vinaya » pli-tv-pvr » Parivāra

Translators: brahmali

The Compendium

The Nuns’ Analysis

Part two

2.9 Katthapaññattivāra

The section on “where was it laid down?”

1. Pārājikakaṇḍa
1. The chapter on offenses entailing expulsion

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena kāyasaṁsaggaṁ sādiyanapaccayā pārājikaṁ kattha paññattaṁ?
“The offense entailing expulsion that is a result of consenting to physical contact was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?

Kaṁ ārabbha?
Whom is it about?

Kismiṁ vatthusmiṁ …pe…
What is it about? …

Who handed it down?”

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena kāyasaṁsaggaṁ sādiyanapaccayā pārājikaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“The offense entailing expulsion that is a result of consenting to physical contact was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sundarīnandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Sundarīnandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sundarīnandā bhikkhunī avassutā avassutassa purisapuggalassa kāyasaṁsaggaṁ sādiyi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The lustful nun Sundarīnandā consenting to a lustful man making physical contact with her.

Atthi tattha paññatti, anupaññatti, anuppannapaññattīti?
“Is there a rule, an addition to the rule, an unprompted rule?”

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Anupaññatti anuppannapaññatti tasmiṁ natthi.
There is no addition to the rule. There is no unprompted rule.

Sabbatthapaññatti, padesapaññattīti?
“Is it a rule that applies everywhere or in a particular place?”


Sādhāraṇapaññatti, asādhāraṇapaññattīti?
“Is it a rule that the monks and nuns have in common or not in common?”

Not in common.

Ekatopaññatti, ubhatopaññattīti?
“Is it a rule for one Sangha or for both?”

For one.

Catunnaṁ pātimokkhuddesānaṁ katthogadhaṁ kattha pariyāpannanti?
“In which of the four ways of reciting the Monastic Code is it contained and included?”

Nidānogadhaṁ nidānapariyāpannaṁ?
In the introduction.

Katamena uddesena uddesaṁ āgacchatīti?
“In which recitation is it included?”

Dutiyena uddesena uddesaṁ āgacchati.
In the second recitation.

Catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ katamā vipattīti?
“To which of the four kinds of failure does it belong?”

Failure in morality.

Sattannaṁ āpattikkhandhānaṁ katamo āpattikkhandhoti?
“To which of the seven classes of offenses does it belong?”

The class of offenses entailing expulsion.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ katihi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhātīti?
“Through how many of the six kinds of originations of offenses does it originate?”

Ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
It originates in one way:

kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato …pe…
from body and mind, not from speech. …

“Who handed it down?”

The lineage:

Upāli dāsako ceva,
“Upāli and Dāsaka,

soṇako siggavo tathā;
Soṇaka and so Siggava;

Moggaliputtena pañcamā,
With Moggaliputta as the fifth—

ete jambusirivhaye.
These were in India, the land named after the glorious rose apple.


Ete nāgā mahāpaññā,
These mighty beings of great wisdom,

Vinayaññū maggakovidā;
Knowers of the Monastic Law and skilled in the path;

Vinayaṁ dīpe pakāsesuṁ,
Proclaimed the Collection of Monastic Law,

Piṭakaṁ tambapaṇṇiyāti.
On the island of Sri Lanka.”

Vajjappaṭicchādanapaccayā pārājikaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing expulsion that is a result of concealing an offense. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī jānaṁ pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpannaṁ bhikkhuniṁ nevattanā paṭicodesi na gaṇassa ārocesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā, knowing that a nun had committed an offense entailing expulsion, neither confronting her herself nor telling the community.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjanapaccayā pārājikaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing expulsion that is a result of not stopping when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī samaggena saṅghena ukkhittaṁ ariṭṭhaṁ bhikkhuṁ gaddhabādhipubbaṁ anuvatti, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā taking sides with the monk Ariṭṭha, an ex-vulture-killer, who had been ejected by a unanimous Sangha.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Aṭṭhamaṁ vatthuṁ paripūraṇapaccayā pārājikaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing expulsion that is a result of fulfilling the eight parts. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo aṭṭhamaṁ vatthuṁ paripūresuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six fulfilling the eight parts.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Pārājikā niṭṭhitā.
The offenses entailing expulsion are finished.

2. Saṅghādisesakaṇḍādi
2. The chapter on offenses entailing suspension, etc.

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena ussayavādikāya bhikkhuniyā aḍḍaṁ karaṇapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññatto?
“The offense entailing suspension that is a result of a litigious nun initiating a lawsuit was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?

Kaṁ ārabbha?
Whom is it about?

Kismiṁ vatthusmiṁ …pe…
What is it about? …

Who handed it down?”

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena ussayavādikāya bhikkhuniyā aḍḍaṁ karaṇapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“The offense entailing suspension that is a result of a litigious nun initiating a lawsuit was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī ussayavādikā vihari, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā taking legal action.

Atthi tattha paññatti, anupaññatti, anuppannapaññattīti?
“Is there a rule, an addition to the rule, an unprompted rule?”

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Anupaññatti anuppannapaññatti tasmiṁ natthi.
There is no addition to the rule. There is no unprompted rule.

Sabbatthapaññatti, padesapaññattīti?
“Is it a rule that applies everywhere or in a particular place?”


Sādhāraṇapaññatti, asādhāraṇapaññattīti?
“Is it a rule that the monks and nuns have in common or not in common?”

Not in common.

Ekatopaññatti, ubhatopaññattīti?
“Is it a rule for one Sangha or for both?”

For one.

Catunnaṁ pātimokkhuddesānaṁ katthogadhaṁ kattha pariyāpannanti?
“In which of the four ways of reciting the Monastic Code is it contained and included?”

Nidānogadhaṁ nidānapariyāpannaṁ.
In the introduction.

Katamena uddesena uddesaṁ āgacchatīti?
“In which recitation is it included?”

Tatiyena uddesena uddesaṁ āgacchati.
In the third recitation.

Catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ katamā vipattīti?
“To which of the four kinds of failure does it belong?”

Failure in morality.

Sattannaṁ āpattikkhandhānaṁ katamo āpattikkhandhoti?
“To which of the seven classes of offenses does it belong?”

The class of offenses entailing suspension.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ katihi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhātīti?
“Through how many of the six kinds of originations of offenses does it originate?”

Dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
It originates in two ways:

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca samuṭṭhāti, na cittato;
from body and speech, not from mind; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe…
from body, speech, and mind. …

“Who handed it down?”

The lineage:

Upāli dāsako ceva,
“Upāli and Dāsaka,

soṇako siggavo tathā;
Soṇaka and so Siggava;

Moggaliputtena pañcamā,
With Moggaliputta as the fifth—

ete jambusirivhaye.
These were in India, the land named after the glorious rose apple.


Ete nāgā mahāpaññā,
These mighty beings of great wisdom,

Vinayaññū maggakovidā;
Knowers of the Monastic Law and skilled in the path;

Vinayaṁ dīpe pakāsesuṁ,
Proclaimed the Collection of Monastic Law,

Piṭakaṁ tambapaṇṇiyāti.
On the island of Sri Lanka.”

Coriṁ vuṭṭhāpanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of giving the full admission to a female criminal. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī coriṁ vuṭṭhāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā giving the full admission to a female criminal.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

siyā vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na kāyato;
from speech and mind, not from body; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind. …

Ekā gāmantaraṁ gamanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of walking to the next village by oneself. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī ekā gāmantaraṁ gacchi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun walking to the next village by herself.

Ekā paññatti, tisso anupaññattiyo.
There is one rule. There are three additions to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

paṭhamapārājike …pe….
… (as in the first offense entailing expulsion) …

Samaggena saṅghena ukkhittaṁ bhikkhuniṁ dhammena vinayena satthusāsanena anapaloketvā kārakasaṅghaṁ anaññāya gaṇassa chandaṁ osāraṇapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of readmitting a nun who had been ejected by a unanimous Sangha in accordance with the Teaching, the Monastic Law, and the Teacher’s instruction, without first getting permission from the Sangha that did the legal procedure and without the consent of the community. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī samaggena saṅghena ukkhittaṁ bhikkhuniṁ dhammena vinayena satthusāsanena anapaloketvā kārakasaṅghaṁ anaññāya gaṇassa chandaṁ osāresi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā readmitting a nun who had been ejected by a unanimous Sangha in accordance with the Teaching, the Monastic Law, and the Teacher’s instruction, without first getting permission from the Sangha that did the legal procedure and without the consent of the community.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Avassutāya bhikkhuniyā avassutassa purisapuggalassa hatthato khādanīyaṁ vā bhojanīyaṁ vā sahatthā paṭiggahetvā bhuñjanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of a lustful nun eating fresh or cooked food after receiving it directly from a lustful man. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sundarīnandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Sundarīnandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sundarīnandā bhikkhunī avassutā avassutassa purisapuggalassa hatthato āmisaṁ paṭiggahesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Sundarīnandā, being lustful, receiving food directly from a lustful man.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

paṭhamapārājike …pe….
… (as in the first offense entailing expulsion) …

“Kiṁ te, ayye, eso purisapuggalo karissati avassuto vā anavassuto vā, yato tvaṁ anavassutā. Iṅgha, ayye, yaṁ te eso purisapuggalo deti khādanīyaṁ vā bhojanīyaṁ vā taṁ tvaṁ sahatthā paṭiggahetvā khāda vā bhuñja vā”ti uyyojanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of urging a nun on, saying, “Venerable, what can this man do to you, whether he has lust or not, if you’re without? Go on, Venerable, receive it with your own hands and then eat whatever fresh or cooked food he gives to you”. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī—“kiṁ te, ayye, eso purisapuggalo karissati avassuto vā anavassuto vā, yato tvaṁ anavassutā. Iṅgha, ayye, yaṁ te eso purisapuggalo deti khādanīyaṁ vā bhojanīyaṁ vā taṁ tvaṁ sahatthā paṭiggahetvā khāda vā bhuñja vā”ti uyyojesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun urging a nun on, saying, “Venerable, what can this man do to you, whether he has lust or not, if you’re without? Go on, Venerable, receive it with your own hands and then eat whatever fresh or cooked food he gives to you.”

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Kupitāya anattamanāya bhikkhuniyā yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of an angry nun not stopping when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷiṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Caṇḍakālī.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷī bhikkhunī kupitā anattamanā evaṁ avaca—“buddhaṁ paccācikkhāmi, dhammaṁ paccācikkhāmi, saṅghaṁ paccācikkhāmi, sikkhaṁ paccācikkhāmī”ti, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Caṇḍakālī saying in anger, “I renounce the Buddha, I renounce the Teaching, I renounce the Sangha, I renounce the training!”

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Kismiñcideva adhikaraṇe paccākatāya bhikkhuniyā yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of a nun who has lost a legal case not stopping when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷiṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Caṇḍakālī.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷī bhikkhunī kismiñcideva adhikaraṇe paccākatā kupitā anattamanā evaṁ avaca—“chandagāminiyo ca bhikkhuniyo, dosagāminiyo ca bhikkhuniyo, mohagāminiyo ca bhikkhuniyo, bhayagāminiyo ca bhikkhuniyo”ti, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Caṇḍakālī, who had lost a legal case, saying in anger, “The nuns are acting out of favoritism, ill will, confusion, and fear.”

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Saṁsaṭṭhānaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of nuns who are socializing not stopping when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo saṁsaṭṭhā vihariṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns socializing.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

“Saṁsaṭṭhāva, ayye, tumhe viharatha. Mā tumhe nānā viharitthā”ti uyyojentiyā yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjanapaccayā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension that is a result of urging nuns on in this way: “Venerables, you should socialize. Don’t live separately,” and then not stopping when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī—“saṁsaṭṭhāva, ayye, tumhe viharatha. Mā tumhe nānā viharitthā”ti uyyojesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā urging the nuns on, saying, “Venerables, you should socialize. Don’t live separately.”

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Dadhiṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjanapaccayā pāṭidesanīyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing acknowledgment that is a result of asking for curd and then eating it. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo dadhiṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six asking for curd and then eating it.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ catūhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in four ways: …

Katthapaññattivāro niṭṭhito paṭhamo.
The first section on “where was it laid down?” is finished.