to accuse him of an offense.

na codetabbo,
He shouldn’t accuse a regular monk of an offense.

na sāretabbo,
He shouldn’t remind a regular monk of an offense.

na bhikkhūhi sampayojetabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t associate inappropriately with other monks.

Na, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā pakatattassa bhikkhuno purato gantabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t walk in front of a regular monk.

na purato nisīditabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t sit in front of a regular monk.

Yo hoti saṅghassa āsanapariyanto seyyāpariyanto vihārapariyanto so tassa padātabbo. Tena ca so sāditabbo.
He should be given the last seat, the last bed, and the last dwelling of the Sangha, and he should consent to that.

Na, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā pakatattena bhikkhunā puresamaṇena vā
He shouldn’t attend on a regular monk when going to families.

pacchāsamaṇena vā kulāni upasaṅkamitabbāni,
He shouldn’t be attended on by a regular monk when going to families.

na āraññikaṅgaṁ samādātabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t undertake the practice of staying in the wilderness.

na piṇḍapātikaṅgaṁ samādātabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t undertake the practice of eating only almsfood.

na ca tappaccayā piṇḍapāto nīharāpetabbo—mā maṁ jāniṁsūti.
He shouldn’t have someone bring back almsfood for him because he doesn’t want others to know about his status.

Na, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to one without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

abhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

abhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā abhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

abhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

abhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to one with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā sabhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso …pe…
He may go from a monastery with monks to one with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso …pe…
He may go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso …pe…
He may go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso …pe…
He may go from a non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā sabhikkhuko āvāso …pe…
He may go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso …pe…
He may go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Na, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā pakatattena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekacchanne āvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

na ekacchanne anāvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

na ekacchanne āvāse vā anāvāse vā vatthabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t, in a monastery or a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

pakatattaṁ bhikkhuṁ disvā āsanā vuṭṭhātabbaṁ,
If he sees a regular monk, he should get up from his seat.

pakatatto bhikkhu āsanena nimantetabbo;
He should offer a seat to a regular monk.

na pakatattena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekāsane nisīditabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t sit on the same seat as a regular monk.

na nīce āsane nisinne ucce āsane nisīditabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t sit on a higher seat than a regular monk.

na chamāyaṁ nisinne āsane nisīditabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t sit on a seat when a regular monk is sitting on the ground

na ekacaṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on the same walking path as a regular monk.

na nīce caṅkame caṅkamante ucce caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a higher walking path than a regular monk.

na chamāyaṁ caṅkamante caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a walking path when a regular monk is walking on the ground.

Na, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā pārivāsikena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk on probation. …

mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena vuḍḍhatarena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a more senior monk deserving to be sent back to the beginning. …

mānattārahena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving the trial period. …

mānattacārikena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk undertaking the trial period. …

abbhānārahena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekacchanne āvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekacchanne anāvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekacchanne āvāse vā anāvāse vā vatthabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t, in a monastery or a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekāsane nisīditabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t sit on the same seat as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na nīce āsane nisinne ucce āsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on a higher seat than a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na chamāyaṁ nisinne āsane nisīditabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t sit on a seat when a monk deserving rehabilitation is sitting on the ground.

na ekacaṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on the same walking path as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na nīce caṅkame caṅkamante ucce caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a higher walking path than a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na chamāyaṁ caṅkamante caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a walking path when a monk deserving rehabilitation is walking on the ground.

Mūlāyapaṭikassanārahacatuttho ce, bhikkhave, parivāsaṁ dadeyya,
If, as the fourth member of a group, he gives probation,

mūlāya paṭikasseyya,
sends back to the beginning,

mānattaṁ dadeyya,
or gives the trial period,

taṁvīso abbheyya, akammaṁ, na ca karaṇīyan”ti.
or as the twentieth member of a group, he rehabilitates, it’s invalid and not to be done.”

Mūlāyapaṭikassanārahavattaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The proper conduct for those deserving to be sent back to the beginning is finished.

3. Mānattārahavatta
3. The proper conduct for those deserving the trial period

Tena kho pana samayena mānattārahā bhikkhū sādiyanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ, añjalikammaṁ, sāmīcikammaṁ, āsanābhihāraṁ, seyyābhihāraṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ, pādakathalikaṁ, pattacīvarappaṭiggahaṇaṁ, nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
At this time monks deserving the trial period consented to regular monks bowing down to them, standing up for them, raising their joined palms to them, doing acts of respect toward them, offering them a seat, offering them a bed, offering them water for washing their feet and a foot stool, offering them a foot scraper, receiving their bowls and robes, and massaging their backs when bathing.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma mānattārahā bhikkhū sādiyissanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ, añjalikammaṁ, sāmīcikammaṁ, āsanābhihāraṁ, seyyābhihāraṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ, pādakathalikaṁ, pattacīvarappaṭiggahaṇaṁ, nahāne piṭṭhiparikamman”ti.
“How can monks deserving the trial period consent to these things?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
The monks told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha of monks gathered and questioned them:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, mānattārahā bhikkhū sādiyanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikamman”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that monks deserving the trial period consent to these things?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā—
The Buddha rebuked them …

“ananucchavikaṁ …pe…
“It’s not suitable …

kathañhi nāma, bhikkhave, mānattārahā bhikkhū sādiyissanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
How can monks deserving the trial period consent to these things?

Netaṁ, bhikkhave, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …”

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
he gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“na, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā sāditabbaṁ
“A monk deserving the trial period shouldn’t consent to:

pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ,
Regular monks bowing down to him

Regular monks standing up for him

Regular monks raising their joined palms to him

nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
Regular monks massaging his back when he’s bathing.

Yo sādiyeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he consents to any of these, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, mānattārahānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ mithu yathāvuḍḍhaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
Monks deserving the trial period should do the following with one another according to seniority: bow down, stand up, raise their joined palms, do acts of respect, offer a seat, offer a bed, offer water for washing the feet and a foot stool, offer a foot scraper, receive bowl and robe, and massage one another’s backs when bathing.

Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, mānattārahānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pañca yathāvuḍḍhaṁ—
Monks deserving the trial period should do five things with regular monks according to seniority:

uposathaṁ, pavāraṇaṁ, vassikasāṭikaṁ, oṇojanaṁ, bhattaṁ.
the observance-day ceremony, the invitation ceremony, distributing rainy-season robes, meal invitations, and meals.

Tena hi, bhikkhave, mānattārahānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā mānattārahehi bhikkhūhi vattitabbaṁ.
And now I will lay down the proper conduct for a monk deserving the trial period. This is the proper conduct:

Mānattārahena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā sammā vattitabbaṁ.

Tatrāyaṁ sammāvattanā—

Na upasampādetabbaṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t give the full ordination.

(yathā mūlāyapaṭikassanā, tathā vitthāretabbaṁ.)
He shouldn’t give formal support.

Na bhikkhūhi sampayojetabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t associate inappropriately with other monks.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā pakatattassa bhikkhuno purato gantabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t walk in front of a regular monk.

na purato nisīditabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t sit in front of a regular monk.

Yo hoti saṅghassa āsanapariyanto seyyāpariyanto vihārapariyanto so tassa padātabbo. Tena ca so sāditabbo.
He should be given the last seat, the last bed, and the last dwelling of the Sangha, and he should consent to that.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā pakatattena bhikkhunā puresamaṇena vā
He shouldn’t attend on a regular monk when going to families.

pacchāsamaṇena vā kulāni upasaṅkamitabbāni,
He shouldn’t be attended on by a regular monk when going to families.

na āraññikaṅgaṁ samādātabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t undertake the practice of staying in the wilderness.

na piṇḍapātikaṅgaṁ samādātabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t undertake the practice of eating only almsfood.

na ca tappaccayā piṇḍapāto nīharāpetabbo—mā maṁ jāniṁsūti.
He shouldn’t have someone bring back almsfood for him because he doesn’t want others to know about his status.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to one without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

abhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

abhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā abhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

abhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

abhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to one with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā sabhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso …pe…
He may go from a monastery with monks to one with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso …pe…
He may go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso …pe…
He may go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso …pe…
He may go from a non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā sabhikkhuko āvāso …pe…
He may go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso …pe…
He may go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā pakatattena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekacchanne āvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

na ekacchanne anāvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

na ekacchanne āvāse vā anāvāse vā vatthabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t, in a monastery or a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

Pakatattaṁ bhikkhuṁ disvā āsanā vuṭṭhātabbaṁ.
If he sees a regular monk, he should get up from his seat.

Pakatatto bhikkhu āsanena nimantetabbo.
He should offer a seat to a regular monk.

Na pakatattena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekāsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on the same seat as a regular monk.

na nīce āsane nisinne ucce āsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on a higher seat than a regular monk.

na chamāyaṁ nisinne āsane nisīditabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t sit on a seat when a regular monk is sitting on the ground.

na ekacaṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on the same walking path as a regular monk.

na nīce caṅkame caṅkamante ucce caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a higher walking path than a regular monk.

na chamāyaṁ caṅkamante caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a walking path when a regular monk is walking on the ground.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattārahena bhikkhunā pārivāsikena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk on probation. …

mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving to be sent back to the beginning. …

mānattārahena vuḍḍhatarena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a more senior monk deserving the trial period. …

mānattacārikena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk undertaking the trial period. …

abbhānārahena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekacchanne āvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekacchanne anāvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekacchanne āvāse vā anāvāse vā vatthabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t, in a monastery or a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekāsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on the same seat as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na nīce āsane nisinne ucce āsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on a higher seat than a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na chamāyaṁ nisinne āsane nisīditabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t sit on a seat when a monk deserving rehabilitation is sitting on the ground.

na ekacaṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on the same walking path as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na nīce caṅkame caṅkamante ucce caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a higher walking path than a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na chamāyaṁ caṅkamante caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a walking path when a monk deserving rehabilitation is walking on the ground.

Mānattārahacatuttho ce, bhikkhave, parivāsaṁ dadeyya,
If, as the fourth member of a group, he gives probation,

mūlāya paṭikasseyya,
sends back to the beginning,

mānattaṁ dadeyya,
or gives the trial period,

taṁvīso abbheyya, akammaṁ, na ca karaṇīyan”ti.
or as the twentieth member of a group, he rehabilitates, it’s invalid and not to be done.”

Mānattārahavattaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The proper conduct for those deserving the trial period is finished.

4. Mānattacārikavatta
4. The proper conduct for those undertaking the trial period

Tena kho pana samayena mānattacārikā bhikkhū sādiyanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ, añjalikammaṁ, sāmīcikammaṁ, āsanābhihāraṁ, seyyābhihāraṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ, pādakathalikaṁ, pattacīvarappaṭiggahaṇaṁ, nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
At this time monks undertaking the trial period consented to regular monks bowing down to them, standing up for them, raising their joined palms to them, doing acts of respect toward them, offering them a seat, offering them a bed, offering them water for washing their feet and a foot stool, offering them a foot scraper, receiving their bowls and robes, and massaging their backs when bathing.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma mānattacārikā bhikkhū sādiyissanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikamman”ti.
“How can monks undertaking the trial period consent to these things?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
The monks told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe bhikkhusaṅghaṁ sannipātāpetvā bhikkhū paṭipucchi—
Soon afterwards the Buddha had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, mānattacārikā bhikkhū sādiyanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikamman”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that monks undertaking the trial period consent to these things?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā—
The Buddha rebuked them …

“ananucchavikaṁ …pe…
“It’s not suitable …

kathañhi nāma, bhikkhave, mānattacārikā bhikkhū sādiyissanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
How can monks undertaking the trial period consent to these things?

Netaṁ, bhikkhave, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …”

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
he gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Na, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā sāditabbaṁ
“A monk undertaking the trial period shouldn’t consent to:

pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ,
Regular monks bowing down to him

Regular monks standing up for him

Regular monks raising their joined palms to him

Regular monks doing acts of respect toward him

Regular monks offering him a seat

Regular monks offering him a bed

pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ,
Regular monks offering him water for washing his feet and a foot stool

Regular monks offering him a foot scraper

Regular monks receiving his bowl and robe

nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
Regular monks massaging his back when he’s bathing.

Yo sādiyeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he consents to any of these, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, mānattacārikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ mithu yathāvuḍḍhaṁ abhivādanaṁ, paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
Monks undertaking the trial period should do the following with one another according to seniority: bow down, stand up, raise their joined palms, do acts of respect, offer a seat, offer a bed, offer water for washing the feet and a foot stool, offer a foot scraper, receive bowl and robe, and massage one another’s backs when bathing.

Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, mānattacārikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pañca yathāvuḍḍhaṁ—
Monks undertaking the trial period should do five things with regular monks according to seniority:

uposathaṁ, pavāraṇaṁ, vassikasāṭikaṁ, oṇojanaṁ, bhattaṁ.
the observance-day ceremony, the invitation ceremony, distributing rainy-season robes, meal invitations, and meals.

Tena hi, bhikkhave, mānattacārikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā mānattacārikehi bhikkhūhi vattitabbaṁ.
And now I will lay down the proper conduct for a monk undertaking the trial period. This is the proper conduct:

Mānattacārikena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā sammā vattitabbaṁ.

Tatrāyaṁ sammāvattanā—

Na upasampādetabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t give the full ordination.

na nissayo dātabbo,
He shouldn’t give formal support.

na sāmaṇero upaṭṭhāpetabbo,
He shouldn’t have a novice monk attend on him.

na bhikkhunovādakasammuti sāditabbā,
He shouldn’t accept being appointed as an instructor of the nuns.

sammatenapi bhikkhuniyo na ovaditabbā.
Even if appointed, he shouldn’t instruct the nuns.

Yāya āpattiyā saṅghena mānattaṁ dinnaṁ hoti sā āpatti na āpajjitabbā, aññā vā tādisikā, tato vā pāpiṭṭhatarā;
He shouldn’t commit the same offense as the offense for which the Sangha gave him the trial period, nor one that is similar or worse.

kammaṁ na garahitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t criticize the legal procedure.

kammikā na garahitabbā.
He shouldn’t criticize those who did the procedure.

Na pakatattassa bhikkhuno uposatho ṭhapetabbo,
He shouldn’t cancel the observance-day ceremony of a regular monk.

na pavāraṇā ṭhapetabbā,
He shouldn’t cancel the invitation of a regular monk.

na savacanīyaṁ kātabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t direct a regular monk.

na anuvādo paṭṭhapetabbo,
He shouldn’t give instructions to a regular monk.

na okāso kāretabbo,
He shouldn’t ask a regular monk for permission to accuse him of an offense.

na codetabbo,
He shouldn’t accuse a regular monk of an offense.

na sāretabbo,
He shouldn’t remind a regular monk of an offense.

na bhikkhūhi sampayojetabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t associate inappropriately with other monks.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā pakatattassa bhikkhuno purato gantabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t walk in front of a regular monk.

na purato nisīditabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t sit in front of a regular monk.

Yo hoti saṅghassa āsanapariyanto seyyāpariyanto vihārapariyanto so tassa padātabbo. Tena ca so sāditabbo.
He should be given the last seat, the last bed, and the last dwelling of the Sangha, and he should consent to that.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā pakatattena bhikkhunā puresamaṇena vā
He shouldn’t attend on a regular monk when going to families.

pacchāsamaṇena vā kulāni upasaṅkamitabbāni,
He shouldn’t be attended on by a regular monk when going to families.

na āraññikaṅgaṁ samādātabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t undertake the practice of staying in the wilderness.

na piṇḍapātikaṅgaṁ samādātabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t undertake the practice of eating only almsfood.

na ca tappaccayā piṇḍapāto nīharāpetabbo—mā maṁ jāniṁsūti.
He shouldn’t have someone bring back almsfood for him because he doesn’t want others to know about his status.

Mānattacārikena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā āgantukena ārocetabbaṁ,
He should inform about his status when he’s newly arrived in a monastery.

āgantukassa ārocetabbaṁ,
He should inform new arrivals of his status.

uposathe ārocetabbaṁ,
He should inform about his status on the observance day.

pavāraṇāya ārocetabbaṁ,
He should inform about his status on the invitation day.

devasikaṁ ārocetabbaṁ.
He should inform about his status on a daily basis.

Sace gilāno hoti, dūtenapi ārocetabbaṁ.
If he’s sick, he should inform about his status by messenger.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo, aññatra saṅghena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to one without monks, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo, aññatra saṅghena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery without monks, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, aññatra saṅghena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery without monks, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery without monks, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

abhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery without monks, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

abhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, aññatra saṅghena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery without monks, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā abhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery without monks, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

abhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery without monks, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

abhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, aññatra saṅghena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery without monks, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to one with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra saṅghena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

Na bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra saṅghena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā sabhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo …pe…
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā gantabbo, yatthassu bhikkhū nānāsaṁvāsakā, aññatra saṅghena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to a different Buddhist sect, except together with a sangha or if there are dangers.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave mānattacārikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso …pe…
He may go from a monastery with monks to one with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso …pe…
He may go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā anāvāsā sabhikkhuko āvāso …pe…
He may go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso …pe…
He may go from a non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā sabhikkhuko āvāso …pe…
He may go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso …pe…
He may go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā pakatattena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekacchanne āvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

na ekacchanne anāvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

na ekacchanne āvāse vā anāvāse vā vatthabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t, in a monastery or a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

Pakatattaṁ bhikkhuṁ disvā āsanā vuṭṭhātabbaṁ.
If he sees a regular monk, he should get up from his seat.

Pakatatto bhikkhu āsanena nimantetabbo.
He should offer a seat to a regular monk.

Na pakatattena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekāsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on the same seat as a regular monk.

na nīce āsane nisinne ucce āsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on a higher seat than a regular monk.

na chamāyaṁ nisinne āsane nisīditabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t sit on a seat when a regular monk is sitting on the ground.

na ekacaṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on the same walking path as a regular monk.

na nīce caṅkame caṅkamante ucce caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a higher walking path than a regular monk.

na chamāyaṁ caṅkamante caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a walking path when a regular monk is walking on the ground.

Na, bhikkhave, mānattacārikena bhikkhunā pārivāsikena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk on probation. …

mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving to be sent back to the beginning. …

mānattārahena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving the trial period. …

mānattacārikena vuḍḍhatarena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a more senior monk undertaking the trial period. …

abbhānārahena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekacchanne āvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekacchanne anāvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekacchanne āvāse vā anāvāse vā vatthabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t, in a monastery or a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekāsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on the same seat as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na nīce āsane nisinne ucce āsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on a higher seat than a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na chamāyaṁ nisinne āsane nisīditabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t sit on a seat when a monk deserving rehabilitation is sitting on the ground.

na ekacaṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on the same walking path as a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na nīce caṅkame caṅkamante ucce caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a higher walking path than a monk deserving rehabilitation.

na chamāyaṁ caṅkamante caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a walking path when a monk deserving rehabilitation is walking on the ground.

Mānattacārikacatuttho ce, bhikkhave, parivāsaṁ dadeyya,
If, as the fourth member of a group, he gives probation,

mūlāya paṭikasseyya,
sends back to the beginning,

mānattaṁ dadeyya,
or gives the trial period,

taṁvīso abbheyya, akammaṁ, na ca karaṇīyan”ti.
or as the twentieth member of a group, he rehabilitates, it’s invalid and not to be done.”

Atha kho āyasmā upāli yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi.
Soon afterwards Venerable Upāli went to the Buddha, bowed, sat down,

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā upāli bhagavantaṁ etadavoca—
and said,

“kati nu kho, bhante, mānattacārikassa bhikkhuno ratticchedā”ti?
“How many things are there, Sir, that stop a monk undertaking the trial period from counting a particular day toward his trial period?”

“Cattāro kho, upāli, mānattacārikassa bhikkhuno ratticchedā.
“There are four such things, Upāli:

Sahavāso, vippavāso, anārocanā, ūne gaṇe caraṇaṁ—
he stays in the same room as a regular monk; he stays apart from other monks; he doesn’t inform other monks of his status; he travels without a group.”

ime kho, upāli, cattāro mānattacārikassa bhikkhuno ratticchedā”ti.

Tena kho pana samayena sāvatthiyaṁ mahābhikkhusaṅgho sannipatito hoti.
On one occasion a large sangha of monks had gathered at Sāvatthī.

Na sakkonti mānattacārikā bhikkhū mānattaṁ sodhetuṁ.
The monks undertaking the trial period were unable to fulfill their duties.

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, mānattaṁ nikkhipituṁ.
“I allow you to set aside the trial period.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, nikkhipitabbaṁ.
And it should be done like this.

Tena mānattacārikena bhikkhunā ekaṁ bhikkhuṁ upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā añjaliṁ paggahetvā evamassa vacanīyo—
The monk undertaking the trial period should approach a monk, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say,

‘mānattaṁ nikkhipāmī’ti.
‘I set aside the trial period,’

Nikkhittaṁ hoti mānattaṁ.

‘Vattaṁ nikkhipāmī’ti.
or ‘I set aside the proper conduct.’”

Nikkhittaṁ hoti mānattan”ti.

Tena kho pana samayena sāvatthiyā bhikkhū tahaṁ tahaṁ pakkamiṁsu.
Soon afterwards the monks at Sāvatthī left for various destinations.

Sakkonti mānattacārikā bhikkhū mānattaṁ sodhetuṁ.
The monks undertaking the trial period were again able to fulfill their duties.

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, mānattaṁ samādiyituṁ.
“I allow you to take up the trial period.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, samādiyitabbaṁ.
And it should be done like this.

Tena mānattacārikena bhikkhunā ekaṁ bhikkhuṁ upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā añjaliṁ paggahetvā, evamassa vacanīyo—
The monk undertaking the trial period should approach a monk, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say,

‘mānattaṁ samādiyāmī’ti.
‘I take up the trial period,’

Samādinnaṁ hoti mānattaṁ.

‘Vattaṁ samādiyāmī’ti.
or ‘I take up the proper conduct.’”

Samādinnaṁ hoti mānattan”ti.

Mānattacārikavattaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The proper conduct for those undertaking the trial period is finished.

5. Abbhānārahavatta
5. The proper conduct for those deserving rehabilitation.

Tena kho pana samayena abbhānārahā bhikkhū sādiyanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe…
At this time monks deserving rehabilitation consented to regular monks bowing down to them, standing up for them, raising their joined palms to them, doing acts of respect toward them, offering them a seat, offering them a bed, offering them water for washing their feet and a foot stool, offering them a foot scraper, receiving their bowls and robes,

nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
and massaging their backs when bathing.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma abbhānārahā bhikkhū sādiyissanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikamman”ti.
“How can monks deserving rehabilitation consent to these things?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
The monks told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe bhikkhusaṅghaṁ sannipātāpetvā bhikkhū paṭipucchi—
Soon afterwards the Buddha had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, abbhānārahā bhikkhū sādiyanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikamman”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that monks deserving rehabilitation consent to these things?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā—
The Buddha rebuked them …

“ananucchavikaṁ …pe…
“It’s not suitable …

kathañhi nāma, bhikkhave, abbhānārahā bhikkhū sādiyissanti pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
How can monks deserving rehabilitation consent to these things?

Netaṁ, bhikkhave, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …”

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
he gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“na, bhikkhave, abbhānārahena bhikkhunā sāditabbaṁ
“A monk deserving rehabilitation shouldn’t consent to:

pakatattānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ abhivādanaṁ paccupaṭṭhānaṁ
Regular monks bowing down to him

Regular monks standing up for him

nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
Regular monks massaging his back when he’s bathing.

Yo sādiyeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he consents to any of these, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, abbhānārahānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ mithu yathāvuḍḍhaṁ abhivādanaṁ paccuṭṭhānaṁ …pe… nahāne piṭṭhiparikammaṁ.
Monks deserving rehabilitation should do the following with one another according to seniority: bow down, stand up, raise their joined palms, do acts of respect, offer a seat, offer a bed, offer water for washing the feet and a foot stool, offer a foot scraper, receive bowl and robe, and massage one another’s backs when bathing.

Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, abbhānārahānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pañca yathāvuḍḍhaṁ—
Monks deserving rehabilitation should do five things with regular monks according to seniority:

uposathaṁ, pavāraṇaṁ, vassikasāṭikaṁ, oṇojanaṁ, bhattaṁ.
the observance-day ceremony, the invitation ceremony, distributing rainy-season robes, meal invitations, and meals.

Tena hi, bhikkhave, abbhānārahānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā abbhānārahehi bhikkhūhi vattitabbaṁ.
And now I will lay down the proper conduct for a monk deserving rehabilitation. This is the proper conduct:

Abbhānārahena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā sammā vattitabbaṁ.

Tatrāyaṁ sammāvattanā—

Na upasampādetabbaṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t give the full ordination.

(yathā heṭṭhā, tathā vitthāretabbaṁ)
He shouldn’t give formal support.

na bhikkhūhi sampayojetabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t associate inappropriately with other monks.

Na, bhikkhave, abbhānārahena bhikkhunā pakatattassa bhikkhuno purato gantabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t walk in front of a regular monk.

na purato nisīditabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t sit in front of a regular monk.

Yo hoti saṅghassa āsanapariyanto seyyāpariyanto vihārapariyanto so tassa padātabbo. Tena ca so sāditabbo.
He should be given the last seat, the last bed, and the last dwelling of the Sangha, and he should consent to that.

Na, bhikkhave, abbhānārahena bhikkhunā pakatattena bhikkhunā puresamaṇena vā
He shouldn’t attend on a regular monk when going to families

pacchāsamaṇena vā kulāni upasaṅkamitabbāni;
He shouldn’t be attended on by a regular monk when going to families

na āraññikaṅgaṁ samādātabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t undertake the practice of staying in the wilderness

na piṇḍapātikaṅgaṁ samādātabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t undertake the practice of eating only almsfood.

na ca tappaccayā piṇḍapāto nīharāpetabbo—mā maṁ jāniṁsūti.
He shouldn’t have someone bring back almsfood for him because he doesn’t want others to know about his status.

Na, bhikkhave, abbhānārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko āvāso gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā.
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to one without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Na, bhikkhave, abbhānārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā abhikkhuko anāvāso gantabbo, aññatra pakatattena, aññatra antarāyā …
He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

He shouldn’t go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

(Yathā heṭṭhā, tathā vitthāretabbā.)
He shouldn’t go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery without monks, except together with a regular monk or if there are dangers.

Gantabbo, bhikkhave, abbhānārahena bhikkhunā sabhikkhukā āvāsā …pe…
He may go from a monastery with monks to one with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

anāvāsā …pe…
He may go from a monastery with monks to a non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

āvāsā vā anāvāsā vā sabhikkhuko āvāso …pe…
He may go from a monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko anāvāso …pe…
He may go from a non-monastery with monks to a monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

sabhikkhuko āvāso vā anāvāso vā, yatthassu bhikkhū samānasaṁvāsakā, yaṁ jaññā sakkomi ajjeva gantunti.
He may go from a monastery or non-monastery with monks to a monastery or non-monastery with monks who belong to the same Buddhist sect if he knows he’ll be able to arrive on the same day.

Na, bhikkhave, abbhānārahena bhikkhunā pakatattena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekacchanne āvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

na ekacchanne anāvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

na ekacchanne āvāse vā anāvāse vā vatthabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t, in a monastery or a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a regular monk.

pakatattaṁ bhikkhuṁ disvā āsanā vuṭṭhātabbaṁ,
If he sees a regular monk, he should get up from his seat.

pakatatto bhikkhu āsanena nimantetabbo;
He should offer a seat to a regular monk.

na pakatattena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekāsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on the same seat as a regular monk.

na nīce āsane nisinne ucce āsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on a higher seat than a regular monk.

na chamāyaṁ nisinne āsane nisīditabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t sit on a seat when a regular monk is sitting on the ground.

na ekacaṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on the same walking path as a regular monk.

na nīce caṅkame caṅkamante ucce caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a higher walking path than a regular monk.

na chamāyaṁ caṅkamante caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a walking path when a regular monk is walking on the ground.

Na, bhikkhave, abbhānārahena bhikkhunā pārivāsikena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk on probation. …

mūlāyapaṭikassanārahena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving to be sent back to the beginning. …

mānattārahena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk deserving the trial period. …

mānattacārikena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ …pe…
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a monk undertaking the trial period. …

abbhānārahena vuḍḍhatarena bhikkhunā saddhiṁ ekacchanne āvāse vatthabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t, in a monastery, stay in the same room as a more senior monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekacchanne anāvāse vatthabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t, in a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a more senior monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekacchanne āvāse vā anāvāse vā vatthabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t, in a monastery or a non-monastery, stay in the same room as a more senior monk deserving rehabilitation.

na ekāsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on the same seat as a more senior monk deserving rehabilitation.

na nīce āsane nisinne ucce āsane nisīditabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t sit on a higher seat than a more senior monk deserving rehabilitation.

na chamāyaṁ nisinne āsane nisīditabbaṁ;
He shouldn’t sit on a seat when a more senior monk deserving rehabilitation is sitting on the ground.

na ekacaṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on the same walking path as a more senior monk deserving rehabilitation.

na nīce caṅkame caṅkamante ucce caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ,
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a higher walking path than a more senior monk deserving rehabilitation.

na chamāyaṁ caṅkamante caṅkame caṅkamitabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t do walking meditation on a walking path when a more senior monk deserving rehabilitation is walking on the ground.

Abbhānārahacatuttho ce, bhikkhave, parivāsaṁ dadeyya,
If, as the fourth member of a group, he gives probation,

mūlāya paṭikasseyya,
sends back to the beginning,

mānattaṁ dadeyya,
or gives the trial period,

taṁvīso abbheyya, akammaṁ, na ca karaṇīyan”ti.
or as the twentieth member of a group, he rehabilitates, it’s invalid and not to be done.”

Abbhānārahavattaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The proper conduct for those deserving rehabilitation is finished.

Pārivāsikakkhandhako dutiyo.
The second chapter on those on probation is finished.

Imamhi khandhake vatthū pañca.
In this chapter there are five topics.

This is the summary:

Pārivāsikā sādenti,
“Those on probation consented to

pakatattāna bhikkhunaṁ;
The regular monks

Abhivādanaṁ paccuṭṭhānaṁ,
Bowing down to them, standing up,

añjaliñca sāmīciyaṁ.
And raising their joined palms, acting respectfully.

Āsanaṁ seyyābhihāraṁ,
Offering a seat, a bed,

pādo pīṭhaṁ kathalikaṁ;
Foot, stool, scraper;

Pattaṁ nahāne parikammaṁ,
Bowl, massaging when bathing,

ujjhāyanti ca pesalā.
And the good monks criticized them.

Dukkaṭaṁ sādiyantassa,
An offense of wrong conduct for one who consents,

Mithu pañca yathāvuḍḍhaṁ;
Mutual, five things according to seniority;

Uposathaṁ pavāraṇaṁ,
The observance day, the invitation ceremony,

Rainy-season robes, invitations, meals.

Sammā ca vattanā tattha,
And proper conduct there,

pakatattassa gacchantaṁ;
Walking in front of a regular one;

Yo ca hoti pariyanto,
And whatever is the last,

pure pacchā tatheva ca.
And just so attending on.

Wilderness, alms, bringing back,

āgantuke uposathe;
About new arrivals, on the observance day;

Pavāraṇāya dūtena,
On the invitation day, by messenger,

gantabbo ca sabhikkhuko.
And he may go to a place with monks.

Ekacchanne ca vuṭṭhānaṁ,
And in the same room, getting up,

tatheva ca nimantaye;
And just so he should invite;

Āsane nīce caṅkame,
On a seat, on a lower, on a walking path,

chamāyaṁ caṅkamena ca.
On the ground, and with walking path.

Vuḍḍhatarena akammaṁ,
With one who is more senior, invalid,

ratticchedā ca sodhanā;
And stop the counting, fulfilling;

Nikkhipanaṁ samādānaṁ,
Setting aside, taking up,

vattaṁva pārivāsike.
Just the duties for one on probation.

Mūlāya mānattārahā,
To the beginning, deserving the trial,

tathā mānattacārikā;
So those undertaking the trial;

Abbhānārahe nayo cāpi,
And also the method for deserving rehabilitation,

sambhedaṁ nayato puna.
Again putting together from the method.

Pārivāsikesu tayo,
Three for those on probation,

catu mānattacārike;
Four for those undergoing the trial;

Na samenti ratticchedesu,
Are not the same in regard to stopping the count,

mānattesu ca devasi;
And daily for the trial period;

Dve kammā sadisā sesā,
Two procedures are such, the remaining

tayo kammā samāsamāti.
Three procedures are the same.”

Pārivāsikakkhandhakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The chapter on those on probation is finished.