Translators: brahmali
The Compendium
The Nuns’ Analysis
Part two
2.10 Vipattivāra
The section on failure
Kāyasaṁsaggaṁ sādiyanapaccayā āpattiyo catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ kati vipattiyo bhajanti?
When it comes to the offenses that are a result of consenting to physical contact, to how many of the four kinds of failure do they belong?
Kāyasaṁsaggaṁ sādiyanapaccayā āpattiyo catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ dve vipattiyo bhajanti—
They belong to two kinds of failure:
siyā sīlavipattiṁ, siyā ācāravipattiṁ …pe….
they may be failure in morality; they may be failure in conduct. …
Dadhiṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjanapaccayā āpattiyo catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ kati vipattiyo bhajanti?
When it comes to the offenses that are a result of asking for curd and then eating it, to how many of the four kinds of failure do they belong?
Dadhiṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjanapaccayā āpattiyo catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ ekaṁ vipattiṁ bhajanti—
They belong to one kind of failure:
failure in conduct.
Vipattivāro niṭṭhito tatiyo.
The third section on failure is finished.