vinaya » pli-tv-pvr » Parivāra

Translators: brahmali

The Compendium

The Monks’ Analysis

Part two

1.6 Samuccayavāra

The gathering up section

Methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevanapaccayā kati āpattiyo āpajjati?
As a result of having sexual intercourse, how many kinds of offenses does one commit?

Methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevanapaccayā catasso āpattiyo āpajjati.
One commits four kinds of offenses:

Akkhāyite sarīre methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevati, āpatti pārājikassa;
when one has sexual intercourse with an undecomposed corpse, one commits an offense entailing expulsion;

yebhuyyena khāyite sarīre methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevati, āpatti thullaccayassa;
when one has sexual intercourse with a mostly decomposed corpse, one commits a serious offense;

vaṭṭakate mukhe acchupantaṁ aṅgajātaṁ paveseti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when one inserts one’s penis into a wide open mouth without touching it, one commits an offense of wrong conduct;

jatumaṭṭhake pācittiyaṁ—
when one uses a dildo, one commits an offense entailing confession.

methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevanapaccayā imā catasso āpattiyo āpajjati.

Tā āpattiyo catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ kati vipattiyo bhajanti?
When it comes to these offenses, to how many of the four kinds of failure do they belong?

Sattannaṁ āpattikkhandhānaṁ katihi āpattikkhandhehi saṅgahitā?
In how many of the seven classes of offenses are they found?

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ katihi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhanti?
Through how many of the six kinds of originations of offenses do they originate?

Catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ?
To which of the four kinds of legal issues do they belong?

Sattannaṁ samathānaṁ katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many of the seven principles for settling legal issues are they settled?

Tā āpattiyo catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ dve vipattiyo bhajanti—
They belong to two kinds of failure:

siyā sīlavipattiṁ siyā ācāravipattiṁ.
they may be failure in morality; they may be failure in conduct.

Sattannaṁ āpattikkhandhānaṁ catūhi āpattikkhandhehi saṅgahitā—
They are found in four classes of offenses:

siyā pārājikāpattikkhandhena, siyā thullaccayāpattikkhandhena, siyā pācittiyāpattikkhandhena, siyā dukkaṭāpattikkhandhena.
they may be in the class of offenses entailing expulsion; they may be in the class of serious offenses; they may be in the class of offenses entailing confession; they may be in the class of offenses of wrong conduct.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhanti—
They originate in one way:

kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhanti, na vācato.
from body and mind, not from speech.

Catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ, āpattādhikaraṇaṁ.
They belong to legal issues arising from an offense.

Sattannaṁ samathānaṁ, tīhi samathehi sammanti—
They are settled through three principles:

siyā sammukhāvinayena ca, paṭiññātakaraṇena ca, siyā sammukhāvinayena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca …pe….
they may be settled by resolution face-to-face and by acting according to what has been admitted; or they may be settled by resolution face-to-face and by covering over as if with grass. …

Anādariyaṁ paṭicca udake uccāraṁ vā passāvaṁ vā kheḷaṁ vā karaṇapaccayā kati āpattiyo āpajjati?
As a result of, out of disrespect, defecating, urinating, or spitting in water, how many kinds of offenses does one commit?

Anādariyaṁ paṭicca udake uccāraṁ vā passāvaṁ vā kheḷaṁ vā karaṇapaccayā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
One commits one kind of offense:

an offense of wrong conduct.

anādariyaṁ paṭicca udake uccāraṁ vā passāvaṁ vā kheḷaṁ vā karaṇapaccayā imaṁ ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.

Sā āpatti catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ kati vipattiyo bhajati?
When it comes to this offense, to how many of the four kinds of failure does it belong?

Sattannaṁ āpattikkhandhānaṁ katihi āpattikkhandhehi saṅgahitā?
In how many of the seven classes of offenses is it found?

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ katihi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti?
Through how many of the six kinds of originations of offenses does it originate?

Catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ?
To which of the four kinds of legal issues does it belong?

Sattannaṁ samathānaṁ katihi samathehi sammati?
Through how many of the seven principles for settling legal issues is it settled?

Sā āpatti catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ ekaṁ vipattiṁ bhajati—
It belongs to one kind of failure:

failure in conduct.

Sattannaṁ āpattikkhandhānaṁ ekena āpattikkhandhena saṅgahitā—
It is found in one class of offenses:

in the class of offenses of wrong conduct.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
It originates in one way:

kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato.
from body and mind, not from speech.

Catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ, āpattādhikaraṇaṁ.
It belongs to legal issues arising from an offense.

Sattannaṁ samathānaṁ tīhi samathehi sammati—
It is settled through three principles:

siyā sammukhāvinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca, siyā sammukhāvinayena ca tiṇavatthārakena cāti.
it may be settled by resolution face-to-face and by acting according to what has been admitted; or it may be settled by resolution face-to-face and by covering over as if with grass.

Samuccayavāro niṭṭhito aṭṭhamo.
The gathering up section, the eighth, is finished.

Aṭṭhapaccayavārā niṭṭhitā.
The eight sections on “as a result of” are finished.

Mahāvibhaṅge soḷasamahāvārā niṭṭhitā.
The sixteen great sections in The Great Analysis are finished.

Bhikkhuvibhaṅgamahāvāro niṭṭhito.
The great section of the Monks’ Analysis is finished.